Sun conjunct Saturn maximum orb 7°30′.
Sun conjunct Saturn natal makes you a serious, self-controlled person. You probably had a difficult childhood full of expectations and limitations. This could relate to a complex relationship issue involving your father. He may have been strict, mean or absent. You grew up quickly and may have preferred the company of older people. You likely had many burdens and responsibilities placed on you.
When young, you may have felt like you had bad karma. The Sun conjunct Saturn can indicate low self-esteem, shyness, depression, self-denial and self-criticism. Difficulty expressing yourself, believing you are undeserving, and procrastinating can result in unfulfilled desires, isolation and missed opportunities.
But early hardship and painful lessons taught you responsibility, self-discipline and the value of hard work. Saturn rewards hard work, patience and persistence, and Saturn is also a late bloomer. With age often comes excellent achievements and recognition as a respectable authority figure.
Conservatism shows up in your personality and belief systems. You may always be reserved, but you can loosen up around friends and have fun. Your dark sense of humor can even be entertaining. But your natural strengths are ambition, determination, reliability and trustworthiness.
You may enjoy being a hermit at times and be comfortable at home. Your understanding of structure and organization gives you a talent for building things from the ground up. Practicality, perfectionism, and efficiency bring beneficial and lasting results.
People may depend on you, especially in times of crisis. You bring order and stability out of chaos. You could be a mentor or a leader.
JosemarÃa Escrivá had Sun conjunct Saturn exact (0°00’29”). His childhood was difficult as his father was a business failure. He became a Catholic priest and founded the most powerful sect within the Roman Catholic Church, Opus Dei. Escrivá was associated with Spain’s fascist Franco regime, and his powerful right-wing sect is known for self-flagellation, celibacy, and strict discipline. He was called “el Padre,” the Father, and was made a Saint in 1992.
Sun Conjunct Saturn Transit
Sun conjunct Saturn transit means you must stand up and be counted. Hard work, discipline and patience are needed to attend to your duties and obligations. You may have to take on extra responsibility or act as a mentor or guide.
This can be a time of great satisfaction, with achievements, recognition, and promotion. However, it can also be a time of deprivation, insecurity, and hardship. Much will depend on your diligence and responsibility over the last year. If things start to fall apart, it might be a signal to change course and set new goals.
Relationships may be the source of sadness as it becomes difficult to express yourself. Isolation and coldness are possible, but things can work out well if others realize you are dependable and trustworthy. You could act as a rock for someone or be looked up to because of your stability and wisdom.
Structures in your life may need attending to. This can range from your physical home to how you organize your daily routine. So this is a good time to simplify and bring efficiency to your life. Unclutter your life and remove the deadwood to make your goals less complicated and easier to achieve.
This interpretation for Sun conjunct Saturn transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon conjunct Saturn.
Sun Conjunct Saturn Celebrities
Robert Duvall 0°00′01″, JosemarÃa Escrivá 0°00’29”, Richard II of England 0°06′, Kenneth Starr 0°06′, Helen Duncan 0°08′, John Wayne Bobbitt 0°08′, Dian Fossey 0°09′, Val Kilmer 0°11′, Chris Farley 0°34′, Lucky Luciano 0°44′, Al Pacino 0°47′, Giorgio Moroder 1°07′, Robert Anton Wilson 1°20′, Eric Burdon 1°33′, Tracey Ullman 1°33′, Laverne Cox 1°34′, Adam Ant 1°34′, David B. Feinberg 1°40′, Dakota Fanning 1°41′, James Eagan Holmes 1°42′, Corazon Aquino 1°44′, Noel Coward 1°53′ Noel Coward 1°53′, Jonathan Winters 1°54′, Titus Salt 1°59′.
Sun Conjunct Saturn Dates
February 4, 2022
February 16, 2023
February 28, 2024
March 11, 2025
March 26, 2026
April 7, 2027
April 20, 2028
May 4, 2029