Fixed Star Rigel

Rigel at 16°50′ Gemini has an orb of 2°40′
Fixed Star Rigel

Orion Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Rigel on June 7

Fixed star Rigel, Beta Orionis, is a multiple star system situated on the left foot of the Hunter, Orion Constellation. The system is comprised of at least four stars that appear as a single blue-white point of light to the naked eye.

The Rigel Star System

The Rigel Star System []

The main component is Rigel A, a slightly varible blue supergiant star. Its visual companion is a triple star system called Rigel BC. Rigel A is 400 times brighter than Rigel BC. [1]

ComponentTypeMagnitudeSpectral Type
Rigel Asingle0.13 (0.05–0.18)B8Ia
Rigel Bbinary7.5B9V
Rigel Csingle7.6B9V

The name Rigel is from an abbreviation of the Arabic name rijl al-jauzā, “the Foot of al-jauzā.” “Rigel” is one of the oldest Arabic star names applied in the West, from the end of the 10th century A.D. [2]

20002050Fixed StarOrb
18♊3819♊20Haedus I1°40′
19♊2720♊09Haedus II1°50′

Rigel Astrology

Fixed star Rigel has the spectral type B8, indicating the planetary nature of Jupiter.

Anonymous of 379 AD said Rigel was like Jupiter and Saturn. [3]

RIGEL. β Orionis. A double bluish white star situated on the left foot of Orion. According to Ptolemy and Lilly it is of the nature of Jupiter and Saturn, but later authors consider it favorable and similar to Jupiter and Mars. Alvidas likens it to Mercury Mars and Jupiter. It gives benevolence, honor, riches, happiness, glory, renown and inventive or mechanical ability. [4]

RIGEL. β Orionis. A double, blue-white star, spectral class B8p. This star imparts to its natives great ambition, a broad outlook, high honors, church or martial preferment, good luck in business affairs, wealth, and renown. [5]

Rigel, Beta Orionis. Rigel on the Left Knee, in the constellation of Orion, corresponds to a Mars-Jupiter combination. Tradition regarding the influence of Rigel is quite contradictory, implying again that the cosmogram must be fully analyzed. With this Mars-Jupiter nature, Rigel has particular meaning when found in charts of government officials, military people, politicians, leaders of political parties, barristers and priests. [6]

The star Rigel gives splendor, honor, riches, and happiness to those who are born under it. It is seen that while the constellation may indicate a bad influence, such as those who are foolish and impious, the individual star portends all those who are apt to be self-reliant persons whose success will give them riches and eminence. [7]

The first star in Orion is β Orionis, Rigel (pronounced Rizhel) meaning the Foot. It is his forward foot, nearest to the bull. Classed by Ptolemy as Jupiter-Mars, it invariably shows a character that will take on anything before it, but such a person does have to be careful that their courage is used with wisdom and sincere purpose if they are not to be painfully stung for flaunting bravado for the sake of vanity. [8]

Fixed star Rigel rules the center of the breastbone. [9]

Constellation Orion

According to Ptolemy the bright stars with the exception of Betelgeuze and Bellatrix are like Jupiter and Saturn. It is said to give a strong and dignified nature, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety, prosperity in trade and particularly by voyages or abroad, but danger of treachery and poison. It was thought by the Romans to be very harmful to cattle and productive of storms. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Juggler.” [4]

Orion is the most important constellation in the heavens outside the zodiac. In judicial astrology, this is the constellation of war. In the Middle Ages, this constellation was said to be a direful influence to agriculture, being the “the veri cuttrhrote of cattle” and presaging violent storms and much rain. In genethiacal charts the indications are for arrogance, rebellion, strength, and courage. Tetrabiblos lists the stars in the shoulder of Orion to have a nature similar to that of Mars and Mercury, and the other bright stars in the constellation to be similar to the natures of Jupiter and Saturn. [7]

Beta Orionis, Rigel []

Rigel Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Rigel: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. The natives possess much and are very rich and have estates in various towns and cities and are lovers of the countryside and skilled in building houses. [3]

Good fortune, preferment, riches, great and lasting honors. [4]

A quick rise in life is promised on account of strong, inherent willpower, a love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. A continuous battle to retain an acquired position has to be waged. This fight, at the same time, stimulates an increase in vigor. Even in spite of unhelpful aspects, success and reaching the set aim can be secured by this powerful concentration. If, however, the native is not cautious or has an attack of weakness, failure and disappointments, a fall from success will follow. [6]

Augusto Pinochet 0°24′‚ Amy Winehouse 1°10′, Heinrich Schütz 1°12′ (and Jupiter), Rajneesh 1′53, Erica Jong 2°03′ (and Jupiter), Drew Barrymore 2°33′

Midheaven conjunct Rigel: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [3]

Great military or ecclesiastical preferment, prosperity in business, anger, vexation, magnanimity, much gain acquired by labor and mental anxiety, lasting honors. [4]

A quick rise in life is promised on account of strong, inherent willpower, a love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. A continuous battle to retain an acquired position has to be waged. This fight, at the same time, stimulates an increase in vigor. Even in spite of unhelpful aspects, success and reaching the set aim can be secured by this powerful concentration. If, however, the native is not cautious or has an attack of weakness, failure and disappointments, a fall from success will follow. [6]

Noor Inayat Khan 0°02′, Jeff Bridges 0°05′, Charles Dickens 0°19′, Andrea Bocelli 0°23′, Kitty Kelley 0°23′ (and Mars, Jupiter), Richard Nixon 0°38′, Kurt Cobain 1°15′, Salma Hayek 1°29′, Marcia Hines 1°52′ (and Venus, Jupiter).

Descendant conjunct Rigel: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [3]

Auguste Escoffier 0°20′ (and Jupiter), Cindy Sherman 0°21′ (and Jupiter), Sean Penn 0°31′, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 0°52′, Garry Kasparov 1°09′, Bob Marley 1°21′, Princess Diana of Wales 2°07′, Leonardo da Vinci 2°32′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Rigel: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [3]

Ronald Lee Warmoth 0°32′ (and Mars, Jupiter).

Part of Fortune conjunct Rigel: Che Guevara 0°51′, Woody Allen 1°13′, Eric Burdon 1°14′, Arnold Palmer 1°39′ (and Jupiter), E. A. Housman 1°43′ (and Jupiter), Meghan Trainor 1°53′, Charles de Gaulle 2°20′ (and N.Node), Elizabeth Taylor 2°37′, Emmanuel Macron 2°39′.

Sun conjunct Rigel: Bold, courageous, insolent, unruly temper, hasty actions, bloodshed, many enemies, great good fortune, military success. [4]

High preferment in martial, astrology, religion and all public matters. Forthrightness and boldness will be evident. The native may have a short, quick temper. Some of these natives may develop into insolent persons, become unruly and demanding, and even subject themselves to mental anxiety. The native may make great gains in their careers accompanied by hard work. Wealth is possible. They may expect lasting honors but are subject to some setbacks and some sorrows. [5]

Quick rise in life is promised on account of a strong, inherent will power, love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. A continuous battle to retain an acquired position has to be waged. This fight at the same time stimulates an increase in vigor. Even in spite of unhelpful aspects, success and reaching the set aim can be secured by this powerful concentration. If however the native is not cautious or has an attack of weakness, failure and disappointments, a fall from success will follow. [6]

Pete Hegseth 0°05′, Prince 0°25′, John Maynard Keynes 0°50′ (and Moon), Marquis de Sade 0°53′, George Pell 1°21′, Johnny Depp 1°44′, James Young Simpson 1°54′ (and Jupiter), Mark Wahlberg 2°16′, Alexei Navalny 2°34′.

Moon conjunct Rigel: A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [3]

Much worry and disappointment, injuries to life and fortune, sickness, ill-health or death to wife or mother. [4]

Preferment in astrology, occult, writings, and unusual occupations. Natives with this conjunction will experience anxious moments over family and health problems. The disappointments they experience will affect them more so than it would the average person. Generally, these natives are versatile and ingenious, many talents may be developed, and high honors could be expected. Less advanced natives may encounter many roadblocks and disappointments on the road to success, but they will develop the habit of shrugging off their worrisome nature, or else they stand to lose all they gain. Chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illnesses are possible with this conjunction. [5]

A quick rise in life is promised on account of a strong, inherent willpower, a love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. A continuous battle to retain an acquired position has to be waged. This fight, at the same time, stimulates an increase in vigor. Even in spite of unhelpful aspects, success and reaching the set aim can be secured by this powerful concentration. If, however, the native is not cautious or has an attack of weakness, failure and disappointments, a fall from success will follow. [6]

Sigmund Freud 0°08′, Nancy Spungen 0°34′, Jim Carrey 0°53′, Priyanka Chopra 1°02′, John Maynard Keynes 1°08′ (and Sun), Jenna Ortega 1°24′, Hunter Schafer 1°58′, Lionel Messi 2°23′ (and Venus), Ben Shapiro 1°42′.

Moon conjunct Ascendant or Midheaven with Rigel: The natives have a virtuous disposition and are respectful of their elders, have noble feelings, are generous, tolerant, sensible, and love their loved ones. [3]

Mercury conjunct Rigel: Scientific, prominent position in connection with Mercurial matters or in science. [4]

Natives with this conjunction can develop high preferment in their chosen careers, and they will have the mental capacity (and ambition) to rise high in this life if they channel their activities correctly. These natives can develop a positive attitude better than most people. They should be quite fluent in their speech, never at a loss for an answer. [5]

(No orb): This planet does not go to any extremes at this point and there is no health problem or disease with this configuration; however, it does create a person who is very high-strung. It is not serious, nor is it necessarily of long duration. The entire nervous system is stimulated, causing a very rapid and even-flowing energy throughout the nervous system and mental thought patterns. These are persons who can sell anything to anyone. They usually speak rapidly; are very bright, and people enjoy listening to them. They are thus able to be persuasive in any area they wish to apply their communicative ability. [9]

Anne Frank 0°44′, iccolo Machiavelli 0°50′, Novak Djokovic 1°32′, Paul McCartney 2°20′, Imelda Marcos 2°23′, Immanuel Kant 2°28′.  

Venus conjunct Rigel: Honors or favors in middle life, good and influential marriage especially if female. [4]

The native can receive high honors during their lifetime, perhaps in an unusual manner. Domestic problems, concealed or otherwise, are possible. [5]

Lionel Messi 0°06′ (and Moon), Linda Gray Sexton 0°28′ (and Jupiter), April Ashley 0°36′, John F. Kennedy 1°04′, Conor McGregor 1°07′, Marcia Hines 2°12′ (and Jupiter, MC), Amelia Earhart 2°19′ (and Pluto)

Mars conjunct Rigel: Unruly, ingenious, occupied with mechanical matters, great military preferment. [4]

The native will be of a positive nature, some even a little hard to deal with, they can be very determined, but not headstrong, they seem to know exactly what they want and how to go about getting what they want. These natives are clever. Violence and chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness is possible. [5]

This brings out a more ruthless type of individual. These people can sell anything, even those things they do not own or have on hand to sell. This point is a gift, but with Mars on this degree they take advantage of others and thus use it unwisely. The entire nervous system is stimulated, causing a very rapid and even-flowing energy throughout the nervous system and mental thought patterns. These are persons who can sell anything to anyone. They usually speak rapidly; are very bright, and people enjoy listening to them. They are thus able to be persuasive in any area they wish to apply their communicative ability. [9]

Ronald Lee Warmoth 0°08′ (and Jupiter, IC), Wayne Newton 0°11′ (and Jupiter), John III Sobieski 0°26′, Courtney Love 0°33′, Tiger Woods 1°03′, Kitty Kelley 1°05′ (and Jupiter, MC), Benito Mussolini 2°03′.

Jupiter conjunct Rigel: Great legal or ecclesiastical preferment, many journeys, benefits from foreign affairs, favorable for marriage. [4]

True to the double star affecting this conjunction, natives born under it will be one of two types ~ respectable and well accepted by the public if they are in public view, or victims of the baser nature of the double star and criminally inclined, even subject to violence. [5]

Marcia Hines 0°04′ (and Venus, MC), Ursula K. Le Guin 0°05′, Giacomo Puccini 0°06′, James Young Simpson 0°12′ (and Sun), Beau Bridges 0°15′, Tom Graeff 0°16′, Heinrich Schütz 0°16′ (and AC), Ronald Lee Warmoth 0°17′ (and Mars, IC), Wayne Newton 0°18′ (and Mars), Mitchell Torok 0°19′, John Travolta 0°20′, Linda Gray Sexton 0°23′ (and Venus), Barbara Walters 0°23′, Patty Hearst 0°24′, E. A. Housman 0°25′ (and POF), Arnold Palmer 0°27′ (and POF), Oprah Winfrey 0°27′, Rick Warren 0°29′, Lata Mangeshkar 0°29′, Riley Keough 0°32′, Kitty Kelley 0°32′ (and Mars, MC), Howard Roberts 0°32′, Neil Kinnock 0°36′, Redep Tayyip Ergodan 0°37′, Richard Speck 0°41′, Michael York 0°48′, Ron Howard 0°49′, Erica Jong 0°52′ (and AC), Aretha Franklin 0°56′, James Baker 0°55′, Prince William of Gloucester 0°58′, Katey Sagal 0°59′, Cindy Sherman 1°01′ (and DC), Proclus 1º02′ (and S.Node), Carolyn Jones 1°02′, Auguste Escoffier 1°05′ (and DC), Lucy Broadwood 1°07′, William Henry Ireland 1°11′, Rockwell Kent 1°16′, Jan Brożek 1°21′, Howard Stern 1°34′, Josephine Baker 1°41′, Grace Kelly 1°45′, Jane Austen 1°48′, Inayat Khan 1°55′, George Westinghouse 1°57′, John Wayne Gacy 2°06′, Anton LaVey 2°20′.

Saturn conjunct Rigel: Benefits from elderly people, clergy and lawyers, just, discriminating, good for legacy and inheritance, domestic harmony, good health, long life. [4]

Albert Camus 1°19′, Klaus Barbie 2°00′, Ivan The Terrible 2°07′

Uranus conjunct Rigel: Scientific, romantic, interested in antiquities, fame through historical or geological discoveries, probably in an unexplored country, friendships formed in a peculiar way abroad, many adventures and narrow escapes, early love disappointment, favorable for marriage after 30, death through some trivial accident abroad. [4]

This brings out the higher vibrations of the individual. It would be the person who pursues those causes that would help their society in a humane way. Or it can be one who would take a stand on an issue to back up those who are unable to stand up for themselves. The entire nervous system is stimulated, causing a very rapid and even-flowing energy throughout the nervous system and mental thought patterns. These are persons who can sell anything to anyone. They usually speak rapidly; are very bright, and people enjoy listening to them. They are thus able to be persuasive in any area they wish to apply their communicative ability. [9]

André the Giant 0°17′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°53′, Susan Miller 1°42′, Donald Trump 1°49′, Liza Minnelli 2°28′, David Bowie 2°35′.

Neptune conjunct Rigel: Kind, energetic, scholarly and active mind, position under Government or at the head of some learned institution, cautious, reserved, resourceful, prompt, diplomatic, occult interests, success, public prominence, domestic harmony, natural death. [4]

George Washington 1°34′, James VI and I 2°15′.

Pluto conjunct Rigel: Ernest Hemingway 0°44′, M. C. Escher 0°55′, Hubertus Strughold 0°58′, Martin Bormann 0°59′, Joseph Goebbels 1°02′, Amelia Earhart 1°06′ (and Venus), Charles Lindbergh 1°19′, Vito Genovese 1°24′, Lucky Luciano 1°29′, Julius Evola 1°34′, Josemaria Escriva 1°39′, F. Scott Fitzgerald 1°40′, Marlene Dietrich 1°53′, Margaret Mead 2°05′, Heinrich Himmler 2°10′, Walt Disney 2°18′.

North Node conjunct Rigel: Charles de Gaulle 0°00′ (and POF), Robert Downey Jr. 0°40′, Liz Greene 0°48′, Max Götze 1°00′, Charles II of England 1°41′, Bill Clinton 2°11′.

South Node conjunct Rigel: Jack Nicholson 0°03′, Morgan Freeman 0°49′, Bill Maher 1°11′, Whoopi Goldberg 1°13′, Warren Beatty 1°20′, Bill Cosby 1°23′, Bill Gates 1°54′, Proclus 2º14′ (and Jupiter).


  1. Rigel (β Orionis) |
  2. A Dictionary of Modern Star Names, Kunitzch, Smart, 2006, p.46.
  3. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.
  4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.55, 197-199.
  5. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.82-83.
  6. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.24.
  7. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.59.
  8. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.134.
  9. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.28.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.