Sun quincunx Pluto maximum orb 3°30′.
Sun quincunx Pluto natal makes for a most complex and complicated personality. Every choice you make, and every personal encounter has a deeper meaning and more profound ramifications than other people experience.
Conscious awareness of this psychological cause and effect makes you earnest and mature. You have a deeper understanding of spiritual or karmic laws than most. Knowing how vital each turning point in life is, you try to affect outcomes using your considerable power and influence. Others can find this threatening and label you a control freak or manipulator.
You are, in fact, only trying to make your life and the lives of your loved ones better. What others see as interfering or obsessive behavior is your way of ensuring the best or safest outcome. Too much negative feedback or curtailment of your powers and easily result in low self-esteem. You are susceptible to self-hate and self-abuse as if surrendering your power to a darker force.
Periodic visits to the dark side can result in drug abuse, crime, prostitution, or violence. Yet no matter how dark you get, you can also tip the karmic scales to the light. As the intensity of neurotic energy increases exponentially to a crisis point, an event or person will intervene. An evolutionary leap occurs at this point as the threat of extinction nears.
With age and experience, the extremes in your life should moderate. You will learn your limits and seek compromise. Your life is a series of psychological transformations with the karmic aim of self-improvement and making the world a better place.
Sun Quincunx Pluto Transit
Sun quincunx Pluto transit is a turning point in life that often felt like a mini-crisis or threat. You may feel a buildup of pressure to an intense level that results in neurotic, obsessive, or destructive behavior.
An event or person may trigger this tipping point by taking away your power. In relationships, you could react by trying to control and manipulate the other person, resulting in conflict and bruised egos.
This is an evolutionary process with karmic causes and implications. Compromise is needed as there are no yes or no answers, only gray areas.
A positive response would be the sublimation of your ego and letting go, trusting in a higher power. A negative answer would be to cede your control to a darker force and prop up your ego with drugs, manipulation, or violence.
This crisis, turning point, or serious decision is best viewed as a self-improvement exercise. You can transform your life for the better and positively affect someone or humanity in general.
Sun Quincunx Pluto Celebrities
George Harrison 0°00′, Bernard Arnault 0°02′, Ron Jeremy 0°07′, Alois Treindl 0°08′, Augusto Pinochet 0°10′, Andrew Greeley 0°11′, Donna Van Toen 0°12′, Gregory Godzik 0°15′, Magda Goebbels 0°18′, Jane Fonda 0°18′, Anne-Marie 0°18′, Steven Forrest 0°18′, James Dean 0°19′, Rami Malek 0°21′, Robert Downey Jr 0°29′, Israel Regardie 0°35′, Steve Earle 0°35′, William Rowan Hamilton 0°42′, Kenneth Anger 0°43′, Edmond Halley 0°46′, Denise Richards 0°46′, Misty Stone 0°46′, Carmen Electra 0°47′, Christine Keeler 0°51′, William Hague 0°51′, Jim McGovern 0°53′, Jan Brożek 0°57′, Thomas More 1°03′, John Denver 1°09′, Crystal Gayle 1°10′, Jennifer Aniston 1°11′, Michael Avenatti 1°13′, Michael Nesmith 1°19′.
Sun Quincunx Pluto Dates
June 21, 2023
August 21, 2023
June 22, 2024
August 22, 2024
June 24, 2025
August 24, 2025
June 26, 2026
August 26, 2026