Reticulum Constellation

Reticulum Constellation

Reticulum Constellation [Stellarium]

Constellation Reticulum is a southern constellation bordering Dorado, Horologium and Hydrus. It was introduced by Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1752 and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. Reticulum spans 45 degrees of the zodiac in the Signs of Pisces and Aries.

This constellation represents the reticle, a net of cross-hairs at the focus of a telescope eyepiece used to measure star positions.

Reticulum Constellation Stars

20002050StarNameSp. ClassMag.Orb
21♓2322♓07β RetK03.841°30′
25♓0825♓51κ RetF54.711°00′
04♈5805♈42γ RetM44.481°10′
07♈0307♈47δ RetM24.561°10′
07♈3008♈14α RetG73.331°40′
19♈3620♈20ε RetK24.441°10′

Reticulum Astrology



History. Formed by Habrecht of Strassburg.

Influence. It gives a restricted life, self-absorption, tenacity, selfishness and emotion. [1]

Reticulum, Bode

Reticulum Constellation [Bode]


Riculum Rhomboidalis, the Rhomboidal Net, is generally supposed to be of La Caille’s formation as a memorial of the reticle which he used in making his celebrated southern observations; but it was first drawn by Isaak Habrecht, of Strassburg, as the Rhombus, and so probably only adopted by its reputed inventor. It lies north of Hydrus and the Greater Cloud, containing thirty-four stars from 3.3 to 7th magnitudes. It is the French Réticule or Rhombe, the German Rhomboidische Netz, and the Italian Reticolo. [2]


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.59.
  2. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.348-349.