Pluto conjunct Midheaven maximum orb 6°00′.
Pluto conjunct Midheaven natal often leads to a position of influence and renown. Success in your career or calling is essential for your self-esteem, and you may go to extreme lengths to reach the top in your chosen field and leave your mark on the world.
Others may find you overbearing, bossy, or obsessive, particularly in your career. Using threats and intimidation, you may abuse your power and influence as you climb the ladder. More underhand tactics, such as bribery or guilt-tripping, are also possible. Of course, you may instead use your natural talents and gain fame and riches.
This aspect can indicate that one of your parents or a specific grandmother was an intense person or at least profoundly influenced your upbringing. The more possessive, controlling, or interfering they were, the more likely you are to use such behavior in your own life.
You have a strong sense of purpose and may decide on your career early. The same applies to other life goals that you pursue with ceaseless determination. Your success in life will be more rewarding and memorable if you use your considerable power and influence openly and with honest intentions.
During significant transits to your Midheaven, you may undergo dramatic changes in your life direction or career. You are highly resourceful and can adapt or evolve in response to changing circumstances. Even a new job or path in life will feel more like a transformation for you, with old skills and talents being modified or used differently.
Pluto Conjunct Midheaven Transit
Pluto conjunct Midheaven transit can bring a peak in your career or a dramatic change in the direction of your life. The result of this significant transit depends on how true you have been to yourself and how honestly and justly you have followed your chosen path. The outcome can range from fame and fortune to a humiliating fall from grace.
As this transit approaches, your sense of purpose and desire to succeed will dramatically increase. If you have been following the correct path for your soul, then success and renown are possible. You will enjoy increasing power and influence; your career may transform into your true calling.
If you are working to make money and not in the right career to satisfy you, extreme forces will be working to nudge you onto a different path. You may experience some losses and feel insecure along the way. However, a forced change in direction will eventually lead to more tremendous success than you could have expected in your previous position.
Another possible scenario is that you have reached a position of power and authority through underhand tactics such as bribery or criminal behavior. You may have abused your power or used threats and intimidation to climb the ladder. In this case, Pluto will be neither kind nor subtle.
Your family may also be affected by the events in your professional or public life. Part of the transformation you are experiencing may involve eliminating something significant in your personal life to allow for further development in your career. A parent or grandparent may move to a care home or pass away. Perhaps one of your children may leave home, thus freeing up more of your time and energy to pursue your career or other life goals.
Below are two examples of Pluto conjunct Midheaven transit affecting famous people. You will notice that fixed star conjunctions to the Midheaven significantly influence this transit.
Barack Obama, almost former president of the U.S.A: Pluto was conjunct his Midheaven in 1995 when he started moving to become a politician. He received public support from the sitting senator Alice Palmer and then announced his candidacy. The following year he won the seat. His Midheaven is on fixed Star Toliman gives “beneficence, friends, refinement and a position of honor.”
Juan Peron, former president of Argentina: On 19 September 1955, Juan barely escaped Argentina with his life following a three-day bloody revolution led by his generals. Transiting Pluto was conjunct his Midheaven by 0°09′. The star on his Midheaven was Al Jabbah, which gives “loss and many dangers, a violent and intemperate nature, and to a military officer danger of mutiny and murder by his soldiers.”
Pluto Conjunct Midheaven Celebrities
Peter Cook 0°03′, Prince 0°14′, Steve Irwin 0°22′, Ilona Staller 0°34′, Erhard Milch 0°34′, Marcel Jouhandeau 0°37′, François Mitterrand 0°38′, Melville Davisson Post 0°45′, George Oppenheimer 0°59′, Lisa St Aubin de Terán 1°01′, Tracy Caulkins 1°09′, Herb Ritts 1°09′, Harindranath Chattopadhyay 1°10′, Claude Debussy 1°14′, Vivian Robson 1°18′, Bill Medley 1°25′, Vladimir Putin 1°30′, Al Franken 1°30′, Oscar Pistorius 1°31′, Sarah, Duchess of York 1°34′, Mary Shelley 1°44′.