Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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Pisces Weekly Horoscope

January 20 to 26

Monday and Tuesday, you can rely on improved social and communication skills to smooth over any relationship problems. With sound reasoning ability and common sense, you can confidently negotiate, facilitate and make decisions. Disagreement or conflict is unlikely because you can talk and charm your way out of just about anything. You can develop your artistic and creative potential more easily now, especially with drawing, painting, reading and writing music, playing musical instruments, poetry and singing.

Wednesday to Sunday brings an increased desire for intimate relations and sexual satisfaction. Your tender and sensual side compliments your raw passion and sex appeal to make you highly attractive. Increased charisma and popularity make socializing more enjoyable and exciting. So this is an excellent time for dating, making new friends, entertaining, and creative work.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope Tarot

The Fool is always an indicator of newness and a child’s purity and open-hearted energy. This is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it’s important to ensure you are “looking where you’re going.”  Pisces Weekly HoroscopeIn general, this card would indicate new beginnings that have some deeper spiritual meaning – for example, starting a meditation practice or a relationship, as opposed to buying a new pair of shoes. The appearance of the fool can depict an important “fresh start.”

All Signs for This Week

Your Pisces weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to the Pisces horoscope sign, not to houses, zones, or sectors. The Tarot card randomly selected comes from the Classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the interpretations from the Tarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. All cards except numbers XIII and XV are included.