Fixed Star Princeps

Princeps at 03°10′ Scorpio has an orb of 1°40′
Boötes Constellation Meaning

Boötes Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Princeps on October 26

Fixed star Princeps, Delta Boötis, is a double star in the spear of the Herdsman or Plowman, Bootes Constellation. This star is labelled Thiba in the image above.

Magtitude 3.48 + 7.81, spectral type G8 + G0, color yellow-white. This star is sometimes called Princeps, meaning prince or prime in Latin. The origin of this name is unclear, although it usually appears in an astrological context. [1]

δ, 3,5, pale yellow. This star does not appear to be named, but in China, it was part of Tseih Kung, the Seven Princes. [2]

Stellarium names this star Thiba, meaning “Hyena.” Lambda, Theta, Iota Boötis and Kappa Boötis, were Al Aulād al Dhiʼbah (ألعولد ألذعب – al aulād al dhiʼb), “the Whelps of the Hyenas.” Al Aulād al Dhiʼbah or Aulad al Thiba was the title of this star in a 1971 NASA memorandum [wiki]


Princeps Astrology

Fixed star Princeps has the spectral type G8, indicating the planetary nature of the Sun.

PRINCEPS. δ Boötis. A pale yellow star situated in the spear-shaft of Boötis. Of the nature of Mercury and Saturn. It gives a keen studious and profound mind with the ability for research. [3]

TSIEH KUNG. δ Boötis. A yellow giant star. Spectral class G4, 116 light years distant. This star gives the native a keen mentality, resourceful, somewhat of a fearful nature, conservative, studious. [4]

Princeps is another marker of our capacity to protect and be protected, but with a good hint of our role as Regent princes, and of the Crown that is ours for doing the job well. [5]

Princeps rules four inches below the navel. [6]

Constellation Boötes

According to Ptolemy the influence of the constellation is like that of Mercury and Saturn, though the star Arcturus is like Mars and Jupiter. It is said to give prosperity from work, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, together with some liking for occultism. The Kabalists associate it with the Hebrew letter Teth and the 9th Tarot Trump, “The Hermit”. [3]

Delta Boötis, Princeps

Delta Boötis, Princeps [wikipedia]

Fixed Star Princeps Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Princeps: Good fortune but troubles, discontent and fear occasioned by own temerity rather than circumstances. [3]

Caitlyn Jenner 0°22′, Vladimir Putin 0°41′, Mel B 1°03′, Robin Williams 1°33′, David Berkowitz 1°35′, Charlton Heston 1°40′. 

Midheaven conjunct Princeps: Duke William of Cambridge 0°26′, Manuel Noriega 0°58′, Gwen Stefani 1°14′, Sirhan Sirhan 1°31′.

Descendant conjunct Princeps: Serena Williams 0°16′, Liza Minnelli 1°05′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Princeps: Giorgia Meloni 0°37′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Princeps: Mikey Madison 0°40′, Courtney Love 0°42′, Drew Barrymore 0°46′ (and Uranus).

Sun conjunct Princeps: : High preferment in sports, religious matters, science, legal and government affairs. The native is very resourceful, has the ability to explore new and untried ideas, areas, successfully. These natives are ‘fence straddlers’, non committal until they are sure of what is in store for them, however, they can be outspoken when it suits their purpose or as a means to an end. Negatively they can create their own problems. [4]

Soko 0°01′ (and Pluto), Hillary Clinton 0°06′, Katy Perry 0°33′ (and Pluto), Klaus Barbie 0°42′, Pablo Picasso 1°13′, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva 1°17′.

Moon conjunct Princeps: The native has the ability to start from small beginnings and gain high perferment in business, legal and matters dealing with the public. These natives can overcome any obstacle. Some of these natives will have premonitions, not necessarily psychic ability. Preferment in foreign and legal matters. [4]

Mark Wahlberg 0°06′, Margot Robbie 1°10′.

Mercury conjunct Princeps: These natives are endowed with penetrating minds, this conjunction is good for gain. The native can be full of discontent, almost fearful, created by circumstances and resulting in situations that could create legal problems, and in some cases imprisonment. [4]

(1°00′ orb): These persons have an extremely keen and sensitive response to everything around them. They communicate on the extra-sensory level, and have those “gut” feelings that dominate their existence. They never make a mistake when following their feelings, and are usually in touch with these feelings even though they do not realize it. They can perceive and judge situations quickly when it is necessary to do so. No matter what information they wish to obtain, they know just how to locate the information they need. The one drawback here is that they are unable to explain just how they were able to get the information or material. It would do well for them to have a partner who can log exactly the method they used to obtain the information or material. These individuals would make excellent employees for research or investigation agencies, as they would enjoy that type of work. [6]

Charles Manson 0°45′, Joseph Goebbels 0°51′, Kamala Harris 1°11′, Carl Sagan 1°14′, Heinrich Himmler 1°21′, Charles Bronson 1°32′. 

Venus conjunct Princeps: These natives are generally quite placid, with little or no display of affection. They can become very well liked by their friends and acquaintances. Some of the more negative nativities are quite outspoken and eventually occur many small troubles. Domestic problems are possible. [4]

Bruce Lee 0°57′.

Mars conjunct Princeps: The native has a keen, subtle studious mind, often interested in affairs that lead to careers where they can make use of their leadership abilities. Domestic problems possible. [4]

(0°30′ orb): This planet distorts the sexuality of the person. They can be over-sexed or under-sexed depending on what planets aspect this point. This can sometimes be quite destructive as they are very much obsessed with sex for the sake of sex. These persons use objects to excite themselves in many different ways, causing many injuries to themselves as they do not know when to stop. They are obsessed with the genital area even though they may not have an intimate relationship with anyone. This affects both men and women, and their obsession would bring difficulties with others who are close to them. This is a karmic position, for in a prior life, they abused others, and now they are abusing themselves. [6]

Ben Shapiro 0°30′ (and Pluto), Kurt Cobain 0°53′, John Wayne Bobbitt 0°54′, Marilyn Manson 1°19′.

Jupiter conjunct Princeps: High preferment in matters dealing with the public, however, if Jupiter is adversely aspected to Saturn these natives never aim quite high enough and any problems are brought on by their actions or lack of actions. [4]

MacKenzie Scott 0°06′, Andrea Bocelli 0°14′ (and Neptune), Ernest Hemingway 0°34′, Nancy Spungen 1°07′, Martin Luther 1°26′ (and S.Node), Ellen DeGeneres 1°31′.

Saturn conjunct Princeps: Mark Twain 0°00′, Amy Winehouse 0°58′.

Uranus conjunct Princeps: Drew Barrymore 0°28′ (and POF), Max Götze 0°39′, Alexei Navalny 0°45′, Erwin Rommel 1°26′, Sarah Paulson 1°26′.

Neptune conjunct Princeps: Michael Jackson 0°00′, Tim Burton 0°04′, Tony Abbott 0°07′, Prince 0°14′, Andrea Bocelli 0°39′ (and Jupiter), Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán 0°51′, John III Sobieski 1°06′.

Pluto conjunct Princeps: Sam Altman 0°26′, Katy Perry 0°50′ (and Sun), Lana Del Rey 0°54′, Megan Rapinoe 1°00′, LeBron James 1°23′, Soko 1°40′ (and Sun).

North Node conjunct Princeps: Nancy Spungen 0°15′.

South Node conjunct Princeps: Clint Eastwood 0°01′, J. P. Morgan 0°45′, Joe Rogan 1°08′, Martin Luther 1°25′ (and Jupiter), Anton LaVey 1°36′, Charles III 1°30′.


  1. Delta Boötis – Wikipedia.
  2. Star Names Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1963, p.104.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.32, 190.
  4. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.149-151.
  5. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.142.
  6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.89.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.