Sun opposite Saturn maximum orb 7°30′.
Sun opposite Saturn natal is one of the most challenging aspects because the opposition aspect is similar to Saturn. They both cause repression, hardship, coldness, standstill, and crystallization. This contradicts the vitality, willpower, creativity, and expressiveness of the Sun, which causes inner tension, stress, and energy blockages.
Early hardship and restrictions can lead to low self-esteem, pessimism and inhibition. This aspect usually indicates a strong but often negative influence from one parent. Perhaps a weak, absent, critical, or controlling parent exacerbated a belief that you were somehow inferior.
You may have had too much responsibility placed on you and felt you could not live up to expectations. This can lead to disrespect of authority and troubled relations with teachers, bosses, and older people.
Growing up quickly likely made you a serious, grave and thoughtful person. Disappointments, delays, losses, chronic illness, disgrace or degrading experiences can give a tendency to be self-critical, anxious, and sad. You may feel you have been dealt a rough hand by fate or have bad karma. This could make you fearful, guilty or resentful.
Continued setbacks can lead to an understandably negative outlook and a shy, aloof or antisocial nature. You could then become greedy, selfish, mean, severe, miserly, stubborn, obstinant or too materialistic. Taking advantage of others, ignoring friends, and being unable to see anyone’s viewpoint but yours are also possible.
Battling against the odds leads to inner strength, toughness, endurance, motivation, practicality, courage and assertiveness. This allows you to overcome inner fears and inhibition and external resistance and conflict. And when your time comes, be ready to act and do what is needed.
Patience and perseverance are your keys to success. Being a late bloomer allows you time to learn lessons, develop hindsight and gain wisdom. Early negativity can be turned entirely around into self-respect, confidence, responsibility, unselfishness and loyalty.
Sun opposite Saturn rewards hard work and dedication with achievement, promotion and recognition. You could become a teacher, instructor, mentor, leader, role model, representative or authority in your area of expertise. You can build structures, impose order on chaos, and achieve stability, reputation and a lasting legacy.
Sun Opposite Saturn Transit
Transiting Sun opposite Saturn can bring restrictions and hardship. It can be a real struggle to overcome these limiting conditions because, as well as putting up barriers to progress, Saturn makes it harder to express yourself. You may have to deal with melancholy, worry, loss, grief, disgrace, or low self-esteem.
Your need for companionship may contradict other people’s need for distance. Or perhaps you want a break from your burdens and responsibilities. Distance or separation between you and others can lead to rejection or isolation.
Complex relations are possible with your father, other authority figures, and older people. Other people, in general, may be critical, demanding, and impatient toward you, and you may have to become more demanding or patient to get what is typically straightforward.
These tests and trials can make you miserable and frustrated or make you determined to succeed. You can learn new skills and gain valuable knowledge with critical thinking and a serious, thoughtful attitude. Hard work, patience, and persistence can lead to achievement, recognition, and respect. If you still feel frustrated, try plodding along by yourself on some personal goal where you do not require the assistance of others.
This interpretation for Sun opposite Saturn transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon opposite Saturn.
Sun Opposite Saturn Celebrities
Christina Applegate 0°07′, Alois Treindl 0°09′, Frank Capra 0°10′, Shakira 0°13′, Tiffany Chin 0°23′, Wilhelm Brückner 0°37′, Robert E. Zoller 0°43′, Ronald Pelton 0°53′, Joyce Wieland 0°55′, Hans Christian Andersen 1°04′, Phil Ivey 1°09′, Gerard Manley Hopkins 1°13′, Nicholas Culpeper 1°23′, Derek Longmuir 1°25′, Leopold II of Belgium 1°27′, Louis Mountbatten 1°33′, Miranda Kerr 1°45′, Mark David Chapman 1°51′, Wilhelm II 1°51′, Ivana Trump 1°54′, Liev Schreiber 1°55′.
Sun Opposite Saturn Dates
August 27, 2023
September 8, 2024
September 21, 2025
October 4, 2026
October 17, 2027
October 30, 2028
November 13, 2029