Vatican Horoscope

Vatican FlagThe Vatican horoscope is based on the restoration of Papal independence on 7 June 1929. The creation of the Vatican City took place “at 11:00 am. on 7 June 1929 when Mussolini, the Italian Prime Minister, and Cardinal Gasparri exchanged the instruments of ratification in Rome.” [1]

With Mars square Chiron in the Vatican astrology chart, Jesus Christ (Chiron) would be very irate. One reason for his anger would be the cover up of the truth about Mary Magdalene (Lilith), shown by Saturn conjunct Black Moon Lilith. From the hiding and destruction of the Gospel of Mary, to her labeling as an “adulteress and repentant prostitute.” This lie to entrench the dominance and power of sick old perverts, was only quietly recanted in 1969, and very quietly at that.

Mary Magdalene was in fact a priestess, some say the husband of Jesus and mother of his children. Her spiritual wisdom and influence over the true Christian Church is shown in the Vatican horoscope by Lilith conjunct the fixed star Polis, which “will indicate more of the high office in spiritual life…someone whose interest and knowledge of things spiritual may be both keen and profound.”

Vatican Horoscope

Why else might Jesus Christ be furious with Vatican? Jupiter square Neptune creates twisted belief systems, lies and deception masquerading as Church doctrine. Neptune on the fixed star Regulus explains the violence committed in the name of religion.

Vatican Horoscope

Vatican Astrology Chart

Violence from the beginning. There were the Holy Crusades, where Palestinian parents were forced to watch their children being burnt alive then eaten. The genocide of wise women and those with common sense beliefs in the Inquisitions and Witch Burning. Another genocide occurred not so long ago, and many Nazi’s escaped the gallows thanks to the Vatican Ratlines.

Neptune, ruler of religion, is also conjunct the fixed star Phecda, which explain the sexual perversion of the Vatican. From institutionalized child sexual abuse, to self-flagellation and social engineering via Church laws on contraception. “In conjunction with Neptune and provided relevant configurations with Moon, Venus and Mars are present, it is an indication of a pathological sex nature.”

But wait, there’s still more unacceptable behavior to be found with the Vatican Jupiter square Neptune aspect. Jupiter, which rules the Church, is conjunct the sorrowful fixed star Alcyone. This explain both the homophobia promoted by Church laws, and the endemic homosexuality of the priesthood. With Jupiter in particular, this stars gives “deceit, hypocrisy, legal and ecclesiastical troubles.”

The tragic nature of the Pleiades is exaggerated by Jupiter, and pain and sorrow actually becomes the mission of the Vatican, its goal, with Jupiter culminating in the Pleiades. The Midheaven conjunct Alcyone causes “Disgrace, ruin, violent death. ”

As for the disgrace, well that is well on display for the world to see. What about the ruin and violent death? Most of us a aware by now of the major planetary influence these current years. Uranus square Pluto is forcing major and dramatic upheaval for global organizations, including Opus Dei and it’s Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican started experiencing its first Uranus return in 2013.

Not only has the Uranus return been exposing all the hidden abominations in the Vatican horoscope, but transiting Pluto square the Vatican Uranus has been stripping the Vatican of its influence and power, perhaps even financial power with any luck. Transiting Pluto square the Vatican Uranus carries on for the entirety of 2014. The final exact Uranus return is on 24 March 2014, just a week before the March 30 New Moon, “There may be some changes or unexpected news from the Vatican, as this new moon is conjunct the asteroid Vaticana.”


1. Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, 1988, p.360.