Virgo 2026 Horoscope

VIRGO: 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | Weekly | Monthly
Virgo 2026 HoroscopeVirgo 2026 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Virgo Decan 1 – Aug 23 to Sept 2
   Virgo Decan 2 – September 3 to 12
   Virgo Decan 3 – September 13 to 22

Virgo Decan 1 – 2026 Horoscope

April 2026 to May 2028 – Uranus square your decan brings disruption and unexpected change. The changes may come from within you, especially if you have not been able to live as you truly wish. Under this stress, you will want to break free, which may upset others. You are likely to act more impulsively than usual, erratic and oddly. But you are finding your unique self-expression, which in the long run is very beneficial.

  • Those born from August 23 to 28 have the full effect this year.
  • Those born from August 29 to September 2 have it next year.

June 1 to August 30 – Uranus sextile Neptune climaxing on July 15 promotes a spiritual awakening. You may become more concerned about and involved in occult, metaphysical, environmental, or humanitarian groups. This is an excellent time to invent and create, especially if you have been blocked or experiencing a creative block or feel your life has stagnated.

June 19 to August 26 – Uranus trine Pluto on July 18 gives a more adventurous, optimistic, and progressive outlook. It promotes evolutionary change, giving you a deeper self-understanding and a broader perspective of life. Increased charisma and personal power give you the ability to take the lead and have a positive influence on a large number of people.

July 8 to 30 – Jupiter trine Neptune, Jupiter opposite Pluto on July 20, and Jupiter sextile Uranus on July 21 is the Magic Triangle’s most powerful and fortunate activation. You should be optimistic and enthusiastic about experiencing life to the fullest and be more open-minded, progressive, open to change and accepting of others.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make your dream come true. You are well-placed to benefit from amazing discoveries, inventions and breakthroughs in science, technology, travel, communication and medicine. You can also more easily cope with challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth and success.

August 28, 2026, to February 6, 2027 – Lunar Eclipse August 2026 opposite your decan increases your desire to accomplish great things and succeed. However, different areas of your life may work in different directions, and you may become emotionally sensitive. The key to success is compromise and cooperation.

October 19 to December 20 – Uranus trine Pluto again climaxes on November 29 brings a gradual but profound transformation that will help you engage more with people and enjoy life more.  Changes will occur around you that allow for greater personal freedom to explore more possibilities during this exciting time of self-discovery.

November 23, 2026, to February 23, 2027 – Mars in your decan gives energy, strength, passion and courage. It can make you feel sexy and sporty but also frustrated and angry. Being too assertive while being selfish could cause arguments or conflict. But your directness and confidence make this a great time to initiate new projects in your personal life and career. Intimate relationships will benefit from your extra warmth, charm, and charisma. Your sex drive will be strong, and others will find you more sexually attractive than usual.

Virgo Decan 2 – 2026 Horoscope

September 7, 2025, to February 17, 2026 – Lunar Eclipse September 2025 opposite your decan increases your desire to accomplish great things and succeed. However, different areas of your life may work in different directions, and you may become emotionally sensitive. The key to success is compromise and cooperation.

January 3 to May 14 – Jupiter sextile your decan should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things come more quickly. You should be sociable and can expect good relations with loved ones and people at work and in group activities. This is the best time of your Virgo 2026 horoscope for wealth creation, studies, travel, business, and legal matters. You may be more interested in religion/spirituality, politics, social issues and philosophy.

March 3 to August 12 – Lunar Eclipse March 2026 in your decan focuses your attention on intimate relationships. This is an excellent time to start a new relationship or energize an existing one. Your balanced approach to problem-solving makes this a perfect time to clear the decks and make a fresh start.

July 17 to 28 – Venus in your decan focuses your attention on companionship, pleasure, creativity and finances. You should feel more affectionate and appear more sexually attractive and charismatic than usual. So this is one of the best times of the year for dating, engagement, marriage and improving love relationships. Finding unconditional love with a soul mate is more likely now. You can easily make friends and win over enemies. Business matters and investments in art, jewelry, and cash should turn a profit.

August 12, 2026, to February 6, 2027 – Solar Eclipse August 2026 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. You will objectively gather new information until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get there. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances.

August 29 to September 5 – Mercury in your decan brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect more personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, schools, and the internet. You are keen to express your identity through these interactions, in-person chatting, and bumping into people around town. This is a good time for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people.

Virgo Decan 3 – 2026 Horoscope

August 15, 2025, to February 23, 2026 – Saturn opposite your decan can bring challenges and blockages to your progress. You may feel pessimistic and restricted in your freedom or self-expression. But your ambitions may be being held back for a reason. Perhaps you need more training or skills to take full advantage of new opportunities when the time is right. The best approach is to stay patient, focus on hard work and look after yourself. Facing any adversity head-on will strengthen your character and give you more confidence.

September 7, 2025, to January 18, 2026 – Jupiter sextile your decan should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things come more quickly. You should be sociable and can expect good relations with loved ones and people at work and in group activities. This is an excellent time for wealth creation, studies, travel, business, and legal matters. You may be more interested in religion/spirituality, politics, social issues and philosophy.

September 21, 2025, to February 17, 2026 – Solar Eclipse September 2025 in your decan brings energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. This is the perfect time for new beginnings. Increased confidence and initiative help you reach goals. You can make a good impression on those with the power and influence to make a difference in your life.

October 2025 to February 2026 – Neptune opposite your decan gives insights into your true identity. You may project certain ideals or qualities on people or situations that you might want but are not real. This realization can be difficult to handle because of disbelief, fear or confusion. Being confronted by unpleasant truths can make you feel insecure, exposed, weak, or defeated. Clear up misconceptions, and things will improve. (Only those born on September 22 feel the final stage of this transit.)

October 2025 to May 2026 – Uranus trine your decan allows you to make essential changes in your life without the usual disruption that change often brings. You can express a more bubbly side of your personality with excited enthusiasm. There will be opportunities to meet new and exciting people from more varied backgrounds. Even relationships with long-term partners can benefit from your experimental and open-minded desires.

January 1 to February 8 – Saturn sextile Uranus on April 4 gives self-discipline, endurance, open-mindedness, and inventiveness. This enables you to make constructive changes, leading to significant achievement and recognition. Common sense blended with creative flair allows you to take calculated risks that increase the likelihood of success.

February 17 to August 12 – Solar Eclipse February 2026 quincunx your decan could make you feel insecure, anxious and indecisive. But it also gives the urge to achieve an imagined future goal. The key to success is learning to restrict yourself to a single plan. It will be easier to make decisions, and inner balance will replace uncertainty.

May 1 to July 4 – Jupiter sextile your decan again brings optimism, good luck, and happiness. This is an ideal time to reach your goals, as there should be little or no resistance. Others will be generous and hospitable toward you, especially Jupiter-type people like judges and other authority figures. The growth you experience can be material and spiritual, with opportunities coming your way to increase your wealth.

August 12, 2026, to February 6, 2027 – Solar Eclipse August 2026 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. You will objectively gather new information until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get there. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances.

All Signs for 2026

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