Asteroid Chiron

Chiron Astrology

The centaur Chiron instructing Achilles

In Greek mythology, Chiron was a great teacher, healer, astrologer and oracle. He was the “wisest and justest of all the centaurs,” [1] and invented “botany and pharmacy.” [2] 

Chiron was noted for his youth-nurturing nature, and was often depicted instricting a child, as in the image above paintede by Louis Jean François Lagrenée.

Chiron’s astrological association with wounding comes from his death. During a fight among drunken centaurs, Chiron was hit in the thigh by a poisoned arrow. He was in extreme pain and could not heal himself with his herbs.

Fathered by Chronos (Saturn), Chiron was immortal, so was destined to live forever in agony. Instead, Chiron willingly gave up his immortality. His half-brother Zeus (Jupiter) honored him by placing him among the stars as the constellation Centaurus.

Chirons wound was not self inflicted but was accidental, caused by fate.

we have a legacy of unfairly inflicted pain which produces repercussions through the generations. Physical and psychological damage whose causes lie, not in any individual or even parental failing, but in genetic inheritance, or collective disasters such as the Holocaust and the present nightmare in Kosovo, belong to the realm of Chiron. [3] 

Chiron Astrology Reflects the Mythology.

Chiron Discovery Chart

Chiron Discovery ChartChiron conjunct fixed star Mesarthim (0°15′): Mesarthim is a word meaning Ministers (in old Hebrew). It shows up more of the protective-administrative quality, less of the impulsive aggressive of Sheratan.

Chiron conjunct fixed star Sheratan (0°31′): This star causes bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake. Danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion. Sheratan in the right horn of the Ram rules the tonsils, throat and the connection between the throat and head.

Ascendant conjunct fixed star Etamin (0°02′): Will be Marsi (wizards and snake-charmers), accustomed to prepare beneficial remedies from poisons and the pigments of herbs.

Etamin gives a pioneering nature, a keen mental ability, and the power to heal others .

Ascendant conjunct fixed star Acumen (0°45′): This star cluster gives a very sharp mind and above average perception, or the ability to see what others do not, at levels where eyesight does not reach.

Sun conjunct fixed star Acrux (2°21′): A leader in their professions, the gift of intuition, a grasp for their fellow men’s humanity, Can excel and gain high preferment in any field dealing with the nature of mankind.

Acrux  gives intuition, an inventive mind, an interest in ceremony, mystery, magic, mysticism, or theosophy, and an insatiable interest in education. Also a talent for astrology, the occult, investigating the hidden side of things, and understanding people’s inner nature.

Moon conjunct fixed star Sirius (1°15′): Sirius makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians.

Moon conjunct fixed star Canopus (2°08′): Canopus gives a wide and comprehensive knowledge and educational work,

Mercury conjunct fixed star Zubeneschamali (1°17′): This star is much noted for particular sharpness of mind and intellect, and there is often a very powerful psychic quality. It bestrows spiritual and mental forces and an immortal name.

Jupiter conjunct fixed star Tejat Posterior (1°01′):

Saturn conjunct fixed star Regulus (0°23′): Just, friends among the clergy, success in Church or law, scholarly,

Uranus conjunct fixed star Alphecca (0°02′): occult skills and the ability to heal the sick.

Uranus conjunct fixed star Acrux (0°22′):

Chiron represents wounding and healing. It is the deepest wound in your soul and also your ability to heal yourself and others through traditional medicine as well as more alternative healing methods. In Christian Astrology, Chiron represents Christ.


  1. Homer, Iliad 11.831.
  2. Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia 7.56.3.
  3. Wounding and the Will to Live. Liz Greene, Apollon, August 1999,