Uranus square Pluto maximum orb 3°00′.
Uranus square Pluto from 2012 to 2015 was a generation’s most significant and challenging planetary influence, and it brought major global upheaval due to and resulted in rapid evolutionary change. First, I will interpret the Uranus square Pluto in the natal chart, then Uranus square Pluto transit.
Uranus Square Pluto Natal
Uranus square Pluto natal causes a life of dramatic change and upheaval. The constant adjusting to change and uncertainty makes you very adaptable but with a longing for security and solid structures in your life. Owning property and working hard toward a secure, long-term career will be necessary.
Remaining flexible and open-minded can greatly ease the inherent insecurity and tension of the disruptive aspect. Saving for the future and working towards owning substation material possessions such as real estate can also increase one’s sense of security.
Uranus Square Pluto Transit
Uranus square Pluto is a generation transit, so when you feel it, so will everyone else you grew up with at school. It brings radical change that may be wide-ranging and result from larger-scale political, religious or social changes. For example, financial crises may force changes in your budget, or a change in government or global conflict may affect your way of life.
At a more personal level, the routines and structures in your life are changing abruptly, requiring flexibility and a broad view to help you adapt. Old systems and practices may become outdated as children arrive or grown-up children leave home, and parents may need more care or may pass away. Whatever the circumstances, you will be called on to evolve rapidly to meet the challenges of this disruptive phase of life.
The powerful forces driving the changes in your life are most likely out of your control, but how you react is not. A considered and systematic approach is best, with knee-jerk reactions not advised. As many of your friends of the same age group will be experiencing similar upheaval, sharing stories and support can significantly assist during this year or two.
Uranus Square Pluto Celebrities
Moses Annenberg 03’, Eileen Brennan 04’, Roy Castle 05’, Patsy Cline 19’, Michael Caine 20’, Loretta Lynn 21’, Harry M Miller 22’, Florencio Carvalho 22’, Quincy Jones 23’, Larry King 25’, Reginald Kray 26’, Ronald Kray 26’, Claude of France 27’, Natalie Barney 28’, Omar Sharif 34’, Emperor Akihito 37’, William Blake 47’, Shirley Conran 54’, Nina Simone 54’, Yoko Ono 1°04′, Louis XVI 1°25′, Jim Jones 1°37′.
Uranus Square Pluto History
The last series of squares was between 1932 and 1934, with five exact hits. Many of the fears astrologers have about this Uranus square Pluto series are based on what happened to the world in the early 1930s: the Great Depression, the political and social upheaval, and the rise of dictators and extremism. For a different perspective, a more esoteric view, we can look at Heliocentric astrology. This is useful for the significant outer planetary aspects, as we get a more solar system-based view from the Sun (Helio). There are no retrograde motions, so we end up with one moment in time for the exact square.
This heliocentric event occurred in January 1933, in the 1930s. This was the height of the Great Depression when the stock markets bottomed out, and unemployment peaked. In January 1933, Adolf Hitler cemented his power, becoming Chancellor of Germany. Pluto, discovered only three years prior, was aligned with the Earth, which had a very Pluto-like influence on this square.
Uranus rules invention and technology, and square Pluto, we saw significant advancements in this area in the early 30s. If we look to Hitler as a manifestation of ruthless Pluto control and power, we can see how he harnessed the cutting-edge technology of the day. He was the first political leader in the world to take advantage of air travel, spreading his message in person all over Germany. He also led the way in using new media as a tool for propaganda.
Uranus Square Pluto 2012 to 2015
As Uranus square Pluto on 16 March 2015 is the final of the seven squares, I will look over the whole series and see how it compares to what I originally predicted above. The general theme of Uranus square Pluto is “larger-scale political, religious or social changes”.
The Rise of Dictators and Extremism
Vladimir Putin is a dictator. He cemented his rule on 7 May 2012 by becoming the president of Russia, and this was close to the first Uranus Pluto square on 24 June 2012. He has been running Russia for the last 16 years, since 1999.
Recently, there has also been a focus on dictators in the Arabic world. First, Colonel Gaddafi was overthrown in Libya. Also thrown out was Egypt’s dictator Hosni Mubarak. He was replaced by the democratically elected Mohamed Morsi on 30 June 2012, just six days after the first Uranus Pluto square. A military coup led to the installation of a new dictator, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, on 8 June 2014. There are many more examples.
Large-Scale Religious Changes
The scandal over Catholic Church sexual abuse cases continued over the last four years. A report posted on 25 June 2012, just one day after the 1st Uranus Pluto square by philli.com said: “The crisis has touched almost every Catholic diocese in the country and awakened an awareness among Catholics abroad that has led to allegations of sex abuse in Australia, New Zealand, and Western Europe, especially Ireland.” It goes on to say that more than $3 billion has been paid out in lawsuits by the Church in the USA.
More critical was the Arab Spring, which began in December 2010 and continues. The causes were authoritarianism, political corruption, human rights violations, inflation, imperialism and unemployment. The methods used are exactly what we would expect with Uranus square Pluto. Demonstrations, insurgency, internet activism, revolution, riots, strike actions, urban warfare and uprisings.

The terrifying rise of ISIS: Map that shows how terror group’s tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan. dailymail.co.uk
In the aftermath of the Arab Spring protests, starting in March 2013, wide-scale violence and instability have been termed the Arab Winter. This has sprung the greatest threat to world stability and peace since Nazi Germany, ISIS, ISIL, or the Islamic State.
Rise of the Islamic State
The most significant larger-scale political, religious or social change due to Uranus square Pluto has risen out of the Arab Spring. ISIS, or the Islamic State, meets all the criteria I mentioned in my predictions. ISIS represents the major generational upheaval of the last four years. The shocking, unpredictable, ruthless and extreme revolution affects the globe. “distinctly non-personal and emotionless, yet their effect is dramatic and deeply felt.”
While Adolf Hitler cemented his power during the last series of Uranus-Pluto squares, ISIS cemented its power with the declaration of a caliphate on 29 June 2014. Its motto is “Remaining and Expanding.” It is headed by the caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. A caliph is the equivalent of a dictator, with governance over all Muslims worldwide, and his decisions are binding.
In the 1930s, Hitler “harnessed the cutting-edge technology of the day. He was the first political leader in the world to take advantage of air travel. He also led the way in using new media as a tool for propaganda.” Islamic State is known for its extensive and effective use of propaganda. Its media production unit produces CDs, DVDs, posters, pamphlets, and web-related propaganda products. One of its most effective tools has been posting videos on YouTube.
Islamic State uses social media to terrorize Western audiences by spreading pictures of graphic violence. Social media are also used to attract new fighters and incite lone wolves. Their propaganda is slick, broadcasting in about 23 languages. “the military success and brutality of the jihadi group surging through Iraq have been recorded with the level of precision often reserved for company accounts.” [Selling terror: how Isis details its brutality]
In other comparisons to the 1930s, in June 2014, the number of refugees worldwide exceeded 50 million for the first time since World War II. [UNHCR]. The persecution of minorities in the territories that the Islamic State rules is fast becoming a genocide, especially in Iraq, Syria and Nigeria.
Extremism and nationalism have not been restricted to the Islamic State. UKIP won a third of the vote in nationwide 2013 local elections in the United Kingdom. In the 2014 European elections, UKIP received the most votes, the first time in over 100 years that Labour or the Conservatives have not won a UK-wide election.
The right-wing nationalist prime minister of Japan won a landslide victory in the 2012 general election. He has attempted to downplay Japan’s wartime atrocities in school textbooks. Japan is strengthening and expanding its military in response to rising threats from China and North Korea.
On 18 September 2013, Australia elected Tony Abbott prime minister. Abbott is a right-winger with links to the ultra-conservative Opus Dei sect of the Catholic Church. His first budget focused the harshest cuts on single parents, taking $6000 per year in benefits away. The government gives $31 billion a year to religious institutions, and he has spent $430 million to employ chaplains in state schools.
Rise of the Radical Right in Europe
Seven days after the third exact Uranus Pluto square, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs said in a speech: “We need dedicated discussions at the highest level… on how we stop the growing trends of xenophobia and violent extremism in Europe.” [The rise of right-wing extremism in Europe]
The right-wing European People’s Party is the most powerful political group in the European Parliament. It won the largest share of the vote in the 22 May 2014 elections, just after the fifth Uranus Pluto square. The European People’s Party is the political wing of the Christian Democrats, influenced by conservatism and Catholic social teaching. Radical right-wing parties have been rising in Europe for decades, but there has been a sharp rise during the last four years of Uranus Pluto squares.
On 19 September 2012, the exact day of the second Uranus Pluto square, Charlie Hebdo published a series of satirical cartoons of Muhammad that both the French and US governments heavily criticized. On the exact day of the sixth Uranus Pluto square, 15 December 2014, a lone wolf brandishing the Islamic State flag held 17 people hostage inside a café in Sydney, resulting in the death of 2 hostages.
Then, the Charlie Hebdo shooting on 8 January 2015 led to the death of 12 people, and the Copenhagen terror attack on 15 February 2015 killed another three people. These recent attacks in Western countries have legitimized the claims that Islam and Islamic extremism are dangerous, and it has bolstered support for radical right-wing political parties. The result is “a dangerous economic, political and cultural synergy that is driving politics in troublesome ways… the rise of Europe’s radical right should not be taken lightly” [Panelists survey rise of the radical right in Europe].
Uranus Square Pluto Dates and Charts
1 Uranus square Pluto June 24, 2012
2 Uranus square Pluto September 19, 2012
3 Uranus square Pluto May 20, 2013
4 Uranus square Pluto November 1, 2013
5 Uranus square Pluto April 21, 2014
6 Uranus square Pluto December 15, 2014
7 Uranus square Pluto March 17, 2015