Venus opposite Uranus maximum orb 6°00′.
Venus opposite Uranus natal makes for an extraordinary love life. You need a lot of stimulation and excitement in relationships, but you must also feel free enough to be yourself, which can create commitment problems. Growing up, you may have found that long-term friendships require much effort. Forming a lasting company with someone who also needs a fair amount of personal freedom would be easier.
Lasting and stable love relationships are still possible with Venus opposite Uranus. The two options are to find someone off-beat to keep you stimulated or to find another free spirit willing to commit. Whatever you wish for in terms of love, you can expect a lot of instability or excitement. The more you promote change and excitement within a relationship, the lower the odds of some upsetting external event leading to chaos.
Your need for stimulation and excitement in love can find other safe outlets. You could experiment with your sexuality, especially if you find heterosexual relationships limiting. Then there are endless options for excitement and stimulation in the bedroom to keep you interested and extend the life of the relationship.
You may need to show a more conservative approach to your finances. Your bank balance may undergo rapid swings. Saving or keeping some routine budget will be essential to cut the risk of unexpected events leaving you in debt.
Venus Opposite Uranus Transit
Venus opposite Uranus transit usually signals a change in your love life. If you already have a partner, an unexpected event may cause a lot of upset and tension. It may be that your need for a change or excitement in the bedroom is rejected. Even flirting may lead to some drama in the relationship. A healthy relationship would endure such transgressions, and a permanent separation would be unlikely. An affair at this time would more likely lead to a fast break.
If single, there are many options. If dating, a new romance now would certainly be exciting. It would most likely turn out to be a short-lived relationship. But if you are unorthodox and need your freedom, a new relationship with a similar person could lead to marriage. As Uranus rules the internet, you could fulfill your need for a change through internet dating or other stuff.
If love is not an option, then change and excitement can manifest in another area of life. Financial windfalls are possible, but you should be extra careful with money. There is a tendency to risk it all on suspect schemes or gamble it away. You could easily find stimulation in other ways, such as gaming or entertainment.
Venus Opposite Uranus Celebrities
Ellen DeGeneres 0°00′, Robert E. Zoller 0°10′, Jack London 0°15′, George Foreman 0°26′, Billy Connolly 0°29′, Bobby Brown 0°34′, Charles Ponzi 0°42′, Miranda Kerr 0°44′, Itamar Ben-Gvir 0°45′, Chris Stapleton 0°47′, Artie Mitchell 0°59′, Nick Enright 1°06′, Billy Bragg 1°14′, Linda Lovelace 1°17′, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn 1°18′, Rod Ferrell 1°20′, Gary Numan 1°25′, Maud of Wales 1°26′, Gertrude Stein 1°29′, Jimmy Page 1°44.’
Venus Opposite Uranus Dates
November 5, 2022
December 21, 2023
October 14, 2024
November 30, 2025
January 9, 2027
November 8, 2027
December 24, 2028
October 24, 2029
Hey Jamie,
In my natal chart, transiting Uranus (5th house) square my natal venus (2nd) until November 🙁 Is the same explanation above still relevant to me, too? Thanks 🙂
Hi Mika. You could see if Venus square Uranus offers any other advice. A Uranus transit to natal Venus will be different to Venus acting on your Uranus. However, you will get the general idea by reading the Venus transits to Uranus.
What if this Venus conjuncts my natal moon on the new moon two days prior? With them opposite the transiting Uranus.. Is it more likely good or bad.. (This Venus will also conjunct my Pluto and ironically the transiting Pluto will be conjunct my natal Venus, thus activating my Pluto/Venus square). Thanks!
Pluto might not be applicable bc of the wide orb. My natal moon 23″36′ libra, natal Pluto is 19″libra and natal Venus 13″13′ Capricorn. Any feelings on this? Thnx
That is what I was getting at before. Only be concerned with Uranus. But never too concerned with Moon conjunct fixed star Spica.
Double whammy hey? Any Uranus opposition is going to be more challenging than easy. I don’t think Venus is going to have such a big impact because Venus and Moon are so receptive. Timing is going to be important now the Uranus Pluto squares have finished. It would have been worse if both transits had come at the same time.
The girl I like has Venus opposite uranus, the other aspects are good for stable and committed relationships, only this aspect that makes me worry she will leave me someday to experiment with a new one even if I give her personal spaces and still show affection she needed not excessive, we actually live in a different country (true of the story for LDR), her chart is dominated by the water signs, she has:
Venus in Cancer in 9th house
Mercury in Cancer in 8th house
Mars in Taurus in 7th house
Moon in Taurus in 7th house
Sun in Gemini in 8th house
Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn in 3rd house
Ascendant in Scorpio
Planet: Position Aspects Total Rank Percent
Sun: 45.0 ( 4) + 5.4 (10) = 50.4 ( 6) / 7.9%
Moon: 55.0 ( 2) + 15.6 ( 5) = 70.6 ( 3) / 11.1%
Mercury: 38.5 ( 5) + 11.6 ( 8) = 50.1 ( 7) / 7.9%
Venus: 50.0 ( 3) + 11.8 ( 7) = 61.8 ( 4) / 9.7%
Mars: 23.5 ( 9) + 29.7 ( 2) = 53.2 ( 5) / 8.4%
Jupiter: 30.0 ( 7) + 18.3 ( 3) = 48.3 ( 8) / 7.6%
Saturn: 33.5 ( 6) + 40.5 ( 1) = 74.0 ( 2) / 11.6%
Uranus: 20.0 (11) + 15.8 ( 4) = 35.8 ( 9) / 5.6%
Neptune: 20.0 (12) + 15.1 ( 6) = 35.1 (10) / 5.5%
Pluto: 98.5 ( 1) + 10.4 ( 9) = 108.9 ( 1) / 17.1%
Chiron: 22.0 (10) + 0.0 (11) = 22.0 (12) / 3.5%
Node: 27.0 ( 8) + 0.0 (12) = 27.0 (11) / 4.2%
Total: 463.0 + 174.1 = 637.1 / 100.0%
Sign: Power Rank Percent
Aries: 42.1 ( 8) / 6.6%
Taurus: 74.0 ( 3) / 11.6%
Gemini: 48.5 ( 6) / 7.6%
Cancer: 79.8 ( 2) / 12.5%
Leo: 13.7 (12) / 2.1%
Virgo: 19.2 (11) / 3.0%
Libra: 47.5 ( 7) / 7.5%
Scorpio: 135.9 ( 1) / 21.3%
Sagittarius: 25.7 (10) / 4.0%
Capricorn: 53.4 ( 5) / 8.4%
Aquarius: 32.1 ( 9) / 5.0%
Pisces: 65.3 ( 4) / 10.2%
Total: 637.1 / 100.0%
Element Power Percent
Fire: 81.5 / 12.8%
Earth: 146.6 / 23.0%
Air: 128.1 / 20.1%
Water: 280.9 / 44.1%
Mode Power Percent
Cardinal: 222.8 / 35.0%
Fixed: 255.6 / 40.1%
Mutuable: 158.7 / 24.9%
Her Uranus is not a major planet in her chart, will it still makes her unfaithful?
Thanks before..
This aspect by itself is not an issue. What you need is to keep the relationship fresh and stimulating. Do unusual activities together. What could undermine the partnership is dwelling on the concern thereby creating a self fulfilling prophecy.
I have this natal aspect and not even I know how to deal with me, to be honest!! It’s not much about infidelity at all, it’s more like a restlessness that never goes away, it’s tough even for me to understand it.
Hi Jamie !
I’m curious to know how would you understand this aspect if my MC is at 22.12 Aries so at 3 degrees of Uranus and my IC therefore is also close to Venus. A unexpected career opportunity that could turn to a stable position (Saturn transit and trine to Uranus) ? Thanks!
I have Venus conjunct Aquarius ascendant opposite Uranus in Leo on the Descendant and square the Moon in Taurus. I have not been able to find a love relationship that lats longer than a few months, only if they are kept as friends. Nobody seems to want a one-to-one with me.
With an Aquarian asc and uranus square moon, i cannot believe no one wants a one to one with you. Moon square uranus and Aquarian asc is cool, detached and non committed. Other people pick up on that frequency and treat you accordingly.
I have Venus conjunct Aquarius ascendant opposite Uranus in Leo on the Descendant and square the Moon in Taurus. I have not been able to find a love relationship that lats longer than a few months, only if they are kept as friends. Nobody seems to want a one-to-one with me. I’m nearly 60 and I guess I’ve resigned myself to not having one.
“You could experiment with your sexuality, especially if your find heterosexual relationships limiting. Then there are endless options for excitement and stimulation in the bedroom to keep you interested and extending the life of the relationships.” Last time I checked homosexuality or bisexuality were not “options” or “experiments”. I respectfully expected more from you.
They would be, to a heterosexual…..no need to inject political correctness into a valid response.
Hey Jamie, not sure if you’ve studied Chiron .. what is it if transit uranus conjunct Natal Chiron and it’s opposed to venus Transit exactly? Heartbreak or love you think?
I have it in my solar return: Asc 21 libra, Venus 27 Libra, Uranus Retro 29 Aries 7th house, Both making a square to Pluto 19 Cap. Sun in Sag conj Jupiter and Moon in Leo 11. Mars/Neptune conjunction in house 5, square sun. Unaspected Chiron in 6th.
Jaime I have this in 2019 SR 3/9 axis, VE in 3 UR in 9. Coming up to a VE return at 12 SC, but transit/SR VE is hitting my MC which means transit UR is hitting IC. Could the VE return soften these aspects? SR asc is Virgo activating 8th house, and placing natal UR in Virgo in SR 1. I believe to be forewarned is forearmed. Any suggestions to work with these energies? Thank you
Doesn’t Venus rule jobs/occupations too? So stable income is out of the question, apparently?
Venus rules acquisitions. Exalted in Pisces, a Venus in this sign allows a woman to walk into a party and snatch the most desirable man from under the admiring gaze of a Taurus, or even a Libra.
Pisces in the NewAge does have an affinity to ramp up this capability. She has the energy to make a lot of money and hold considerable assets especially in the later part of life.
Jobs tend towards Virgo sign, with service best exemplified by the Cancer sign, so perhaps Military, or the hard shell of a technological robot. Occupations tend toward Capricorn sign, as we expend considerable energy developing Careers or how we wish to dominate the daytime field of vision. In the NewAge, Scorpio sign occupies this position, so together with Cancer sign, a Security concern drives humanity forward.
Basically, we are heading to Sparta, or at least, the Spartan ideal.
“Life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time, and youll have the time of your life!”
Tough math week?
Billy Connelly, Venus opposite Uranus
dob Nov 24, 1942
As I approach all these headline news making jolts in life, perhaps I can finally find some resolve with an answer, hell support. We’ve got the eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus, conjunct my natal Venus, so basically Venus with the sun opposes self. While my natal Uranus is 18 Scorpio I’m also in that transit where it runs my Venus three times. As it did my mars and Chiron. Taurus is my 4th house. And 29 Scorpio is my mid heaven. My marriage eh, with mars in our sun going retro, yeah we may not make it. Really how much age is the next few years going to haunt me with? I spent 43 years looking young, this may have me as the grim reaper. What challenging times for us 40ish’s. Anyway, I’ll
Gladly take advise. Don’t worry everyone as Uranus did go retrograde directly on my opposite degree 18, marking 92 or so days of exact opposition, first. It’s gotta rise that train yet again, upon direct. When he enters Gemini, he does the same thing to my sun at 9 degrees. Not to worry friends. I’m an Aquarius rising. This all is something I actually would have demanded upon my arrival, and go figure I It was the only thing I was on time for. Will I learn? Thanks for any thoughts and advise.
I’ve quite my job sold the business, closes in a few days. Moved states started a church, began dancing with a longer stick instead of glow sticks, and Al buidlding my home from eco friendly material, and squiring no utility company because the last 10 years taught me lots. Yes, I have mars in Taurus too. I have the will to fight to the end. And stand my ground, beautifully, of course. Alstjough Chiron is there, conjunct mars by three minutes, so I have my doubts. If nothing else I’ll be the most relatable MF this side of the stars, there was, come my wise age. Anywho. Yay for 16 degrees full moon lunar eclipse conjunct yet opposite and conjunct yet opposite
E Venus/Uranus. If i survive, I’ll take the tale. As a book is a dream, and a dream is next.
And so it is.
I have Venus in Aquarius conjunct ascendant in direct opposition to Uranus in Leo in the descendant and both square moon in Taurus. I have found it impossible to keep partners in a relationship for longer than six months. They suddenly exit and leave. It’s exasperating and I try my best to remain calm and friendly but it’s tough. Yet friends I keep forgetting years. Very Aquarian, I guess.
14th October 2024 Venus will be conjunct my natal Mercury, which is opposite of Algol cj Uranus. What could this mean..?