Palestine Horoscope

Palestine Horoscope

There are a few options for the mundane horoscope of Palestine. This is a difficult one because the Palestinian state is still more of a plan or ideal than an actual entity. Below is a list of options from Nick Campion [1].

A. 1948, May 15, 00:00 am UT, Tel Aviv.represents to end of the British mandate over Palestine which as Campion mentions, is relevant to Palestine as a whole, but not specifically for the Palestinian state. Israel declared itself a nation just six hours beforehand.

B. 1988, November 15, 00:40 am, Algiers. This chart shown below is for the proclamation of the independence of Palestine, made by Yasser Arafat. Campion suggests relocating the chart to Jerusalem but I have kept it for Algiers as I will explain below.

C. 1993, May 4, 8:55 am UT, Cairo. This chart is for the signing of the Palestinian autonomy documents, which has resulted in what is now called the Palestinian National Authority. Campion also relocates this chart to Jerusalem . This chart is more of a manifestation of horse trading between the US, Israel, and the PLO. The entity does not include Hamas.

I have chosen to use the Proclamation of Independence, set for Algiers. I believe that theoretically, it is more representative of the ideal of a sovereign Palestinian nation. It was declared by Palestinians on their own terms. The philosophy behind keeping the chart set for Algiers is simply because that is where the event took place. This keeps time and space connected. When the Palestinians get their nation, then we will have a new chart, new time and place.

Palestine National Horoscope

Palestine Horoscope

Palestine Horoscope

The astrology backs all this theory and philosophy up. I have looked at all five possible chart, the expiration of the British mandate, the independence (set for Algiers and Jerusalem) and the autonomy (set for Cairo and Jerusalem).  I tested these, looking at the synastry between five events directly affecting Palestinian statehood. It was the Independence chart set for Algiers which showed the best results consistently, check against:

Event 1. 1948, creation of Israel, conjunction to Palestinian chart:

South Node conjunct Mercury (54′)
South Node conjunct Pluto (80′)
Uranus conjunct Part of Fortune (75′)
Chiron conjunct Sun (51′)
Jupiter conjunct Uranus (49′)
Mars conjunct AC (17′)
Venus conjunct Chiron (17′)
Sun conjunct MC (27′)

Event 2. 2004, death of Yasser Arafat.

Event 3. 2005, Israel’s unilateral disengagement from Gaza.

Event 4. 2008, Gaza War.

UPDATE May 4 2011

The signing of documents at the Palestinian Reconciliation Ceremony occurred on May 02 2011, 2:58 pm, Cairo Egypt. After four years of deep division, Hamas and Fatah agreed to work together. Israel and the former Egyptian regime opposed the deal.

UPDATE November 19 2012

Operation Pillar of Cloud began with the assassination of Ahmed Jabari, 3:21 pm on November 14 2012, Gaza [2]. Here are the conjunctions to the Palestine horoscope I have used above (B. 1988, November 15, 00:40 am, Algiers.)

Solar eclipse conjunct Sun (36′)
Pluto conjunct Neptune (51′)
Venus conjunct Venus (57′)
Midheaven conjunct Vertex (18′)

UPDATE May 15 2018

US Embassy opened in Jerusalem, 60 protesters killed by Israeli troops.

New Moon 24°36′ Taurus conjunct Midheaven
Uranus square Moon
Saturn conjunct Neptune
Mars conjunct Moon
Venus conjunct Part of Fortune
Sun conjunct Midheaven


  1.  The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, p,223.
  2. “6:21 AM – 15 Nov 12” (ET) @IDFSpokesperson.