Hyadum II at 06°52′ Gemini has an orb of 1°30′
The Sun joins Hyadum II on May 27
Fixed star Hyadum II, Delta1 Tauri, is a double star in the Hyades star cluster located on the face of the Bull, Taurus Constellation. Magnitude 3.76 (3.90 + 9.50), spectral type K0III.
Officially named Secunda Hyadum, δ1 Tauri has the traditional name Hyadum II, Latin for “Second of the Hyades.”
The Hyades contains hundreds of stars sharing the same age, place of origin, chemical characteristics, and motion through space. The five brightest of these are:
2000 | B | Name | Sp. | Mag. |
05♊48 | γ Tau | Hyadum I, Prima Hyadum | K0 | 3.65 |
06♊52 | δ1 Tau | Hyadum II, Secunda Hyadum | K0 | 3.76 |
07♊57 | θ1 Tau | Hyadum III | K0 | 3.84 |
07♊58 | θ2 Tau | Hyadum IV, Chamukuy | A7 | 3.40 |
08♊28 | ε Tau | Ain | G9 | 3.53 |
Some astrologers include α Tauri, Aldebaran, in the Hyades. However, Aldebaran is unrelated to the Hyades, as it is located much closer to Earth and merely happens to lie along the same line of sight.
In Greek mythology, the Hyades were the five daughters of Atlas and half-sisters to the Pleiades. After the death of their brother, Hyas, the weeping sisters were transformed into a cluster of stars that was afterward associated with rain.
2000 | 2050 | Fixed Star | Orb |
00♊00 | 00♊42 | Alcyone | 2°00′ |
05♊48 | 06♊31 | Hyadum I | 1°40′ |
06♊52 | 07♊35 | Hyadum II | 1°30′ |
07♊57 | 08♊40 | Hyadum III | 1°30′ |
08♊28 | 09♊10 | Ain | 1°40′ |
Hyadum II Astrology
Fixed star Hyadum II has the spectral type K0, indicating the planetary nature of Mars.
The Hyades consist of six stars (α, θ1, θ2, γ, δ, and ε, Tauri) situated on the forehead of the Bull and marking the northern eye. According to Ptolemy they are of the nature of Saturn and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Mercury and Mars. Simmonite likens the Hyades to Mars but this is probably a misinterpretation of Ptolemy’s meaning. They give tears, sudden events, violence, fierceness, poisoning, blindness, wounds or injuries to the head by instruments, weapons or fevers, and contradictions of fortune. [1]
The Hyades as a group are violent and troublesome, causing storm and tempests both on land and sea. They have always been associated with rain (even China as well as Greece and Rome). Edmund Spencer calls them the “Moist Daughters”, and the stars have always had a favorable connotation regarding agriculture. Vivian Robson claims that Prima Hyadum is the chief star of the Hyades, but this is at variance with classical literature which gives this prominence to Aldebaran. [2]
The Hyades cluster of the rain stars bear out a Mars-Neptune character with a Uranian blend. Their influence is that of a staggering increase of the sexual urge; self-preservation, which could lead to greediness; sexuality; a dissolute life; excessive and licentious ways; and a striving for prestige leading to power politics. If this tendency is bridled, an increase in the positive sense can be the result, leading to tremendous success in life. When the pinnacle of the career is reached, the danger appears that the inherent nature may come again to the fore, and may, if uncontrolled, lead to failure and fall from power. With a connection to the Hyades, it is doubly important that power and strength must not be used to exploit other human beings. [2]
The Hyades are a small group of six stars including the Eye of Taurus (Ain). Greek mythology saw them as the daughters of Atlas and Aethra, major figures in the pre-disaster period of our history. Like their half-sister the Pleiades, they were a sorrowful group – understandably after seeing Father try in vain to keep the sky (Phaeton’s debris) up off the Earth – and they have long portended rain, to both farmers and seafarers. Of the Hyades overall, we can now add the note that these princesses of one of Earth’s most powerful rulers in the run-up to the Disaster would indeed have been among those required to communicate the news to a panic-stricken population and to exercise firm control over them. And that is very much the quality we find in this part of Taurus Constellation, now in Gemini decan 1 (5 to 10° Gemini Sign). [4]
Constellation Taurus
Ptolemy makes the following observations: “Those stars in Taurus which are in the abscission of the sign resemble in their temperament the influence of Venus, and in some degree that of Saturn . . . the stars in the head (except Aldebaran) resemble Saturn, and, partly, Mercury; and those at the top of the horns are like Mars.” By the Kabalists Taurus is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Juggler.” In all the ancient Zodiacs, Taurus is the beginning sign and marked the Vernal Equinox from about 4,000 to 1,700 B.C. [1]
The constellation was an object of worship in primitive cultures throughout the ages. To the ancient Egyptians, it was the bull-god Orissi, but according to R. A. Allen in Star Names and Their Meanings, the star was also worshiped by the Babylonians, Chinese, Druids, and some tribes of Amazon Indians. Its stars, according to Tetrabiblos are: “…like Venus along the line where the constellation is cut off [Taurus is represented as the head and fore-part only of a charging bull. These are the stars 5-Tau, 4-Tau, 3-Tau, 0-Tau, and 30-Tau.]: those in the Pleiades have the nature of the Moon and Jupiter; the one in the Hyades that is bright and somewhat reddish called Troch (Aldebaran) has a ‘temperament’ like that of Mars; the others (in the Hyades) like that of Saturn and moderately like that of Mercury; and those (stars) in the tips of the horns, like that of Mars.” With the exception of El Nath (constellation of the Charioteer), all the named stars in Ptolemy’s catalog of this constellation are in the Hyades and Pleiades. The Bull is now called Taurus (Tau) and traditionally presages the results of the beginnings of large political undertakings. The constellation also portends that which affects wild animals, especially those dangerous to man. [2]
Fixed Star Hyadum II Conjunctions
Ascendant conjunct Hyadum II: Injuries to the face, wounds, stabs, blindness, bad eyes, imprisonment. With the Sun or Moon, military captains, commanders, colonels of horses and emperors. [1]
Alan Turing 0°01′, Machine Gun Kelly 0°10′, Tim Burton 1°09′, Will Smith 1°14′, Queen Victoria 1°37′ (and Sun, Moon).
Descendant conjunct Hyades: Bruce Lee 0°09′, Patch Adams 0°14′ (and Sun), Mark Ruffalo 0°29′, John Milton 1°06′.
Midheaven conjunct Hyadum II: Disgrace, ruin, violent death, injuries to the face, wounds, stabs, blindness, bad eyes, imprisonment. With the Sun or Moon, military captains, commanders, colonels of horses and emperors. [1]
Kenneth Copeland 0°22′, Roger Federer 0°27′, Sarah Paulson 0°28′, Nicolaus Copernicus 0°35′, Nigel Farage 0°43′, Bella Hadid 0°53′, Henry VIII 1°19′ (and Venus, S. Node), Charles II of England 1°20′.
Imun Coeli conjunct Hyadum II: Martin Bormann 0°33′, Whoopi Goldberg 0°37′, Pablo Neruda 0°41′, William Butler Yeats 0°44′ (and Mercury, POF), Lucky Luciano 1°12′, Heinrich Himmler 1°12′ (and S. Node).
Part of Fortune conjunct Hyadum II: Corey Feldman 0°02′, Ernesto Miranda 0°53′, Salvador Dalí 1°01′, William Butler Yeats 1°07′ (and Mercury, IC), Albert Camus 1°11′, Joe Exotic 1°25′, Joseph Goebbels 1°28′.
Sun conjunct Hyadum II: Evil disposition, disturbed mind, failure in study, muddled thinking, misfortune, murderer or murdered, death by blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck. [1]
Queen Victoria 1°09′ (and Moon, AC), Patch Adams 1°10′ (and DC), Mel B 1°10′, Rudy Giuliani 1°11′.
Moon conjunct Hyadum II: Tactful, fair ability, difficulties connected with writings, may forge the name of employer or friend but finally escape punishment and retain position, liable to sickness and disgrace, danger of blindness or eye injuries. [1]
M. C. Escher 0°00′, Queen Victoria 0°25′ (and Sun, AC), Roy Orbison 0°49′.
Mercury conjunct Hyadum II: Quick mind, resentful, hasty temper, broods over small troubles, favorable for gain. [1]
Che Guevara 0°08′, Dennis Rodman 0°12′, Jeffrey Dahmer 0°17′, Karl Marx 0°40′, Marilyn Monroe 0°56′, William Butler Yeats 1°02′ (and IC, POF).
Venus conjunct Hyadum II: Many accomplishments, artistic, ability to write or paint, strong passions, which influence work. [1]
Salman Rushdie 0°05′, Malcolm X 0°15′, Bill Cosby 0°56′, Henry VIII 0°59′ (and MC, S. Node), David Duke 1°07′, Margot Robbie 1°26′.
Mars conjunct Hyadum II: Abrupt, brave, aggressive, courageous, lacks concentration. [1]
O. J. Simpson 0°06′, John Wayne Gacy 0°12′, Jimmy Page 1°13′ (and Uranus).
Jupiter conjunct Hyadum II: Ambitious, dishonest, legal difficulties, quarrels with relatives, judicial sentence. [1]
Arthur Koestler 0°16′, Rudolf Hess 0°27′, David Berkowitz 0°46′.
Saturn conjunct Hyadum II: Caution, forethought, omnivorous reader, scientific, success but little prominence, worry and annoyance from relatives. [1]
Connected with Saturn, the Hyades points to falls and accidents [3]
Dolores O’Riordan 0°05′, Dwayne Johnson 0°08′, Bobby Fischer 0°25′, Paul McCartney 0°50′.
Uranus conjunct Hyadum II: Scientific, literary, artistic and mystical interests, unconsciously psychic, greatly influenced by environment, favorable for marriage after 35 and for gain and children, ill-health, seldom long life. [1]
Keith Richards 0°00′, Sirhan Sirhan 0°42′, Jimmy Page 0°45′ (and Mars).
Neptune conjunct Hyadum II: Keen intellect, learned, kind-hearted, sympathetic, scientific and philosophical interests, some inventive genius often connected with etheric waves, which will bring fame but not wealth, broad and unorthodox religious views, benefits from companies, favorable for domestic matters, not good for children, brothers or sisters, knowledge gained psychically, sudden death while engaged in important work. [1]
Vehlow recounts that “the Hyades with Neptune in the eighth house cause confused ideas, making ‘world saviors’ and leading to delusions of grandeur”, Vehlow wrote this before 1934. It is therefore hardly possible that he meant this to refer to Hitler in whose nativity Pluto is found in conjunction with the Hyades and nearby positioned is Neptune in the eighth house.” [3]
Charles de Gaulle 0°12′, Max Götze 0°54′ (and Pluto), Agatha Christie 1°28′.
Pluto conjunct Hyadum II: Adolf Hitler 0°38′, Charlie Chaplin 0°43′, Jawaharlal Nehru 0°51′, Max Götze 0°55′ (and Neptune).
North Node conjunct Hyadum II: Andy Warhol 0°12′, Susan Miller 0°32′.
South Node conjunct Hyadum II: Henry VIII 0°01′ (and Venus, MC), Henry Ford 0°03′, James Joyce 0°20′, Franklin D. Roosevelt 0°27′, Drew Barrymore 0°43′, Heinrich Himmler 1°08′ (and IC), Charles Ponzi 1°13′, Tom Hanks 1°16′.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.63, 188.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.34.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.19.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.37.
- All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.