Venus conjunct Saturn maximum orb 6°30′.
Venus conjunct Saturn natal makes you a very loyal and caring person, but you can have trouble showing it. This can lead to delay and restraint in forming close relationships. You long for love and affection, but impediments seem to exist to achieve this.
This can be a karmic aspect. People from previous lives who felt betrayed or hurt by you will seek you out in this life to teach you a lesson and balance things out. It is also possible that people who hurt you in previous incarnations will come back with love to give and valuable lessons to teach. Once you have reached a certain evolutionary point, hardship and sorrow will give way to loving and lasting relationships.
Venus conjunct Saturn can be most challenging while growing up. Lack of self-love or self-respect is usually the main reason for shyness or inability to maintain close relationships. This would be much worse if parents or teachers were hard on you. You may have faced privation, meanness, withdrawal of love and affection, or absence, especially from your father. Abuse is also possible, but the main point is that you may have felt unloved and not valued by others.
Rejection, isolation, and loneliness exacerbate these difficulties as you miss out on developing social and personal interaction skills. Social awkwardness is likely, and you would most likely prefer mixing with only one person or a minimal number of people at any time.
The more you feel bad about yourself, the more people will avoid you. Imagine wearing a sign around your neck that says “unlovable.” Your karmic lesson in this life is to love yourself so others can love you. You may experience periods of isolation in between relationships, and breakups and divorce are common with this aspect.
While young, you may prefer the company of more serious or older people. When older, you may choose a younger partner. Patience, hard work, and determination will be rewarded. The more you learn to accept and love yourself, the more you can express your love and affection. Self-respect brings respect from others, and you will earn the love and loyalty you deserve.
This aspect gives a good sense of rhythm and wonderful creative talents. You can give form to beauty and harmony. However, financial hardship is possible until you learn the value of money and how to keep enough of it to live on. Eventually, as with love, you will learn to hold onto it and not experience periods of restraint or poverty. Saving and investing will bring you the stability and security you seek.
Venus Conjunct Saturn Transit
Venus conjunct Saturn transit can bring disadvantage, isolation and sadness. You may find it difficult to express love and affection, but easy to be cold and mean. Relationships suffer the most with this transit, but you could also experience some financial hardship at this time.
An existing relationship may be tested by distance or separation and a general inability to connect meaningfully. Issues involving guilt or disloyalty may be the source of the problem. A healthy relationship will easily pass this test and may lead to a more significant commitment.
A love relationship on shaky grounds may not last, but generally, other indicators need to be in your chart or theirs. Any sadness or painful experiences endured now will be karmic lessons that lead to a greater understanding of mutual love and respect or loyalty. Women, especially, are more subject to suffering domestic violence.
A new romance that would be very karmic is possible now, based on practical considerations and may involve your career. A noticeable age difference is also potential. This is not a good time for partying as you will generally feel depressed and more concerned with matters of a serious nature.
Money may be tight, and this would be an excellent time to learn to budget correctly to reduce the risk of running short in the future. Starting a savings plan would be a good idea now.
Venus Conjunct Saturn Celebrities
Jacques de Lescaut 0°03′, Chaz Bono 0°06′, Dan Wilson 0°11′, Benedict Cumberbatch 0°15′, Ray Bradbury 0°16′, Marie Curie 0°17′, Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor 0°19′, Timothy McVeigh 0°21′, Paul Menhart 0°22′, Peter Dinklage 0°23′, Martin Luther 0°26′, Robert Helpmann 0°27′, Joel Cohen 0°28′, Rauy Liotta 0°33′, Mariah Carey 0°37′, Victoria Tennant 0°38′, James Spader 0°41′, Benigno Aquino III 0°45′, Akihito 0°48′, Bethany Hamilton 0°52′, Emma Thursby 1°00′, Marty Robbins 1°08′, Leopold Stokowski 1°15′, Bill Gates 1°21′, The Weeknd 1°21′, Danielle Egnew 1°21′, Kim Novak 1°34′, Chris Evert 1°40′, King George III 1°48′, Donald Trump 1°55′.
Venus Conjunct Saturn Dates
March 28, 2022
January 22, 2023
March 21, 2024
January 18, 2025
April 7, 2025
April 24, 2025
March 6, 2026
May 7, 2027
February 28, 2028
April 24, 2029