Saturn opposite Ascendant maximum orb 7°30′.
Saturn opposite Ascendant natal is also called Saturn conjunct Descendant or Saturn Setting. It mainly affects your one-to-one relationships, making you a very loyal friend and lover and taking your close relationships seriously. But your personal and professional partners can cause some difficulties in your life.
Your friends and partners may be too controlling or critical of you. In this case, it is possible that you subconsciously attract a strict father figure. You may fear being responsible for your affairs or not think you are good enough to take control of your own life.
Alternatively, you may be responsible in the relationship and attract younger or more immature friends and lovers. You may subconsciously feel you have a duty of care and must keep them safe and out of trouble.
Some astrologers say you should wait until you are about 30 until your first Saturn return before you marry. This is questionable and probably based on personal value systems tainted by religion. You learn so much about life and yourself through close one-to-one relationships.
You should not fear forming close relationships or getting married. Saturn already has a delaying and isolating influence, and you may already have a fear of marriage if your parents separated. It is possible, especially if Saturn is retrograde that you have memories of loneliness or losing a partner.
You may be critical of others but must learn to use this to your advantage. Nagging or teasing others must be avoided. Instead, you should quietly listen and learn about human nature and relationship dynamics. This way, you will be more discerning and make good relationship choices. With age comes self-assurance and self-confidence. You will realize that you deserve a happy marriage and enduring love, more deserving than most.
Saturn setting is an indicator of a long life. The list of celebrities at the end of this post shows they all lived past the average life expectancy, most well past. Even for Gerard Manley Hopkins, who died aged 44, the average life expectancy for his era was 40.
Saturn Opposite Ascendant Transit
Saturn opposite Ascendant transit can bring about a marriage or a separation. If you are with the right person, then Saturn can act like relationship glue and bring long-term commitment like marriage. There will be a heavy responsibility for partnerships, whether with a lover, a business partner, or an open enemy. You need to put in a lot of effort even if you fall in love and enjoy yourself.
Bad relationships will get more stressful and probably reach a breaking point if the problems are too difficult to resolve. If there is a conflict with competitors and enemies, it would be because you are making breakthroughs in your professional life, and they feel threatened or jealous.
You are on the way up to reach your goals. Careful work and perseverance will lead to success. You must take care of all your duties and responsibilities. Don’t leave things to the last minute or procrastinate; you will also need patience and discernment. Get everything done on time and budget. Take no shortcuts. Saturn rewards hard work and taking responsibility.
Saturn Opposite Ascendant Celebrities
Dr. Phil McGraw 0°12′ (69), Prince Michael of Kent 0′14 (77), Jack Paar 0°18′ (died aged 85), Gerard Manley Hopkins 0°18′ (died aged 44), Julian Assange 0°19′ (48), Georges Clemenceau 0°26′ (died aged 88), Willie Nelson 0°36′ (86), Kirk Douglas 0°38′ (died aged 103), Margot Robbie 0°47′ (34), George Van Tassel 0°51′ (died aged 67), Ross Perot 0°57′ (died aged 89), David O. Selznick 1°02′ (died aged 63), Marguerite Yourcenar 1°08′ (died aged 84), Warren Beatty 1°15′ (87), Woody Allen 1°48′ (84), Kourtney Kardashian 1°58′ (45), Kevin Smith 2°06′ (49), Stephanie Cole 2°29′ (78).