Fixed Star Regulus

Regulus at 29°50′ Leo has an orb of 2°30′
Constellation Leo Astrology

Leo Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Regulus on August 22

Fixed star Regulus, Alpha Leonis, is a multiple star system located in the heart of the Lion, Leo Constellation. Combined magnitude 1.35, spectral type B8, color blue-white.

Regulus appears singular but is a quadruple star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs: Regulus A (a spectroscopic binary) and Regulus BC. As shown below, the light output of the star system is dominated by Regulus A:

  • Regulus A, magnitude 1.40, spectral type B8 IVn.
  • Regulus B, magnitude 8.13, spectral type K2 V.
  • Regulus C, magnitude 13.5, spectral type M4 V.

The traditional name Regulus is Latin for ‘prince‘ or ‘little king.’ In Arabic, it is قلب الأسد (Qalb al-Asad, ‘the heart of the lion‘), the same as the Latin Cor Leōnis and Greek Kardia Leontos.

In Chinese, it is 轩辕十四, the Fourteenth Star of Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor. In Babylonian, it was Sharru, ‘the King,‘ and LUGAL, ‘the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.’

In Persian, it was Miyan, ‘the Centre,‘ andPersian monarchy’s  Venant, one of ththe Persian monarchy, where in 3,000 BC, as the Watcher of the North, it marked the summer solstice.

Symbolically the Crushing Foot, Regulus is associated with the healing Archangel Raphael, one of the four Archangel stars, characterized as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations 6) and Chariot Horses in the Book of Zechariah (The White went North).

27♌5428♌36Al Jabhah1°40′

Regulus Astrology

Ptolemy (100 BC) said Regulus was like Mars and Jupiter. Anonymous (379 AD) [5] said Jupiter and Mars. The spectral type of the main star (Regulus A) is B8, indicating a Jupiter nature. The secondary star (Regulus B) has a K2 spectra which indicates a Mars nature. Regulus A is about six times brighter than Regulus B.

REGULUS. α Lonis. A trip triple star is situated on the Lion’s bodyrine, situated on the body of the Lion. From Regulus, a Little King, and often called Cor Leonis, the Lion’s Heart, and symbolically the Crushing Foot. It was one of the four Royal Stars of the Persians in 3,000 B.C., when, as Watcher of the North, it marked the summer solstice.

According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter, but most later authors liken it to Mars only, while Alvidas states that it is similar to the Sun in good aspect to Uranus. It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death, success, high and lofty ideals and strength of spirit, and makes its natives magnanimous, grandly liberal, generous, ambitious, fond of power, desirous of command, high-spirited and independent.

Regulus was one of the fifteen Behenian Fixed Stars, associated with granite, mugwort, celandine, mastic and the kabbalistic symbol Agrippa1531 corLeonis.png. Its image is a lion, cat, or an honorable person seated in a chair. It makes the wearer temperate, gives favor and appeases wrath. [1]

REGULUS. α Leonis. A triple star, white and light blue. (B8). This star imparts to its natives martial honors, great authority, success, a fondness for power and authority, the ability to command, a native who appears to be grandly liberal, high-spirited native, independence, benefits that seldom last, victory over enemies, scandalous actions, turbulence (violence), failures and greatness that suffers an eclipse.

NOTE: Nativities having Regulus in conjunction with their celestial objects generally “leave their mark” on posterity, however there is always the danger, if they are in public view, of public dissatisfaction hovering over them, and in particular if the nativity is in conjunction with the star Alphard[6]

Regulus. Alpha Leonis, 1st Magnitude. Regulus, the Little King in the Heart of the Lion, called the Royal Star, may convey royal properties, noble mind, frankness, and courage. The importance of this fixed star is accentuated by its nearness to the ecliptic. Its effect is in the best sense that of Jupiter and Mars. When Mars or Saturn is in  with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded, e.g., assasinstions, coup d’états, revolutions, the overthrow of heads of state and similar events. [2]

Regulus is one of the most fortunate stars in the heavens. It portends glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence. Proclus (412-485) called Regulus the “Royal Star” and asserted that those born under it have a royal-like nativity. In judicial astrology, however, the dimming of the star presaged evil times. A Ninevite tablet, according to R.A. Allen, states: “If the star of the great lion is gloomy, the heart of the people will not rejoice.” [4]

Regulus rules two inches below the top of the kidneys. [3]

Regulus marks the beginning of the 8th nakshatra (Hindu lunar mansion), Magha (the bountiful): A severe asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favorable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be wealthy, fond of hills, merchants, valiant, and women haters. With Moon here at birth, the native will be wealthy, religious, contented, well-served, and fond of life. Rules grain boxes and the lips and upper mouth.

Regulus also marks the beginning of the 8th manzil (Arabic lunar mansion): The Forehead. Strengthens buildings, promotes love, benevolence, and help against enemies. With Moon here, sow, plant, release prisoners but take no purgatives.

Leo Constellation

Ptolemy makes the following observations: “Of the stars in Leo, two in the head are like Saturn and partly like Mars. The three in the neck are like Saturn, and in some degree like Mercury. . . . Those in the loins . . . Saturn and Venus: those in the thighs resemble Venus, and, in some degree, Mercury.” It is said that the stars in the neck, back and wing all bring trouble, disgrace and sickness affecting the part of the body ruled by the sign, especially if they happen to be in conjunction with the Moon. By the Kabalists, Leo is associated with the Hebrew letter Kaph and the 11th Tarot Trump “Strength.” [1]

In mundane astrology, Leo Constellation is associated with royal events, especially the ascension or death of kings and queens, the election or death of heads of state, assassinations, uprisings and massacres, currency and the stock exchange, the Vatican and European Union.

Regulus, Alpha Leonis

Regulus, Alpha Leonis []

Fixed Star Regulus Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Regulus: Military honor and preferment. Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal.

The 145th Consideration of Guido Bonnets is as follows: -” That thou see in Diurnal Nativities whether Cor Leonis be in the Ascendant, that is to say, in the Oriental Line or above it one degree or below it three degrees; or whether it be in the tenth in like degrees, without the Conjunction or Aspect of any of the Fortunes, for this alone signifies that the Native shall be a person of great note and power, too much exalted, and attain to high preferment and honors, although descended from the meanest parents. And, if any of the Fortunes behold that place also, his glory shall be the more increased; but, if the Nativity be nocturnal, his fortune will be somewhat meaner, but not much; but if the Infortunes cast their aspects there it will still be more mean; but if the Fortunes behold it also they will augment the good promised a fourth part, and mitigate the evil as much; yet still, whatever of all this happens, it signifies that the Native shall die an unhappy death; or at least that all his honors, greatness and power shall at last suffer an eclipse and set in a cloud. [1]

On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character, especially if in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter or Mercury. [2]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Illustrious generals who subjugate regions and cities and peoples, govern, are inclined to act, are submissive, speak frankly, have a taste for fighting, and carry out their purposes. They are effective, virile, victorious, harm their enemies, are opulent and perhaps very rich, big-minded and ambitious, and they generally do not die a happy death; moreover, lovers of hunting, connoisseurs and owners of horses and quadrupeds. [5]

Heidi Klum 0°01′, Lucy Hale 0°06′, Bernie Madoff 0°09′, Bernard Arnault 0°10′, Harold Holt 0°10′, Drake 0°12′, Heinrich von Kleist 0°12′, Paul Gauguin 0°18′, Anne Murray 0°22′, Camille Gottlieb 0°22′, Takako Shimazu 0°36′, Alan Leo 0°50′ (and Saturn), Donald Trump 0°53′ (and Mars), Nancy Pelosi 1°00′, Kenny Chesney 1°04′, Lorraine Warren 1°16′, Jacques Hadamard 1°17′, Édouard Manet 1°24′, Honoré de Balzac 1°36′, JD Vance 1°50′, John Fox 1°51′, Billy Bob Thornton 1°58′, George H. W. Bush 2°09′, Karl Ernst Krafft 2°10′, Martin Luther 2°14′, Martin Scorsese 2°20′, Guillaume Apollinaire 2°22′, Natalie Cole 2°30′.

Midheaven conjunct Regulus: Military honor and preferment. Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. If with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, great honor and ample fortune. [1]

Positioned on the Meridian, Regulus will raise the native to high positions in life, positions far exceeding the environment the native was born into. According to tradition, this configuration will bring with it connections with rulers, honorable people or famous people if the cosmogram as a whole points to this possibility. An old saying goes that Regulus in the tenth house “makes astrologers to kings, people in high positions and noble men.” Regulus culminating is not only a good omen for a military career, but also for careers connected with the public, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers and the clergy, especially if Regulus is also conjunct one of the lights (Sun or Moon) or with a benefic stellar body. [2]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Illustrious generals, who subjugate regions and cities and peoples, govern, are inclined to act, are submissive, speak frankly, have a taste for fighting, and carry out their purposes. They are effective, virile, victorious, harm their enemies, are opulent and perhaps very rich, big-minded and ambitious, and they generally do not die a happy death; moreover, lovers of hunting, connoisseurs and owners of horses and quadrupeds. [5]

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 0°03′ (and Neptune), Prince 0°28′ (and Pluto), Charles Ponzi 0°38′, Clint Eastwood 0°53′ (and Neptune), Jimmy Page 1°01′, Emily Dickinson 1°06′, Mata Hari 1°08′, Bernadette Brady 1°17′, Marquis de Sade 2°05′, Jim Carrey 2°14′ (and Uranus), Liam Payne 2°16′.

Descendant conjunct Regulus: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [5]

Audrey Hepburn 0°13′, J. P. Morgan 1°13′, William S. Burroughs 1°18′, Emmett Till 1°55′ (and Venus), Rolf Harris 2°01′ (and Neptune), Don King 2°03′.

Imum Coeli conjunct Regulus: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [5]

Jeff Stryker 0°47′ (and Sun, Uranus), Rosie O’Donnell 1°06′ (and Uranus)

Part of Fortune conjunct Regulus: Liza Minnelli 0°06′, John Maynard Keynes 1°05′, Nicholas Culpeper 1°05′, Steven Spielberg 1°18′, Rajneesh 1°24′, Priyanka Chopra 1°53′, Michael Jackson 2°05′, Nicolás Maduro 2°09′, Mariah Carey 2°10′.

Sun conjunct Regulus: Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, but violence, trouble and ultimate disgrace and ruin, sickness, fevers, benefits seldom last. [1]

This star imparts to its natives great honours, power and authority, high government or business is possible, great influence over friends. Natives with this conjunction should exercise caution else they be subject to troubles and possible ruin. Natives with a negatively aspected Sun must exercise greater caution else they be subjected not only to ruin but also to disgrace, violence and many troubles – – any benefits they have gained will seldom last. [6]

Cindy Williams 0°02′, John III Sobieski 0°03′, Wilt Chamberlain 0°06′, Barbara Eden 0°24′ Liam Payne 0°37′, Antonio Salieri 0°41′, Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud 0°42′, Ray Bradbury 0°46′ River Phoenix 0°48′, Princess Margaret 0°49′, H. P. Lovecraft 0°50′, Dua Lipa 0°53′ (and Venus), Archie M. Griffin 0°54′, Cornelia Stuyvesant Vanderbilt 0°58′ Kenny Rogers 0°59′, William IV of England 1°39′, Ukraine 1°16′, Gene Kelly 1°21′ Alicia Witt 1°23′, Brody Jenner 1°26′, James Degorski 1°31′, Jeff Stryker 1°35′ (and Uranus, IC), Dave Chappelle 1°44′, Dorothy Parker 1°49′, Don King 1°52′, Coco Chanel 1°55′, Leonardo Conti 1°56′.

Moon conjunct Regulus: Occult interests, powerful friends, danger from enemies and false friends, gain by speculation, public prominence, great power, honor, wealth, benefits seldom last, violence, trouble and sickness. It makes women high-spirited and independent. If at the same time, the Sun is with the Dragon’s Head in Gemini, or Jupiter is in the 10th house in trine to Mars and the Sun is with the Dragon’s Head, great preferment even from the lowest sphere to high rank. [1]

The native can gain great public acceptance but must work to keep it; these natives can gain friends in important places; gain by speculation, receive honors, wealth and authority. The native will be high-spirited and independent. Positively aspected natives may expect lasting fame or lasting public acceptance. Negatively aspected natives have much of the same attributes but must also work to keep any gains they made; they may also gain friends in important places and may also receive honors and gain wealth. These natives will be subject to danger from friends or enemies or friends who turn out to be false friends. They are subject to violence, accidents, and chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness. These natives are continually ‘striving,’ but they can go so high and no higher. Some of these natives may become famous as ‘promoters,’ ‘operators,’ or simply good salesmen. A mental restlessness exists. [6]

A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [5]

Angelica Raven 0°03′, Margaret Thatcher 0°09′, Joyce Wieland 0°14′, Nagasaki Atomic Blast 0°18′, Ian Thorpe 0°19′, Enrique Peña Nieto 0°22′, Alexei Navalny 0°35′, Kurt Tucholsky 0°43′, Benjamin Disraeli 0°47′, Angela Rippon 0°49′, Martha Raye 1°02′, Willy Brandt 1°06′, Winston Churchill 1°31′, Star Wars 1°32′, Noel Tyl 1°34′, Walt Whitman 1°40′, 2016 Dallas Police Massacre 1°40′, Venus Williams 1°53′, Dolly Parton 1°53′, Dawn Fraser 1°58′, Xiao Qian 2°05′, k.d.. Lang 2°30′ (and Uranus), Richard Branson 2°28′, L. Ron Hubbard 2°30′, Klaus Barbie 2°30′.

Mercury conjunct Regulus: Honorable, just, popular, generosity abused by opponents, fame, gain through high position. [1]

The native is honorable, just, popular and may make financial gains in their careers. Natives generosity may be abused by friends, relatives and those who profess to be friends. Fame: good or bad is possible. [6]

Gene Kelly 0°40′, Archie M. Griffin 0°49′, Huw Edwards 1°04′ (and N.Node), Don Marquis 1°24′ (and Uranus), Tim Burton 1°30′, William Bligh 1°51′, Dolores O’Riordan 1°54′. 

Venus conjunct Regulus: Many disappointments, unexpected happenings, violent attachments, trouble through love affairs. [1]

The native may be subject to disappointments, this may be in their careers, romantic or domestic life. Unexpected occurrences, good or bad may be expected. Strong attachments may create problems. Native is subject to making wrong selections, error of judgement in friends, marriage partners; unless caution and extreme care is exercised. Negatively, there is the possibility of a disaster due to strong attachments. [6]

Alexander the Great 0°03′, Nayib Bukele 0°08′, Emmett Till 0°19′ (and DC), Dua Lipa 0°29′ (and Sun), Heinrich Himmler 0°29′, Monica Lewinsky 1°00′, Jack Wrangler 1°33′, Michael Richards 1°41′, Al-Biruni 2°02′.

Mars conjunct Regulus: Honor, fame, strong character, public prominence, high military command. [1]

The native may experience fame, receive high honors, gain public prominence; a strong evidence of strength of character may exhibit itself. The native is subject to accidents, or accidental or sudden death, unless caution is exercised. [6]

0°30′ orb: This is one who takes command and gives orders. These persons work well in the military and can achieve high goals and honors here. The commanding personality extends even to their love life, since everyone is merely a stepping stone for their pleasures and ego. [3]

When Mars or Saturn is in conjunction with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded, e.g., assassinations, coup d’états, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, the overthrow of heads of state and similar events. [2]

Henry Ford 0°00′, Imelda Marcos 0°20′ (and Neptune), Viktor Orban 0°40′ (and Uranus), James VI and I 0°40′, Antonio Salieri 1°37′, Caitlyn Jenner 1°40′, David Cameron 1°51′, Ronaldinho 2°00′ (and N.Node), Elizabeth Montgomery 2°02′, Donald Trump 2°18′ (and AC), Princess Diana of Wales 2°21′, Ariana Grande 2°25′, Benjamin Netanyahu 2°25′.

Sun conjunct Mars conjunct Regulus (0°30′ orb): This does create quite a problem. These natives are like pompous kings strutting around and showing their importance. They are always in a position of authority, and they demand total recognition for their achievements and abilities. They like to catch others off guard and show off their superiority. They do not know what the word “humble” means. Their drive and needs are extreme and overpowering. They strive to go to the very top in the military. These individuals are simply out of touch with everything except for the acknowledgment of their authority. The Sun and Mars in conjunction here does affect the health. These persons have too much energy pumping through the heart, and later on in life when they no longer have the vitality to feed this, the heart loses some of its elasticity and strength at which time a critical point is reached. Only a few make it past sixty years of age. They could increase their lifespan if they learn to be humble, but they would have to start early in life. [3]

Jupiter conjunct Regulus: Fame, high preferment, especially of a military nature, success in the Church. [1]

Native is subject to fame, high preferment, especially in the military or government; however, greatness and power will suffer an eclipse. A general lack of self-control not readily apparent could evidence itself by bottled emotions. [6]

Jupiter conjunct Regulus is one of the best configurations for success. People like this can reach high positions, positions of trust, preferment, favor and fortune. Riches and power can easily come to these natives. [2]

Ray Bradbury 0°20′, Whoopi Goldberg 0°26′ (and Pluto), Bill Maher 0°28′ (and Pluto), Gavin Newsom 0°54′, F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°56′, Tom Hanks 1°08′ (and Pluto), Bill Gates 1°26′ (and Pluto), Keith Richards 2°00′.

Saturn conjunct Regulus: Just, friends among the clergy, success in Church or law, scholarly, wealth, gain through speculation, companies and friends, high position, proud of home and family, good health, heart trouble at end of life. If angular and especially if rising or culminating, public honor and credit. If Mars be with the Pleiades, violent death in a tumult. [1]

When Mars or Saturn is in conjunction with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded, e.g., assassinations, coup d’états, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, the overthrow of heads of state and similar events. [2]

Billy Joel 0°14′, Alan Leo 0°17′ (and AC), Volodymyr Zelenskyy 0°43′, Emmanuel Macron 0°55′

Uranus conjunct Regulus: Energetic, ambitious, successful, may be unjust or dishonorable, self-aggrandizement, high official position, panders to aristocracy, associated with religion for business purposes, gain through speculation and companies, favorable for marriage, sorrow through death of daughter and disappointment through a son; friends become enemies at end of life, may retire and live in seclusion, violent death through accident or assassination. [1]

These persons strive to be leaders and almost make it to the top of their objective. They like to be in government positions in order to control masses of people. Support comes their way on the road to success, but just when they begin to feel the glory of success, someone causes their downfall. Something always happens so that they lose the confidence of their superiors, or the public will lose confidence in the individual. This happens abruptly and with surprise, and of course, affects the ego tremendously. [3]

The list below investigates “sorrow through death of daughter.” This has been the case historically but not in modern times. The historic deaths were from illnesses that have now been eradicated or are treatable:

  • Don Marquis 0°12′ (and Mercury). His only daughter, Barbara, died of pneumonia at age 13, and his only son, Robert, died at age 6.
  • Jennifer Jason Leigh 0°17′. One son was born in 2010. No daughters.
  • Garth Brooks 0°22′. Three daughters were born in 1992, 1994, and 1996. One of them has given him a grandchild.
  • Eddie Izzard 0°22′. No children.
  • Louis XV 0°27′ (and Pluto). His first of 23 children (10 legitimate) were twin girls, Louise-Élisabeth and Henriette. Henriette died of smallpox at age 24, and Louise-Élisabeth died of smallpox at age 32. His third child, Marie Louise, died of the common cold aged 4. Louis XV was “devastated” over her death as she was the first of his children to die. His fourth child and first son Louis, died of tuberculosis aged 36, also while his father was still alive. His fifth child, Philippe, died at age 2. Next, Adélaïde lived to age 67, Victoire to 66, and Sophie to 47. His seventh daughter and ninth legitimate child, Thérèse, died of smallpox aged 8. Next, his son Louise lived to age 50. His illegitimate children mostly live long lives.
  • Jim Carrey 0°28′ (and MC). Has a daughter Jane born in 1987.
  • Peter Jackson 0°39′. A son born in 1995 and daughter born in 1996.
  • >Julia Gillard 0°42′. No children.
  • >k.d. Lang 0°43′ (and Moon). No children.
  • Samuel Johnson 0°44′ (and Pluto). Three stepchildren.
  • David Armstrong-Jones 0°45′. Charles was born in 1999, and Margarita was born in 2002.

Brutus de Villeroi 0°50′, Miss Cleo 0°51′, Heather Locklear 0°53′, Leif Garrett 0°53′, Steve Irwin 0°58′, Sean Hannity 0°58′, Ghislaine Maxwell 1°06′, Steve Carell 1°05′, Meg Ryan 1°07′, Jeff Stryker 1°23′ (and Sun, IC), Tom Cruise 1°24′, Viktor Orban 2°03′ (and Mars), Rosie O’Donnell 2°06′ (and IC), Garry Kasparov 2°07′, Jordan Peterson 2°14′, Johnny Depp 2°15′.

Neptune conjunct Regulus: Prominent leader, lawgiver, diplomatic, strong character, control over others, influential friends, few if any enemies, domestic harmony, natural death in old age. [1]

Anne Frank 0°02′, Audrey Hepburn 0°14′, Jane Roberts 0°15′, Imelda Marcos 0°28′ (and Mars), Andy Warhol 0°29′, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 1°17′ (and MC), Mirka Mora 1°48, Clint Eastwood 2°02′ (and MC), Martin Luther King 2°03′, Anton LaVey 2°11′, Che Guevara 2°25′, Rolf Harris 2°25′ (and DC).

Pluto conjunct Regulus: An activist on human rights, suspicious about what big government and corporations are hiding, interested in conspiracy theories.

Whoopi Goldberg 0°40′ (and Jupiter), Prince 0°42′ (and MC), Bill Gates 0°52′ (and Jupiter), Bill Maher 1°12′ (and Jupiter), Sid Vicious 1°18′, Louis XV 1°34′ (and Uranus), Samuel Johnson 1°35′ (and Uranus), Nancy Spungen 1°38′, Tom Hanks 2°13′ (and Jupiter), Nicole Brown Simpson 2°24′, Ellen DeGeneres 2°25′.

If with a malefic and the Moon with Antares, Praesepe or the Pleiades: blindness or injuries to the eyes. [1]

North Node conjunct Regulus: Boy George 0°05′, Elizabeth I 0°14′, Bezalel Smotrich 0°15′, Jimi Hendrix 0°17′, Joe Biden 0°40′, Robert Hand 0°45′, Arthur Koestler 0°51′, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán 1°01′, Princess Diana of Wales 1°06′, Martin Scorsese 1°27′, Ronaldinho 1°54′ (and Mars), Barack Obama 1°57′, Huw Edwards 2°07′ (and Mercury), Camille Grimaldi 2°16′.

South Node conjunct Regulus: Roman Polanski 0°18′, Harvey Weinstein 1°05′, Lucy Hale 1°28′, Chris Brown 1°30′


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.48, 195, 235.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.46-48.
  3. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.67.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.43.
  5. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.
  6. The Power of Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979. p.122-123.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.