Venus conjunct Pluto maximum orb 6°00′.
Venus conjunct Pluto natal creates an intense love nature. How you need to love and be loved manifests, positively or negatively, depending greatly on other aspects and fixed stars in your chart. The variability in the expression of love with this conjunction is mainly due to how you love yourself.
Either way, relationships are a serious matter in your life and vital to your well-being. You should find it easier than most to attract a partner because of your power level of attraction, both emotional and sexual. Instant attraction, karmic relationships, and falling head over heels can apply to you or your lovers. It does not take long for you to fall deeply in love and form a powerful union.
If other factors in your chart point to low self-esteem or negative moods, Venus conjunct Pluto can lead to a lack of self-love and destructive relationships. You may become a victim of betrayal or abuse, enduring much pain each time you are stung. And this can be a repeating cycle spiraling down into despair.
Jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation, and even crime may result in disgrace and embarrassment. Negative manifestation can also result in self-abuse through drugs or other forms of self-harm. Poverty, sadomasochism, sexual abuse and rape would be extreme examples.
Even in the depths of Pluto’s realm, you can always draw on a powerful ability to transcend pain and transform your life. It may be that fate sees you visit the darkness, for you regenerate like a butterfly from the cocoon.
With positive self-esteem and self-love come the positive manifestations of this conjunction. Self-confidence, popularity, wealth, and healthy relationships result from a positive transformation or the blessing of other helpful aspects and fixed stars. You will then enjoy the intensity of love and affection of partners and good friends.
Eliminating negative associations and behaviors is essential for your development. You will prefer friends and lovers who take relationships seriously, like yourself. Remember that you find very few people love as profoundly as you do, but that does not mean they do not love you as much as they possibly can.
Venus Conjunct Pluto Transit
Venus conjunct Pluto transit dramatically increases your need for love and affection. You want to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. This can lead to problems if you are single, but this transit can also throw a spanner in the works of a healthy relationship if you misplay your cards.
You will be wielding greater power to attract friends and lovers. You can have a magnetic attractiveness that pulls people in subconsciously. Problems will arise if you consciously misuse your increased pulling power. In this case, there will be a tendency to manipulate others by guilt-tripping or other subversive tactics.
Other behaviors to beware of, not just in you but others, are possessiveness and jealousy. Infatuation is fine, and you may fall deeply in love now. But stalking and spying are not acceptable, and if married, then an affair at this time would have the most severe repercussions. There may also be a tendency to fall for harmful or dangerous people like criminals and heavy drug users.
In a healthy and happy relationship, this transit can lead to intense sexual experiences if the other half is keen. This may include a degree of bondage or pain. If single, instant attraction could lead to a profound and karmic relationship. In both cases, openly giving love and affection without catches is the key to satisfaction.
Venus Conjunct Pluto Celebrities
Suzanne Vega 0°05’, Liberace 0°07’, Georg von Peuerbach 0°09’, Sydney Omarr 0°10’, William Butler Yeats 0°15’, Bruce McLaren 0°20’, Émile Durkheim 0°20’, Nancy Kerrigan 0°27’, William Ennis Thomson 0°29’, Roy Castle 0°31’, Hans Fritzsche 0°33’, Frida Kahlo 0°35’, Guglielmo Marconi 0°35’, Zac Efron 0°38’, Charles Dickens 0°46′, Emmanuel de Martonne 0°53’, Alan Turing 0°54’, Wes Craven 0°55’, Kendall Jenner 0°57’, Robert Watson-Watt 1°00’, Walter de Mare 1°00’, Curt John Ducasse 1°03’, Irma P. Hall 1°03’, Dietrich Eckart 1°04’, Woody Paige 1°08’, Roger Rosenblatt 1°13’, Francis Galton 1°28’, Phil McGraw 1°38’, Jada Pinkett Smith 1°40’, Julia Gillard 1°48′, Tycho Brahe 1°56′.
Venus Conjunct Pluto Dates
January 1, 2023
February 17, 2024
December 7, 2024
January 19, 2026
March 6, 2027
December 24, 2027
February 7, 2029
March 18, 2030
January 11, 2031
February 27, 2032
December 18, 2032