Sagittarius 2026 Horoscope

SAGITTARIUS: 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | Weekly | Monthly
Sagittarius 2026 HoroscopeSagittarius 2026 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Sagittarius Decan 1 – Nov 22 to Dec 1
   Sagittarius Decan 2 – December 2 to 11
   Sagittarius Decan 3 – December 12 to 21

Sagittarius Decan 1 – 2026 Horoscope

2023 to 2030 – Pluto sextile your decan brings self-confidence, power and influence. You will feel more driven to power ahead and achieve your goals. Relationships may seem more intense, but in a good way. Bonding and deeper meaning come through greater understanding. Hidden talents and abilities will help in personal and professional advancement.

  • For those born on November 22 and 23, the effect is waning.
  • Those born from November 24 to 26 feel Pluto most powerfully this year.
  • Those born from November 27 to December 1 feel it more from next year.

2025 to 2030 – Neptune trine your decan brings an increasing interest in spirituality and makes you more compassionate, imaginative and idealistic. You can follow a more spiritual path without sacrificing material comfort and security. You can connect more deeply at the spiritual level with your partner. If single, you could meet your ideal partner, a soul mate you can connect with.

  • Those born from November 22 to 26 feel the full effect this year.
  • Those born from November 27 to December 1 feel it more from next year.

February 4 to May 18 – Saturn trine your decan represents steady progress toward your long-term goals. Achievement, recognition, respect and promotion are possible. Closer bonding and commitment are likely in your relationships. If single, a new romance would be based on practical considerations and maybe with someone much older or younger than you.

February 4 to March 22 – Saturn conjunct Neptune climaxes on February 20 to make your dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach. You will understand your limitations while also being optimistic. You will also better understand your spiritual goals and how they fit into the bigger picture. Spiritual wisdom brings patience and self-discipline to sacrifice short-term gratification for long-term success.

March 9 to April 16 – Saturn sextile Pluto on March 28 gives the power, determination and focus to succeed in the most difficult tasks. You will filter out the background noise and not be distracted by anything not essential to the job. Your tremendous work ethic makes you extremely productive now. Professional recognition and advancement are possible.

April 2026 to May 2028 – Uranus opposite your decan brings rapid or unexpected changes in your life that could sometimes make you feel on edge. Stability and security may be in short supply. Tension may arise due to unforeseen circumstances or people changing their behavior or attitude toward you. Openness and a willingness to adapt rapidly to changing circumstances are vital to dealing with this disruptive energy.

  • Those born from November 22 to 27 have the full effect this year.
  • Those born from November 28 to December 1 have it next year.

June 1 to August 30  – Uranus sextile Neptune climaxing on July 15 promotes a spiritual awakening. You may become more concerned about and involved in occult, metaphysical, environmental, or humanitarian groups. This is an excellent time to invent and create, especially if you have been blocked or experiencing a creative block or feel your life has stagnated.

June 19 to August 26 – Uranus trine Pluto on July 18 gives a more adventurous, optimistic, and progressive outlook. It promotes evolutionary change, giving you a deeper self-understanding and a broader perspective of life. Increased charisma and personal power give you the ability to take the lead and have a positive influence on a large number of people.

June 25 to August 19 – Jupiter trine your decan brings happiness and optimism with warm and friendly relationships. Good luck could bring financial gains that increase your overall net worth, satisfaction and contentment. But this is also a time of generosity toward others. Opportunities can come for personal, spiritual, and material growth. This is a good time for education, long-distance travel, and legal and business matters.

July 8 to 30 – Jupiter trine Neptune, Jupiter opposite Pluto on July 20, and Jupiter sextile Uranus on July 21 is the Magic Triangle’s most powerful and fortunate activation. You should be optimistic and enthusiastic about experiencing life to the fullest and be more open-minded, progressive, open to change and accepting of others.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make your dream come true. You are well-placed to benefit from amazing discoveries, inventions and breakthroughs in science, technology, travel, communication and medicine. You can also more easily cope with challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth and success.

August 28, 2026, to February 6, 2027 – Lunar Eclipse August 2026 square your decan brings any simmering relationship tensions to the surface. Some annoyance may keep niggling away at you, forcing you to do something about it. Being more sensitive to the moods of partners, family members, and close friends will help avoid such emotional drama.

October 10, 2026, to February 8, 2027 – Saturn trine your decan again brings determination and a strong work ethic, making this an excellent time to reach your long-term goals. You are building safe and secure, lasting foundations for years to come. This should be a good time to buy and sell real estate or renovate your home. You could gain new employment, get a promotion, or take on more responsibility without any added stress.

October 19 to December 20 – Uranus trine Pluto again climaxes on November 29 brings a gradual but profound transformation that will help you engage more with people and enjoy life more.  Changes will occur around you that allow for greater personal freedom to explore more possibilities during this exciting time of self-discovery.

Sagittarius Decan 2 – 2026 Horoscope

September 7, 2025, to February 17, 2026 – Lunar Eclipse September 2025 square your decan brings any simmering relationship tensions to the surface. Some annoyance may keep niggling away at you, forcing you to do something about it. Being more sensitive to the moods of partners, family members, and close friends will help avoid such emotional drama.

March 3 to August 12 – Lunar Eclipse March 2026 square your decan brings any simmering relationship tensions to the surface. Some annoyance may keep niggling away at you, forcing you to do something about it. Being more sensitive to the moods of partners, family members, and close friends will help avoid such emotional drama.

April 29 to November 11 – Saturn trine your decan represents steady progress toward your long-term goals. You are building safe and secure, lasting foundations for years to come. Achievement, recognition, respect and promotion are possible. This should be a good time to buy and sell real estate or renovate your home. Closer bonding and commitment are likely in your relationships. If single, a new romance would be based on practical considerations and maybe with someone much older or younger than you.

August 10 to October 8 – Jupiter trine your decan brings happiness and optimism with warm and friendly relationships. Good luck could bring financial gains that increase your overall net worth, satisfaction and contentment. But this is also a time of generosity toward others. Opportunities can come for personal, spiritual, and material growth. This is a good time for education, long-distance travel, and legal and business matters.

August 12, 2026, to February 6, 2027 – Solar Eclipse August 2026 trine your decan has a harmonious and relaxing influence. If you are dating, you will likely attract the right person now. Increased confidence means you can also make gains in your professional life. You can expect favors from others, especially men and people with power.

August 24 to September 8 – Jupiter trine Saturn climaxing on August 31 gives the patience and endurance for productive, efficient, and sustained effort. You will stay focused on your long-term goals and not be distracted by day-to-day dramas. The results of your efforts will increase your sense of security and be a source of pride and satisfaction. You will be purposeful and clear about your goals. If any challenge arises, it will be easy to find a practical solution.

December 12 to 19 – Mercury in your decan brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect more personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, schools, and the internet. You are keen to express your identity through these interactions, in-person chatting, and bumping into people around town. This is a good time for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people.

Sagittarius Decan 3 – 2026 Horoscope

August 15, 2025, to February 23, 2026 – Saturn square your decan means you must work harder with patience and persistence to reach your goals. It can represent a forced turning point due to heavy burdens and tests of character. If your ambitions are thwarted, you may have to reassess your goals. A tactical retreat might or some compromise may be the best option. Your confidence and enthusiasm will return once this challenging and draining phase of life has passed. You can then start building new foundations with a greater sense of purpose.

September 21, 2025, to February 17, 2026 – Solar Eclipse September 2025 square your decan brings the potential for challenges that test your character. If you are on the right path, you will still progress by staying focused on the primary goal. But if you face defeat and disappointment, it might be time to reassess your goals.

October 2025 to February 2026 – Neptune square your decan can make you feel like you are losing your way. You may question what you want out of life. A weakening ego can leave you with less energy and enthusiasm and lead to insecurity, confusion, and disappointment. Deception and betrayal are possible if you get involved in relationships that seem too good to be true. Find strength by turning inwards and having faith in yourself.

  • Only those born on December 21 feel the final stage of this transit.

February 17 to August 12 – Solar Eclipse February 2026 sextile your decan increases your power and influence, helping you promote yourself and achieve goals. Any problems should be easier to solve, and previous resistance should fade. This is a good time to start new relationships and ask for favors.

August 12, 2026, to February 6, 2027 – Solar Eclipse August 2026 trine your decan has a harmonious and relaxing influence. If you are dating, you will likely attract the right person now. Increased confidence means you can also make gains in your professional life. You can expect favors from others, especially men and people with power.

September 27, 2026, to March 7, 2027 – Jupiter trine your decan brings happiness and optimism with warm and friendly relationships. Good luck could bring financial gains that increase your overall net worth, satisfaction and contentment. But this is also a time of generosity toward others. Opportunities can come for personal, spiritual, and material growth. This is a good time for education, long-distance travel, and legal and business matters.

All Signs for 2026

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