Sun conjunct Moon maximum orb 9°00′.
Sun conjunct Moon natal is a powerful blend of the two strongest bodies in astrology. Being born on a new moon or solar eclipse will make you very focused and driven to complete your goals and meet your high expectations.
Blending the conscious and subconscious makes you charismatic and popular with a powerful presence and forceful character. Luminous and larger than life, you embody the spontaneous energy of the new moon. You have the initiative and conviction to start major projects and see them through to completion. Also, you are not afraid to stand up and take the lead.
You hold a lot of potential energy in your body and will often feel a strong urge to make something happen, to get something started. You have the self-confidence and abilities for this role but can often be oblivious to how your powerful energy impacts other people’s lives. It is not that you do not care about others; you are simply unaware of the strong impression you leave on others.
The applying conjunction means you were born on the waning new moon. Being born just before a new moon makes you more self-aware and contemplative. It is possible you are coming to the end of a large cycle of many incarnations. An older soul with an understanding of your place in the larger scheme of things. You may prefer fewer new beginnings but they will be of greater significance.
The separating conjunction means you were born on the waxing new moon. Being born just after a new moon you will be eager to make your mark but may have less self-awareness. It is possible you have recently entered into a new large cycle of incarnations. A younger soul with a great sense of adventure and lust for life. You will want to start many new things but make a few mistakes along the way.
Sun Conjunct Moon Transit
Sun conjunct Moon transit focuses on the most personal areas of life. You will pay more attention to your home, feelings, emotions, and close relationships, especially with women. The power of the Sun brings these deeper areas of life to the surface so that any problems that have simmered in these areas can be resolved in a positive way.
This transit is favorable because of the emotional balance it brings, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating. This is a perfect time for a level-headed approach to the personal issues mentioned and psychological self-analysis regarding habits and conditioning.
This interpretation for Sun conjunct Moon transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon conjunct Moon.
Sun Conjunct Moon Celebrities
app: applying, sep: separating
Alan Page 0°04′ app, Salman Rushdie 0°15′ app, JosemarÃa Escrivá 0°21′ sep, Don Marquis 0°23′ app, Allan Kardec 0°25′ sep, Joanna Lumley 0°26′ sep, Steve Forbes 0°47′ sep, Lucky Luciano 0°59′ sep, Marlon Brando 1°04′ app, Conor McGregor 1°14′ sep, Algernon Swinburne 1°15′ app, Jane Roberts 1°31′ app, Queen Victoria 1°34′ sep, Roy Castle 1°35′ app, Gilles Villeneuve 1°34′ sep, Billy Bean 1°42′ app, Franz Joseph I of Austria 1°47′ app, John Maynard Keynes 1°59′ sep.