HOROSCOPES: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
This Week: January 20 to 26
Your weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to your Sun Sign, not on houses, zones, or sectors.
Weekly Horoscope Aspects
The times below are for New York.
Tuesday, January 21
07:28 am – Sun conjunct Pluto at 01♒42 from January 18 to 23 dramatically increases your desire for power and influence, but the increased intensity and a probing nature can lead to power struggles. You may have to handle underhand tactics such as controlling and manipulative behavior. Make repairs now, especially on anything to do with plumbing and drains or under the ground. You could also clean up garbage and eliminate unnecessary clutter.
11:20 am – Moon enters Scorpio.
03:30 pm – 3rd Quarter Moon at 02♏03 square Pluto brings emotional intensity as deeply buried feelings are exposed. Controlling such powerful emotions is difficult, and you may experience some compulsive behavior, but getting them out of your subconscious is healing. Emotional power struggles involving guilt, jealousy or sex are possible.
Thursday, January 23
10:07 am – Mars sextile Uranus from January 19 to 27 is perfect for making changes because they will happen quickly and relatively smoothly. The extra initiative, inspiration, and motivation are ideal for creating a start on complex tasks or things you have put off. You will also have the daring and sex appeal to make the first move with someone special.
03:48 pm – Mercury opposite Mars from January 22 to 24 can cause irritation, impatience and anger. This is the most challenging aspect of this weekly horoscope, but positive links to Venus and Uranus help avoid nasty words and conflict. They provide ample opportunities to channel any bottled-up aggression into enjoyable activities. You could also burn off the excess energy through hard mental work, creative work using your hands, or physical activity.
05:07 pm – Mercury trine Uranus from January 22 to 24 opens your mind to new possibilities, increasing your chance of making discoveries and new friends. With more acute senses, you can trust your intuition. Flashes of insight are possible when awake or asleep through vivid dreaming. You may also become more interested in studying computer technology, starting a website, and generally communicating online.
11:28 pm – Moon enters Sagittarius.
Saturday, January 25
06:53 pm – Venus trine Mars from January 24 to 27 brings a strong desire for pleasure and adventure. It is excellent for finding your perfect match and improving existing relationships. Your soft, loving side balances your raw sexual desire so you can be direct without coming on too strong. You also have great energy, courage, and focus on pouring into anything related to creativity, beauty, making money, and initiating new projects.
Sunday, January 26
08:42 am – Moon enters Capricorn.
01:32 pm – Mercury sextile Neptune from January 25 to 27 is ideal for relaxation, creativity, communication, and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can be healing to others. Your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up much extra information through intuition. You may receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, or spirit guides. Relationships will benefit from your more compassionate and spiritual nature.
06:11 pm – Venus sextile Uranus from January 25 to 28 brings fun and excitement to your social and love life. A more open-minded and progressive outlook makes you comfortable in social situations, and a lack of inhibition is helpful, especially if you are shy. So this is an excellent time to make new friends and lovers. Unexpected gifts, compliments, invitations or money are possible.