Fixed Star Sabik

Sabik at 17°58′ Sagittarius has an orb of 2°10′
Fixed Star Sabik

Ophiuchus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Sabik on December 10

Fixed star Sabik, Eta Ophiuchi, is a binary star system located on the right knee of the Serpent Bearer, Ophiuchus Constellation. Combined magnitude 2.43 (3.05 + 3.27), spectral type A1 IV + A1 IV, color white. [1]

η Ophiuchi has the traditional and official name Sabik, from the Arabic السابق al-sābiq, of uncertain meaning or connection. The name might mean literally “the Preceding One” or “the One Arriving First in the Race.” Other sources give the name in the dual form (for the two stars ζ Oph, Han and η Oph, Sabik) and in the plural form (for more than two stars). [2]

In Chinese astronomy, η Ophiuchi belongs to an asterism representing eleven old states in China and represents the state Song (宋). [1]

16♐0916♐51Ras Algethi1°50′

Sabik Astrology

Fixed star Sabik has the spectral type A1, indicating the planetary nature of Venus.

SABIK. η Ophiuchi. A pale yellow star situated on the left knee of Ophiuchus. From Sabik, Preceeding One. According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus; and, to Alvidas, of Jupiter and Venus. It causes wastefulness, lost energy, perverted morals, and success in evil deeds. [3]

SABIK. η Ophiuchi. A white star on the left knee of Ophiuchi. Variously given as magnitude 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0. This star gives the native sincerity, honors, success, moral courage, wastefulness, low morals, success in evil deeds. [4]

The star Ras Alhague (α Ophiuchi) is of the nature of Venus, as is Sabik (η Ophiuchi). But these stars have generally been associated with the excesses of this planet, portending perverted morals, mental depravity, and misfortune through women. [5]

Sabik, η Ophiuchi, on the Doctor’s right knee, is a word meaning Preceding, probably to indicate that this knee is ahead of the other. By longitude it is in very strong position, with the Head star of Hercules and Ophiuchus before and after it respectively. It continues the Saturn-Venus themes of putting knowledge to useful purpose, intelligence and healing. [6]

Fixed star Sabik star rules two inches below the center of the left buttock. [7]

Constellation Ophiuchus

According to Ptolemy is like Saturn and moderately like Venus. It is said to give a passionate, blindly good-hearted, wasteful and easily seduced nature, together with little happiness, unseen dangers, enmity, strife and slander. Pliny said that it occasioned much mortality by poisoning. This constellation has also been called Aesculapius and held to rule medicines. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Oin and the 16th Tarot Trump “The Lightning Struck Tower”. [3]

Ophiuchus was noted in classical times as the constellation of those who had the power of discovering healing herbs and skill in curing the bites of poisonous serpents. In a genearthical chart the constellation denoted prudence and wisdom. [5]

Eta Ophiuchi, Sabik

Eta Ophiuchi, Sabik []

Fixed Star Sabik Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Sabik: Garry Kasparov 0°00′ (and Moon), Sean Penn 0°37′, Princess Diana of Wales 0°58′, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2°00′.

Midheaven conjunct Sabik: Audrey Hepburn 0°00′, Kourtney Kardashian 0°07′, Ellen DeGeneres 0°17′, Whitney Houston 0°55′, Karl Marx 1°43′, Michael Jackson 2°07′ (and Saturn). 

Descendant conjunct Sabik: Amy Winehouse 0°02′, Drew Barrymore 1°25′, Augusto Pinochet 1°32′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Sabik: Salma Hayek 0°21′, Andrea Bocelli 1°31′. 

Part of Fortune conjunct Sabik: Drake 0°19′ (and Uranus), Rudy Giuliani 0°52′, Phil Spector 1°02′, Roger Federer 1°35′, Max Götze 1°46′.

Sun conjunct Sabik: Sincere, honorable, scientific, religious and philosophical interests, unorthodox or heretical, moral courage. [3]

The native with this conjunction is sincere, honorable and just. However, this conjunction tends to signify a sense of danger to its natives. The native could be unjustly accused, or leave an undesirable situation for a better life. This conjunction gives its natives good moral courage. [4]

Kirk Douglas 0°26′, Rajneesh 1°27′, Kenneth Copeland 2°07′. 

Moon conjunct Sabik: Secret enmity and jealousy, trouble through relatives, successful but not wealthy, success in breeding stock. [3]

The native can become successful, can acquire many friends and acquaintances. Money to such natives will be something to be used, not hoarded. This does not indicate they are wasteful. In general this is not a conjunction for great wealth. Negative nativities will negate the positive influences, or become involved in intrigues or situations that could prove disastrous. [4]

Ted Bundy 0°28′, Stephen King 0°59′, Albert Einstein 1°45′, Garry Kasparov 1°59′ (and AC).

Mercury conjunct Sabik: Injury from open enemies, little help from friends, failure in business, fairly good for gain but legal losses, scandal through relatives of marriage partner. [3]

A good conjunction for material gains; the native makes enemies but overcomes them, friends tend to desert the natives. These natives are endowed with mental hopefulness, liberality. [4]

J. Paul Getty 0°13′, LeBron James 0°40′, Mao Zedong 0°42′, Robert Hand 1°14′ (and Venus), Martin Luther 1°35′ (and Neptune), Jon Voight 1°45′, Margaret Mead 1°54′ (and Uranus).

Venus conjunct Sabik: Musical and artistic ability. [3]

Natives with this conjunction will find it difficult to gain the recognition due them in particular if they are artistically or musically inclined unless they have good financial or material assistance. These natives can become well-liked. However, there is the possibility of domestic problems, not necessarily created by the native. ‘Prideful’. [4]

Ben Shapiro 0°09′, Emily Dickinson 0°19′, Robert Hand 0°49′ (and Mercury), Charles de Gaulle 1°47′ (and S.Node)

Mars conjunct Sabik: Unorthodox or heretical religious views that may cause trouble, domestic disharmony, trouble through love affairs. [3]

These natives hold widely varying views from their friends, associates. This could be political, religious, career or other matters, and they can profit from unorthodox viewpoints. Less advanced or negative nativities get their priorities mixed up and can self-destruct. [4]

Marina Abramović 0°18′, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 0°47′, Christopher Reeve 0°56′, Gianni Versace 1°22′

Jupiter conjunct Sabik: Material success, preferment in Church or law but criticized, gain through large animals, trouble through relatives. [3]

Preferment in science, government matters dealing with public affairs. Material success is indicated by this conjunction. [4]

Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1°44′

Mars and Jupiter conjunct Sabik (3° orb): These natives are exceedingly lucky. They never have to pay back anything they do to others even if harmful. They can sift money from others with ease and never have to pay it back, which would include employers, organizations or other individuals with whom they are involved. They would be the persons who manipulate the financial records of a company or organization in order to sift money from them, yet everybody absolutely trusts them. They are very cordial individuals who wine and dine the company or organization executives so they can continue sifting money for themselves without suspicion. They can get away with it for long periods of time as they are very good at this. By arranging sexual or other pleasures for everyone in their group, they have a free hand in taking what they need. In this way, they feel they earn their pay. [7]

Saturn conjunct Sabik: Industrious, persevering, economical, strong passions, trouble through some active indiscretion affecting whole life, trouble and disappointment in love affairs, secret help from female friends which may cause scandal, success, especially in the latter part of life in affairs of an earthy or Sagittarius nature, but little prominence. [3]

Che Guevara 0°31′, Lionel Messi 1°04′, Ernest Hemingway 1°14′, Novak Djokovic 1°19′, Tim Burton 1°42′, Michael Jackson 1°43′ (and MC). 

Uranus conjunct Sabik: Sincere, sober, retiring, melancholy, thoughtful, calm and patient in trouble, clergyman or associated with the Church, some physical disability, separated from friends and relatives, some great sorrow in the life, occupied in doing good but disappointed in results, rarely marries. [3]

Sam Altman 0°10′, Walt Disney 0°14′, Marlene Dietrich 1°35′, James VI and I 1°52′, Drake 1°55′ (and POF).

Neptune conjunct Sabik: Highly sensitive, psychic strong will, prominent writer or speaker, success, many friends, favors from the opposite sex, gifts, and legacies used for scientific purposes, domestic harmony. [3]

Volodymyr Zelenskyy 0°08′, Margaret Mead 0°55′ (and Mercury), Emmanuel Macron 1°17′, Martin Luther 1°32′ (and Mercury).

Pluto conjunct Sabik: Marie Antoinette 0°11′, Olivia Rodrigo 1°40′.

North Node conjunct Sabik: Whoopi Goldberg 0°05′, Warren Beatty 0°11′, Bill Gates 0°47′, Proclus 1º05′, Jack Nicholson 1°05′, Morgan Freeman 1°58′. 

South Node conjunct Sabik: Liz Greene 0°19′, Robert Downey Jr. 0°28′, Charles II of England 0°32′, Bill Clinton 1°02′, Charles de Gaulle 1°06′ (and Venus), Max Götze 2°07′.


  1. Sabik (Eta Ophiuchi) |
  2. A Dictionary of Modern Star Names, Paul Kunitzsch and Tim Smart, 2006, p.45.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.54, 199-200.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.22.
  5. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.157.
  6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.109.
  7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.173-174
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.