Piers Morgan Horoscope

Piers Morgan Horoscope

CNN announced today that Piers Morgan would replace Larry King in January 2011. Piers started out as a tabloid newspaper editor, then moved into TV as a presenter, gaining fame in Britain’s Got Talent and America’s Got Talent. He has also authored eight books.

We don’t have a time of birth for Piers, but from his Wikipedia page we know he was born on 30 March 1965 in Guildford UK. We’ll have a look at the Piers Morgan horoscope set for noon to see what sort of character he is, then check out the transits to see why he landed this plum position.

Piers has charismatic and charming Sun conjunct Venus. This aspect seems to be good for the personal appeal needed in the media, Oprah Winfrey and Ted Turner have this aspect. The popularity it brings certainly helps, as shown with another Sun conjunct Venus celebrity, Leonardo DiCaprio. The other major conjunction in the chart is Mars conjunct Uranus which is good for throwing thunderbolts. It will make piers exciting and unpredictable, good at keeping people on edge, not knowing what to expect next.

Piers Morgan Horoscope

Piers Morgan Horoscope

Piers Morgan

Mars conjunct Uranus is quincunx his Sun, it directly effects his ego, making him eccentric and brash. Both Mars and Uranus are on the fixed star Zosma in constellation Leo. This star is noted for giving an unreasonable, shameless and egotistical nature.

Mars anger will be an issue for Piers because of Uranus, but also because of Mars opposite Saturn. This aspect can cause anger to be repressed as frustration, building up to a level where it just has to escape. And with Mars conjunct Uranus, the anger escapes out of nowhere all at once.

This can work two ways, either Piers lashes out, or the energy is expressed by other people lashing out at him. He does have a history of getting into fights, both verbal and physical. Mars opposite Saturn can give a mean streak, so Piers does have this hard mean trait, but it makes edgy and exciting from Uranus, and charming from Sun with Venus.


The July Solar Eclipse was trine his Neptune, dreams coming true, and Neptune also rules the TV screen and glamour. His Neptune is on the fortunate star Zubeneschamali which gives high ambition, honor, riches, and permanent happiness. The announcement by CNN came just after the New Moon today which fell right on his Pluto, the planet of power and the masses. Pluto is intensity and also evolution, and this New Moon has certainly brought an intense day for Piers and signaled a new chapter in his career and life.