Sun conjunct Mars maximum orb 7°30′.
Sun conjunct Mars natal makes you energetic, heroic, courageous, fierce, and fearless. You are militant and warlike, with good organizing skills and leadership ability. However, you can also be defiant, intolerant, over-confident, cruel, and vindictive.
You are passionate about asserting your identity. You will fight at all costs to be yourself. Your instinct is to look after number one, yet you are great in an emergency, with focus, fast impulse, and reaction time.
Highly sexual, you should enjoy the conquest. This aspect gives incredible energy and initiative, but endurance might not be your strength. Mars is raw, untamed, brash, bold, and sometimes vulgar.
The creative fire of the Sun combined with the forceful speed of Mars still makes you driven and ambitious. However, you may not react well to rejection. But your rampant self-assertion can be awe-inspiring, and you will achieve much with noble aims.
When acting impulsively, there is a danger of accidents, violence, cuts, abrasions, and injuries to your eyes. You would do well in a physical or competitive career like business, politics, surgery, metalwork, the armed forces, and law enforcement.
Sun Conjunct Mars Transit
Sun conjunct Mars transit brings abundant energy and initiative, which must be burnt constructively; otherwise, there can be damaging consequences. If this hot energy were to build up in the body, it would be spontaneously released without control. Such a release of uncontrolled hot energy would be rapid and destructive, hurting yourself or others. Although the manifestation of this transit can be positive or negative depending on how it is used, I consider it generally harmful because of the potential for damage.
Remaining unaware of the energy buildup can lead to accidents, aggression, temper tantrums, and even violence or rape. You will initially notice the energy buildup as irritation, annoyance or impatience. At this stage or beforehand, the best option is to apply yourself to a positive form of activity consciously. This transit gives great potential to transform the hot energy into something constructive and productive.
The creative nature of the Sun conjunct Mars can be applied to art or, even better, sculpture and other creative pursuits such as dance. Physical activity is preferred, but the brain can also burn much energy. Sex drive can go through the roof, and babymaking fits the role as both creative and productive, enjoyable too. You can express your identity through physical actions.
A high degree of assertiveness and initiative is ideal for starting new projects. An inflated ego should be contained if working with others at this time. This, together with your direct or abrupt attitude, means that working alone is preferred. Staying conscious of how others perceive you in your relationships is essential. They may feel threatened or dominated and react with aggression or spite. If you feel an argument brewing or are provoked, it would be wiser to back down to maintain harmony.
If you or your loved ones are threatened and endangered, this is an excellent transit for going on the attack. Your muscles are primed to act on instinct when the Adrenaline kicks in. In a fight, you don’t need to think; just do.
This interpretation for Sun conjunct Mars transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon conjunct Mars.
Sun Conjunct Mars Celebrities
Blake Lively 0°03′, Ethan Cohen 0°05′, Vito Genovese 0°05′, Will Young 0°05′, Kevin Smith 0°05′, Napoleon III 0°08′, Al Franken 0°09′, Matthew Manning 0°10′, John Seale 0°11′, John Daly 0°12′, Natalie Maines 0°12′, Bertrand Russell 0°16′, Chris Farley 0°16′, Matt Dillon 0°18′, Julius Streicher 0°19′, William Bonin 0°28′, David Bowie 0°30′, Leo Varadkar 0°32′, Eva Perón 0°34′, Anthony Burgess 0°43′, Willie Garson 0°45′, Johnny Weissmuller 0°46′, Danny DeVito 0°51′, Upton Sinclair 0°41′, Lucky Luciano 0°52′, Violette Szabo 0°52′, Richard Kleindienst 0°55′, Antonio Salieri 0°56′, Helen Duncan 1°04′, Alberto Fujimori 1°04′, Meghan Trainor 1°10′, Sybil Leek 1°16′, Billy Tipton 1°20′, Peter Jennings 1°25′, Kimmy Granger 1°27′, Eric Harris 1°38′, Mata Hari 1°46′.
Sun Conjunct Mars Dates
8 October 2021
18 November 2023
9 January 2026
10 March 2028
25 May 2030
11 July 2032