Porrima at 10°08′ Libra has an orb of 2°00′
The Sun joins Porrima on October 3
Fixed star Porrima, Gamma Virginis, is the primary component in a binary star system on the left elbow of the Maiden, Virgo Constellation. The ϒ Virginis system consists of two nearly identical dwarfs with similar properties and the same spectra. Combined magnitude 2.74, spectral type F0 V, color yellow.
- ϒ Virginis A magnitude 3.65.
- ϒ Virginis B magnitude 3.56.
The name Porrima comes from the Ancient Roman goddess of the future and prophecy. She was also known as Antevorta or Prorsa (a contraction of Proversa). Officially, the name Porrima applies only to the component Gamma Virginis A but was traditionally used for the entire star system. In Chinese astronomy, Porrima represents 東上相 (Dōngshǎngxiāng), the First Eastern Minister. [1]
2000* | 2050 | Name | Orb |
04♎50 | 05♎32 | Zaniah | 1°30′ |
09♎56 | 10♎38 | Vindemiatrix | 2°00′ |
10♎08 | 10♎50 | Porrima | 2°00′ |
13♎27 | 14♎09 | Algorab | 1°50′ |
17♎40 | 18♎22 | Seginus | 1°50′ |
Porrima Astrology
Fixed star Porrima has the spectral type F0, indicating the planetary nature of Mercury.
CAPHIR. γ Virginus. A binary and slightly variable white star on the left arm of Virgo. Called an Atonement Offering and the Submissive One. According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Mercury and Venus; to Simmonite, of Mercury alone; and to Alvidas, of Venus and Mars. It gives a courteous, refined and lovable character with prophetic instincts. [2]
PORRIMA. γ Virginus. A binary and yellow-white star on the left arm of Virgo. 2 revolving dwarf Sun. Spectral class FO. This star gives the native an agreeable disposition, idealism, popularity, small difficulties. [3]
The star Arich (Porrima) indicates occult ability in the charts of the natives in which it is prominent. [4]
Only one-fifth of a degree from Vindemiatrix is the star Porrima, or Antevorta, or Postvorta, or Porsa, or Zawait Al Awwa, or Kafir (Caphir), γ Virginis. It is not open to further bids to christen it! This must seem extraordinary to the astrologer, for whom the star is virtually indistinguishable from its predecessor, but there is a big difference in their declinations, Vindemiatrix being the lady’s upraised hand while Porrima is under her reclining back. Between the two, in fact, is a third star, δ Virginis, Minelauva/Minalawwa, on her tummy, which is not noted for use in astrology. The titles Porrima through Prorsa all refer to two early goddesses of prediction, much favored by the Romans, which must alone account for them taking any note of this star at all. And the Arabic title Kafir (Infidel) for it no doubt springs from Islamic revulsion against pagan goddesses. The other Arabic title, Zawait Al Awwa, means ‘Temple, or Mosque, at the Corner’, for the star does indeed lie on a marked bend in the figure of the constellation as a whole. The third star’s name, Minalawwa, simply means ‘From (away from) the Corner’. If we wish to give significance to δ Virginis as Porrima etc., then the theme must be that it emphasizes the common obsession of predictors with the death connotations of Vindemiatrix, while, as Kafir, it is a reminder to the missionary in Al Muredin that he is going out to meet the pagan devotees of sundry gods and goddesses. Its Mercury-Venus classification by Ptolemy, coupled with the Saturn-Mercury of Muredin, is remarkably akin to the Quran with its regular alternation of promises of peace and reward to the faithful, and stern warnings to those who continue in their paganism. So it is itself both a warning to the would-be missionary of what he must confront, advice on the peace he should preach, and promise of the reward that awaits his labors. [5]
The Latins called this Porrima, or Antevorta, sometimes Postvorta, names of two ancient goddesses of prophecy, sisters, and assistants of Carmenta or Carmentis, worshiped and at times invoked by their women. Porrima was known as Prorsa and Prosa by Aulus Gellius of our 2nd century. In Babylonia, it marked the 19th ecliptic constellation, Shur-mahru-shiru, the Front, or West, Shur (?); while individually, it was Kakkab Dan-nu, the Star of the Hero, and the reference point in their annals of an observation of Saturn on the 1st of March, 228 B.C., the first mention of this planet that we have, and recorded by the second-century Greek astronomer Ptolemy. The Chinese knew gamma (γ Porrima) as Shang Seang, the High Minister of State. [6]
Fixed star Porrima rules the center of the left kidney. [7]
The Camenae were three, sometimes four in number: Carmentis or Carmenta, the leader of the Camenae; Antevorta; Postvorta; and Ægeria…Her name was derived from the Latin carere and mens, words meaning “devoid of” and “reason”, referring to the state of prophetic frenzy, in which She was out of Her mind or insane. Antevorta and Postvorta were probably at first two aspects of Carmenta who in time became important enough on their own to be considered separate Goddesses, though they were still generally believed to be sisters or attendants of Carmenta. Their names refer to Their prophetic powers that come into play at the birth of a child: both come from the root vertere, meaning “to change, turn, or alter”; so Antevorta then means, “Before Change” and Postvorta “After Change”. [8]
Constellation Virgo
Ptolemy makes the following observations; “The stars in the head of Virgo, and that at the top of the southern wing, operate like Mercury and somewhat like Mars: the other bright stars in the same wing, and those about the girdle, resemble Mercury in their influence, and also Venus, moderately . . . those at the points of the feet and at the bottom of the garments are like Mercury, and also Mars, moderately.” By the Kabalists, it is associated with the Hebrew letter Gimel and the 3rd Tarot Trump “The Empress.” [2]
This constellation is indicative of an abundance in harvest and a fruitfulness of agriculture in general. But when prominent in the charts of eclipses, it portends events concerning kings (heads of state) and, in this regard, can be an ill omen indeed. [4]
In astrology, this constellation and Gemini were the House of Mercury. But usually, and far more appropriately, Virgo’s stars have been given over to the care of Ceres, her namesake, the long-time goddess of the harvest. For her astrological colors, Virgo assumed black speckled with blue and was thought of as governing the abdomen in the human body, but always as an unfortunate, sterile sign. The appearance of a comet within its borders implied many grievous ills to the female portion of the population. [6]
Fixed Star Porrima Conjunctions
Ascendant conjunct Porrima: Honor, intellect, great learning (Mercury nature). [2]
Zoë Kravitz 0°08′, Edwin Castro 0°17′, Cat Stevens 0°24′ (and Neptune), Tony Abbott 0°24′, Yoko Ono 0°43′, Viktor Orbán 0°55′, Boris Johnson 1°26′, Donald Maclean 1°57′.
Midheaven conjunct Porrima: Business activity, gain through books and intellectual matters (Mercury nature). [2]
Bernardo Provenzano 0°18′, Ronaldinho 0°50′, John III Sobieski 1°07′, Friedrich Nietzsche 1°17′, Richard Ramirez 1°28′, Garry Kasparov 1°36′.
Descendant conjunct Porrima: Walt Whitman 0°22′, Jon Voight 1°16′.
Part of Fortune conjunct Porrima: Edgar Cayce 0°01′, J. P. Morgan 0°19′, Elizabeth II 0°21′, James VI and I 0°50′, Tiger Woods 1°10′
Sun conjunct Porrima: Involved in an intrigue, some difficulty of short duration leaving native in an unpleasant position. [2]
Preferment in sports, writings, astrology and matters dealing with public affairs. These natives with a well aspected Sun have an inner drive for obtaining recognition, they seem to feel they must communicate in some manner, their philosophies, their ideals, their ideas to the public. These natives forge ahead, strive hard for recognition and eventually become recognized as a leader. There is some danger of the native becoming involved in intrigues, perhaps without them really knowing they are involved. [3]
Gwen Stefani 0°45′, Jimmy Carter 1°01′, Charlton Heston 1°13′, Mohandas Gandhi 1°17′, Ilhan Omar 1°24′.
Moon conjunct Porrima: Popular, business worries, domestic disharmony and divorce, poor health. [2]
These natives can become well-liked and popular and gain preferment in legal, unusual occupations and matters dealing with public affairs. There is the possibility of small worries, if they engage in business matters. [3]
Walt Disney 0°22′, Sid Vicious 1°07′, Nicole Brown Simpson 1°17′ (and N. Node).
Mercury conjunct Porrima: Legal troubles, criticism, many worries, business difficulties which will be overcome, ill-health, loses the respect of associates. [2]
The native is prudent, capable of good judgement, however, natives with this conjunction may encounter business or domestic difficulties. Native will be subject to many worries. The native can become very popular, generally these natives are somewhat idealistic, inclined to look after the disadvantaged. [3]
Benjamin Netanyahu 0°09′, Al-Biruni 1°26′ (and N. Node).
Venus conjunct Porrima: Unfavorable for gain, many scandals from passionate love affairs. [2]
The native attracts friends, or those who would be friends and is of a pleasant demeanor unless aroused. These natives should exercise caution not to permit their sympathies for people or causes to unduly sway them. There is also the possibility, under this conjunction, of scandals or scandalous actions possibly from which there is no retreat. [3]
This brings a love of balance and harmony, and one who sees the positive side of a partnership. They are loving to all and never carry negative thought. It brings goodness and knowledge, and security in the knowledge that they will always be loved in return by the partner and other people. They are usually involved in a marital state and function well socially and with the public. They participate in social events often because they are constantly sought after socially. They simply never display hypercritical energy and are therefore loved by many. [7]
Louis XVI 0°12′, Elizabeth I 0°51′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°52′.
Mars conjunct Porrima: Loss through lawsuits and by fire or storm, trouble with the opposite sex, marriage partner and public. [2]
The native is enterprising, of a somewhat speculative nature or ‘gambling’ type – these natives will take a chance and trust it will all come out ok. The negative nativities have the same attributes, but are also subject to becoming entangled in affairs or problems that could prove embarrassing to them, or in some situations could result in legal problems. [3]
(No orb): This is not a difficult energy. There is enough soothing energy here to keep the kidneys functioning without permanent damage. These individuals should take olive oil with water in a ratio of one teaspoon of olive oil to a ¼ cup of water about once each month to keep the kidneys in balance. [7]
Margaret Thatcher 0°21′, Bill Gates 0°34′, Catherine, Princess of Wales 0°34′, William, Prince of Wales 0°41′, April Ashley 0°54′, David Duke 1°05′, Whitney Houston 1°07′,
Jupiter conjunct Porrima: Trouble through legal affairs or with the Church, disputes over inheritance, domestic disharmony through intrigue and consequent scandal. [2]
The native can gain public preferment and popularity. However, natives with this conjunction may encounter many problems, some could be nearly scandalous. [3]
Judy Garland 0°04′, Paris Hilton 0°21′ (and Saturn), Pierre Cardin 0°54′, Charles Bronson 0°55′, Marie Antoinette 0°59′, Miley Cyrus 1°28′, Columba 1°31′.
Saturn conjunct Porrima: Intelligent, studious, home troubles in early life, evil environment, liable to imprisonment or execution for another’s crime, especially if in 12th house, suffers through conspiracy of friends or relatives, domestic disharmony, sickly children, home broken up, death in prison. [2]
This is similar to the position of Saturn at Vindemiatrix; however, the problem is much less severe. If these individuals would place a hot pack on their back in the area of the kidneys occasionally, they would not suffer extreme discomfort. Papaya juice and raspberry tea would be extremely helpful in keeping the kidneys functioning properly. [7]
Allan Kardec 0°17′, Beyoncé 0°49′, Paris Hilton 0°51′ (and Jupiter).
Uranus conjunct Porrima: Well educated, good intellect, easily influenced, led astray into extremely unpleasant environment by false friends, strong passions, often remains single, frequent accidents to the head, sudden and unexpected death through accident. [2]
Corey Feldman 0°03′, Julian Assange 0°12′, Mark Wahlberg 0°15′, Elon Musk 0°16′, Hunter Biden 1°10′.
Neptune conjunct Porrima: Shrewd and cunning for evil, changes in early life, many disappointments affecting the mental balance, abnormal religious enthusiasm, unpractical and useless pursuits. [2]
James Woods 0°28′, Stephen King 0°38′, Susan Miller 0°39′, Ted Bundy 0°45′, Clarence Thomas 0°47′, Nicholas Culpeper 0°51′, Marina Abramović 0°53′, Gianni Versace 0°55′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 0°57′, Cat Stevens 1°01′ (and AC), Steve Forbes 1°10′, Queen Camilla 1°11′, Steven Spielberg 1°13′, Uri Geller 1°14′, O. J. Simpson 1°16′, Salman Rushdie 1°23′, David Bowie 1°23′.
Pluto conjunct Porrima: Itamar Ben-Gvir 0°25′, Sarah Paulson 0°43′, Alexei Navalny 0°50′, Drew Barrymore 1°01′, Leonardo DiCaprio 1°34′.
North Node conjunct Porrima: Bruce Lee 0°19′, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 0°34′, Zendaya 0°37′, Al-Biruni 1°08′ (and Mercury), Nicole Brown Simpson 1°09′ (and Moon), Emmanuel Macron 1°16′.
South Node conjunct Porrima: Will Smith 0°02′, Bernadette Brady 0°58′, Novak Djokovic 0°59′, Rudolf Hess 1°17′, Barbara Hutton 1°17′.
- Porrima (Gamma Virginis) – Star Facts.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.100, 107-108, 153-154.
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.140-142.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.44-45.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.72-73.
- Star Names Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1963, Virgo.
- The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.80.
- The Camenae, Roman Prophetic Water-Goddesses, thaliatook.com.
- All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.