Fixed Star Armus

Armus at 12°44′ Aquarius has an orb of 1°00′
Fixed Star Armus

Capricornus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Armus on February 2

Fixed star Armus, Eta Capricorni, is a binary star system  located in the shoulder of the Sea Goat, Capricornus Constellation. Combined magnitude 4.84 (5.02 + 7.39), spectral type A4 V + F2 V, color white.

The traditional name Armus is from the Latin word for Shoulder. In Chinese astronomy, this star represents Zhou (周) (possibly Chow, the dynasty in China).


Armus Astrology

Fixed star Armus has the spectral types A4 and F2, indicating the planetary nature of Venus and to a  lesser extent, Mercury.

ARMUS. η Capricorni. Situated in the heart of the Goat. Of the nature of Mars and Mercury. It gives disagreeableness, contemptibleness, instability, shamelessness, nagging and a troublesome and contentious nature. [1]

ARMUS. η Capricorni. A small star in the Goat’s heart. Color: Orange-red. Spectral class M. This star imparts to its natives a contentious nature, shamelessness, a degree of instability, small troubles. [2]

Armus, η Capricorni is at 12°44′ Aquarius, and the name (Latin) means Shoulder, its position in the figure. It is a Mars-Mercury type by Ptolemy. Like all Capricorn stars, it features prominently with those people who engage in statesmanship, politics, religious and humanitarian causes, and this includes the kind of author and poet who consciously writes with the social impact of his work in mind. After the steady falling-off of initiative, from Giedi (or really from Altair before it) to Bos, we find Armus returning to the fray with great vigor. The image of the Shoulder symbolizes well the willingness of Armus people to ‘shoulder the burden’ at times of crisis. [3]

Fixed star Armus rules the front of the left leg 7 inches below the knee. [4]

Constellation Capricornus

Capricorn has a great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. Along with the sign, the constellation is also noted as the “Mansion of Kings”. Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses, it indicated major storms, especially at sea. [5]

Eta Capricorni, Armus

Eta Capricorni, Armus []

Fixed Star Armus Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Armus: Marguerite de Navarre 0°33′, Heinrich Himmler 0°53′.

Midheaven conjunct Armus: Jeane Dixon 0°12′, April Ashley 0°19′, Amy Winehouse 0°31′, JonBenét Ramsey 0°57′.

Descendant conjunct Armus: Johnny Depp 0°12′, Prince Andrew, Duke of York 0°36′, Giorgia Meloni 0°53′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Armus: Charlton Heston 0°50′. 

Part of Fortune conjunct Armus: Yuri Gagarin 0°15′,Boris Johnson 0°59′.

Sun conjunct Armus: High preferment in matters dealing with public affairs. The native may be of a contentious nature, face many small troubles, business or domestic. [2]

Franklin D. Roosevelt 0°02′, Lorraine Warren 0°35′, Bernardo Provenzano 0°59′.

Moon conjunct Armus: The native has high enterprise, friends will assist the native. Native can receive favors, earned or not. These favors could include advancement in their careers. [2]

David Koresh 0°01′, Britney Spears 0°05′, Billie Eilish 0°06′, Muhammad Ali 0°30′, Pope Francis I 0°41′.

Mercury conjunct Armus: The native can be feisty, have a keen mentality. Native is capable of a keen insight into human nature. Originality is a keynote of this conjunction. Some of these natives may develop a contentious nature. Negatively, the natives incorporate the above attributes, plus the native is unstable in their relationships and not above taking advantage of anyone – a character with no scruples. [2]

Martin Luther King 0°00′, Rihanna 0°43′, Bill Maher 0°43′.

Mars conjunct Armus (2° orb): This position affects the health. It causes damage to the bone structure of the left leg. There is pressure at this point that also brings about a chemical change which dissolves the bone this causing a ripple affect on the bone structure through the loss of calcium. Later in life, the leg can be shortened somewhat, however, the real problem to the individual is the hot, flashing pain they experience when walking. The pain is sporadic and is directly related to these persons’ anxieties. They experience this difficulty throughout the life. Cool packs with mint herbs on the leg will help as well as consumption of mint teas. In addition, they must learn to control their anxieties and impatience. Impatience and anxiety is the key here. If not controlled, the circulation at this point can be affected as well as the nerves. The diet of these persons must include calcium, or calcium taken daily in small amounts. [4]

Charles de Gaulle 0°16′, Dolores O’Riordan 0°24′. 

Saturn conjunct Armus: Otto von Bismarck 0°04′, Roman Polanski 0°17′, Miley Cyrus 0°25′.

Uranus conjunct Armus: Augusto Pinochet 0°40′ (and N.Node).

Neptune conjunct Armus: Paul Cézanne 0°49′.

Pluto conjunct Armus: Edward VI 0°39′.

North Node conjunct Armus: Augusto Pinochet 0°05′ (and Uranus), Emma Watson 0°18′, Machine Gun Kelly 0°28′, Kristen Stewart 0°37′.

South Node conjunct Armus: Ed Gein 0°08′, Jordan Peterson 0°48′.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.141.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.201-202.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.103.
  4. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.147.
  5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.51.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.