Fixed Star Giedi

Giedi at 03°51′ Aquarius has an orb of 1°40′
Capricornus Constellation

Capricornus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Giedi on January 24

Fixed star Giedi, Alpha Capricorni is an optical double star located in the right horn of the Sea Goat, Capricornus Constellation.

Alpha¹ Capricorni and Alpha² Capricorni (α¹ Cap and α² Cap) appear as an optical double star. However, they are not physically related and just happen to line up along the same line of sight. The two stars are separated by 0°06′ in the sky and can be resolved with the unaided eye. Coincidentally, both Alpha¹ and Alpha² are yellow giants.

Star2000Stat TypeSpectraMag.Orb
α¹ Cap03♒46BinaryG34.27 1°20′
α² Cap03♒51TripleG8.53.571°40′

Note: I only list the position of α² Capricorni in the star lists as it is the primary (brightest) component of the Alpha Capricorni star system.

α¹ Capricorni is a double star system composed of a yellow supergiant star and a fainter (mag. 8.60) companion, discovered by the Hipparcos satellite in 2000. [1]

α² Capricorni is a triple star system composed of a single yellow giant star and a binary system consisting of two smaller stars, one-quarter the size of the primary star.

Alpha Capricorni was traditionally called Algedi, Algiedi, Al Giedi or Giedi, derived from the Arabic الجدي al-jady “the billy goat” or “kid”. In 2016, α² Capricorni was officially named Algedi.

  • α¹ Capricorni was historically called Algiedi Prima or Prima Giedi (the First Goat).
  • α² Capricorni was historically called Algiedi Secunda or Secunda Giedi (the Second Goat).

Giedi Astrology

Fixed star Giedi has the spectral type G8.5 and G3, which indicates the planetary nature of the Sun.

GEIDI. α Capricorni. A multiple star, yellow, ash and lilac. Situated on the south horn of the Goat. From Al Jady, the Goat. Symbolically called the Slain Kid. According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus and Mars; to Simmonite, of Venus and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Uranus in sextile to Venus. It gives beneficence, sacrifice and offering. [2]

GEIDI. α Capricorni. A double star. Spectral class G5 and G8. The first star is a super giant and the second star merely a giant. Nearby is a triple star. Spectral class G1 and A. In Hipparchus time these stars were close together, but by Bayers time they drifted apart far enough to be readily separated by the naked eye. There is a minute blue companion nearby. This star brings a ‘mixed bag’ to its natives. This star creates vanity, unexpected events, good luck, an eventful life, peculiar romantic and domestic problems. [3]

Giedi, the lucky one, has a nature as the Sun and personifies the total nature of the constellation. [4]

What we should expect from Giedi and Dabih strong in a horoscope is that the person having them there will show great patience and trust, Faith, in a crisis, yet with a decisiveness that will take the action needed, not fudge the issue. Of course, that means that such people are likely to meet with crises in plenty and, if the aspects be harsh ones, more crises than anyone would wish. If Saturn or Mars be among the planets thus involved, the strain upon the person may be too much in the end, but the benefics, Jupiter and Venus, will show such a person to be a seemingly inexhaustible tower of strength to others in difficult times. [5]

Fixed star Giedi rules the center of the calf of the right leg. [6]

Constellation Capricornus

Ptolemy’s observations are as follows “The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus: those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter.” By the Kabalists this constellation is associated with the Hebrew letter Yod and the 10th Tarot Trump “The Wheel of Fortune.” [2]

Capricorn has a great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. Along with the sign, the constellation is also noted as the “Mansion of Kings”. Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses, it indicated major storms, especially at sea. [4]

Alpha2 Capricorni, Algedi

Alpha Capricorni, Algedi []

Fixed Star Giedi Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Giedi: David Bowie 0°15′, William Butler Yeats 1°06′, Lionel Messi 1°22′, F. Scott Fitzgerald 1°32′.

Midheaven conjunct Giedi: Eva Perón 0°07′, Alan Turing 0°20′, Joe Rogan 0°22′, George Washington 0°26′, Carl Sagan 0°27′, Steve Forbes 0°50′, Queen Victoria 1°09′.

Descendant conjunct Giedi: Joseph Goebbels 0°39′, William Blake 0°46′, Celine Dion 0°46′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Giedi: Marlene Dietrich 0°04′, Shirley MacLaine 0°46′, Malcolm X 0°53′.

Sun conjunct Giedi: Peculiar events, unexpected losses and gains, sometimes great good fortune. [2]

Preferment in writings, associations with public matters, peculiar events during the natives life. The native may acquire new and influential friends, receive favors. More negative nativities may expect losses and criticism, possibly legal entanglement. [3]

Allison DuBois 1°00′.

Moon conjunct Giedi: Peculiar and unexpected events, eccentric, public criticism, new and influential friends, valuable gifts, love of respectable women but difficulties and sometimes platonic marriage. [2]

Great good fortune possible, although after considerable effort. If engaged in activities affecting public matters the native can expect criticism, generally deserved. There may be a tendency for these natives to be liberal or radical and if radical, open themselves to criticism. Writing and legal preferment, unusual occupations are the forte of these natives. The native can be subject to unexpected and peculiar happenings during the lifetime. Domestic problems possible. The natives with this conjunction who are successful will be somewhat proud, even vain, proud of their accomplishments, no matter how great or how little. [3]

(0°15′ orb): This causes extreme emotional problems. These natives have an extreme emotional chemistry. When this position is poorly aspected by the transiting Sun, these persons will become unstable mentally for two or three days as the aspect becomes exact. It is very difficult to live with a person with this degree, as the mental problems become unbearable at times. There is a restricted energy affecting the balance of their emotional makeup and nervous system. They do become unbalanced and are literally insane for short periods of time. Often they remain secluded as they do not relate very well with the public.

This point is affected adversely with the generation born with Pluto in the sign Leo, an opposition aspect (born 1939 to 1942). The result would be an extreme emotional obsession depending on the circumstances. Revenge, hate, or just self-destructiveness is often the result with this Pluto opposition energy. The individual simply tears down one cycle of destruction only to begin another in an entirely different direction. They generally begin the destruction within themselves first in order that they can feel the affect. They then spread this emotional destructiveness to those they can bring into their cycle – people they are able to victimize easily. They involve themselves in sadistic and masochistic games that ultimately results in more resentment so that the emotionally destructive cycle continues throughout the lifetime. Even though there is no opposition affect by Pluto in the chart, the individual with this position is in a totally unbalanced emotional state. There is not another position that is more difficult emotionally than this fixed star degree. These natives choose this for their incarnation for the reason that there were many imbalances from previous lives that had not been worked out. The energy allows them to be irresponsible in their emotional reactions as they do not care how others are affected by their emotional outbursts. Those involves with these persons consider them irrational and insane and accept them as they are. The best therapy for those with this position would be for them to work with others who have the same emotional imbalance, as they themselves are helped through service to others. If they chose not to be of service to others, their own emotional imbalance would become more severe, especially when the transiting Sun aspects their natal degree by conjunction, opposition or square. [6]

Adam Ant 0°00′, Johnny Weismuller 0°07′, James Bryson McLachlan 0°16′, Robert Pelletier 0°18′, Pierre Casiraghi 0°22′, David Berkowitz 0°24′, John McCain 0°29′, David Letterman 0°32′, Cat Stevens 0°33′, Bruce Willis 0°38′, William Gerhardie 0°39′, Napoleon II of France 0°42′, Steve McQueen 0°43′, Red Skelton 0°47′, Cecil Womack 0°51′, David Frawley 1°01′, Niki de Saint-Phalle 1°05′, Charles Manson 1°08′, Arthur Conan Doyle 1°09′, Caitlyn Jenner 1°13′, Moses Annenberg 1°16′, Larry Hagman 1°19′, Russell Crowe 1°24′, Tycho Brahe 1°24′.

Mercury conjunct Giedi: Romantic, psychic, vacillating, many love affairs some of which cause notoriety, may elope with married person. [2]

These natives can be diplomatic; but not exactly conciliatory. There is a tendency towards indecision, there will be psychic preferment, acknowledged or not. Possibly unusual romantic or domestic situations. [3]

Jeane Dixon 0°00′, Jamison Twins 0°02′, Michael Jordan 0°35′, Marilyn Manson 1°01′, Emanuel Swedenborg 1°03′, Bob Marley 1°34′. 

Venus conjunct Giedi: Many strange and unexpected events, peculiar and romantic marriage, may be separated for years from partner through secret government or political reasons of which even native may be ignorant. [2]

There may be unexpected events during the life of the native with this conjunction, this could be an unexpected rise to an authoritive position, unexpected honours for the natives contributions to society. The native is prideful. [3]

Susan Miller 0°13′, Charles Cullen 0°45′, Nancy Spungen 0°53′, Phil Spector 1°02′, Joe Exotic 1°20′.

Mars conjunct Giedi: Abrupt, aggressive, much criticism, public position. [2]

The native will be very determined, aggressive, but their actions can create family problems or unpleasant conditions, or subject them to criticism. [3]

(0°15′ orb): These natives are concerned with strengthening their calf muscles and legs. They are the persons who would run with weights on their legs and lift weights with their feet and toes. This eventually causes problems with their legs due to the intensity that this is done. The energy is restricted causing an interruption of blood flow to the legs. The legs should be relaxed for periods of time to allow a smooth flow of energy to return. Continued physical activity would subject the native to shin splints. [6]

Otto von Bismarck 0°09′, Josef Mengele 0°43′, Richard Ramirez 0°45′.

Jupiter conjunct Giedi: Government position, preferment in law or Church, marriage abroad, favorable for gain and inheritance. [2]

This conjunction is good for gain with a well aspected Jupiter. Preferment in government, legal, religion, martial matters. [3]

Agatha Christie 0°21′, Anthony Hopkins 0°24′, John III Sobieski 0°30′, Dave Chappelle 0°46′, William S. Burroughs 0°56′, Billy Joel 1°04′.

Saturn conjunct Giedi: Genius but kept down by circumstances, peculiar and occult early environment, birth amidst strange conditions while mother is traveling, many narrow escapes, associated with the stage, rarely marries. [2]

Donald Rumsfeld 0°20′, John Milton 0°43′, Friedrich Nietzsche 0°50′.

Uranus conjunct Giedi: Peculiar environment, bad morals, strong passions, genial, affectionate, vacillating, small self-confidence, too trusting, peculiar ideas on marriage and religion, ambitious but too weak to rise, bad for domestic affairs and children, if any, though there may be illegitimate ones, violent death. [2]

(0°15′ orb): This definitely is a karmic position. This position deals with the individual’s involvement with groups. They are ones found working with people with mental problems. They choose to be with groups that deal with those who are retarded, or are mentally afflicted in some way. This could include those having difficulty with speech, hearing, and eyesight. These individuals are excellent at rehabilitating other beings. However, this is an important fixed star position as individuals with this placement have chosen to do this in this life. They are given special gifts so they can work with afflicted persons effectively. Natives of this degree who repudiate their chosen karmic destiny will eventually suffer from the same affliction as those they had promised to help, generally through an accident of some kind. This is a very special position enabling these persons to help other beings so that they can atone for transgressions in a former life. [5]

Alan Turing 0°06′, Richard Nixon 0°08′, Jake Paul 0°24′, Klaus Barbie 1°00′, Marguerite de Navarre 1°04′, Albert Camus 1°12′.

Neptune conjunct Giedi: Psychic in childhood, never understood by others, cruelty from a parent, many disappointments, peculiar conditions in domestic life, greatly influenced by others, accidents. [2]

Mikey Madison 0°02′, Mark Twain 0°10′.

Pluto conjunct Giedi: Ivan The Terrible 1°24′.

North Node conjunct Giedi: Alan Leo 0°37′, Albert Einstein 0°38′, Charles Manson 1°15′, Allan Kardec 1°20′.

South Node conjunct Giedi: Vespasian 0°43′, Sirhan Sirhan 1°04′, Margaret Thatcher 1°12′, Nicolás Maduro 1°35′. 


  1. Algedi (Alpha² Capricorni): Star Facts
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.36, 167-169.
  3. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.197-199.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.51.
  5. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.101.
  6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.138.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.