Sun opposite Mars maximum orb 7°30′.
Sun opposite Mars natal makes you a passionate and competitive person. You are filled with hot, radiant energy that must have a safe and constructive outlet. Without expressing this hot energy, you will likely experience a lot of anger and drama. Such bottled-up energy can lead to explosive fury and physical pain in extreme cases.
Whatever outlet you find, whether creative, sporting, sexual or professional, it is likely to involve a level of competitiveness that is healthy for you. You will have a strong will to succeed when competing, which is also good.
Problems may arise, however, if you use non-direct methods to win, like cheating or violence. The exception is life-threatening situations without rules if you or a loved one are threatened. Such cases will be rare unless you find yourself in the police or military. Careers that harness your adrenaline rushes are suitable, but you may need to learn to harness your rage.
Your passions and desires can be so strong that others find you overly assertive. You may be unaware of this until others react defensively or selfishly. Until you become more aware of the repercussions of your actions, you will likely become involved in many arguments and fights. Thinking more about the rights and feelings of others will help you achieve your desires with less drama. Sublimating your ego and toning down your assertiveness are good ways to reduce resistance to your goals.
Business and politics are other highly competitive fields in which you could excel. Working in high-pressure situations against an opponent will sharpen your skills and lead to personal development. Very quickly, you will learn by experience that tactics and patience are vital in overcoming an inflated ego or rashness.
Harnessing your strong passions and sexuality is essential in maintaining healthy relationships. While moderating your flaring sexual energy, you may have to deal with jealousy, revenge or risky situations.
Sun Opposite Mars Transit
Sun opposite Mars transit increases your assertiveness in achieving your strongest desires. Competition is the keyword as you are forced to fight for your rights or your wants. This transit requires patience, tactics, and a more subtle approach. Your instinct will be to go in with all guns blazing, but this approach will only increase resistance and opposition.
While you may need to tone down your ego and level of aggression, you still need to be direct in asserting yourself. Underhand tactics like trickery or passive-aggressiveness will not work for you. Just as arguments and anger from others will let you know you are approaching things the wrong way, so will increase irritability, anger or jealousy on your part.
It is also likely that others will try to assert themselves over you, especially if you are the quiet or submissive type. Whether taking the initiative or reacting to an attack on your ego, it will most likely be played out in your closest relationships. The competition may involve a boss, coworker, or man, if not a lover.
Sexual tension may be the first sign of increasing competitiveness in a relationship. The key to dealing with any argument or conflict is to be open and honest about your firm desires. This will clear the air and reduce the likelihood of the situation escalating to a dangerous level.
Avoid risk-taking and acting rashly. Express this hot energy safely when arguments arise. Sexual activity, exercise, sports, and hard physical work are other ways to channel this energy and prevent it from building up in your body.
This interpretation of the Sun opposite Mars transit can also be read for a solar eclipse and a new moon opposite Mars.
Sun Opposite Mars Celebrities
Frida Kahlo 0°01′, Judy Garland 0°06′, William Cook (entrepreneur) 0°17′, Barbara Blackman 0°58′, Paul Rebeyrolle 0°59′, Julia Zemiro 1°03′, Kim Fowley 1°20′, Pierre Gandon 1°29′, John Allen Muhammad 1°31′, Edmond James de Rothschild 1°33′, Vivian Robson 1°40′, David Icke 1°44′, John Bennett Ramsey 2°02′, Jessie Jackson 2°15′, Freddie Prinze 2°22′, Walter de la Mare 2°34′, John Howard 2°53′.
Sun Opposite Mars Dates
December 8, 2022
January 15, 2025
February 19, 2027
March 25, 2029
May 4, 2031
June 27, 2033