New Moon September 14, 2023 – Exciting Change

New Moon September 2023 Astrology

The New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023, is well-aspected to Uranus. So the meaning of the New Moon September 2023 astrology is making positive changes, implementing new ideas and taking advantage of exciting opportunities.

The September 14 New Moon also aligns within 0°01′ with a star that makes people noble, generous, daring, self-controlled, single-minded and tenacious. It brings the possibility of good fortune, honor and wealth.

New Moon September 2023 Horoscope

The New Moon on September 14, 2023, is at 21°58′ Virgo. The most significant planetary aspect in the New Moon horoscope is the trine to Uranus because the aspect orb is so much tighter than the others at under one degree. This favorable aspect more than accounts for any deception of confusion from the opposition to Neptune.

The trine to Jupiter is wide but essential because it gives the Sun and Moon positive polarity, so this is a positive New Moon. The following quote applies to the Sun and the Moon:

Jupiter is the main factor in determining the polarity of the Sun. The Sun’s polarity may be evaluated by using this simplified table: SUN (+) Positive: Jupiter is trine, sextile, semi-sextile or conjunct the Sun. Disregard any other aspects to the Sun. [1]

New Moon in Virgo September 2023

New Moon in Virgo September 2023

New Moon September 2023 Astrology

Sun conjunct Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It gives a refreshing burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating.

So, the New Moon in September 2023 is excellent for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs while searching for new and inventive ways to progress.

New Moon Aspects

New Moon trine Uranus brings energy, progressive change and excitement. It lowers your inhibition and increases your self-awareness so you can express your uniqueness more confidently. With fewer restrictions and a more independence, and an open-minded and adventurous outlook, you can leave your comfort zone, take risks and try new things.

Heightened intuition and imagination help you take advantage of unexpected changes and exciting opportunities. Change can occur quickly but without causing upset and chaos, and you can adapt well to new conditions. Chance encounters are possible; this is an excellent New Moon to make friends. They could be unusual or eccentric or from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

This aspect also favors experimental creativity, science, technology, computers, the internet, and occult subjects like astrology. It is ideal for breaking bad habits and leaving dull or unhealthy relationships.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury stationed retrograde on August 23 at 21°51′ Virgo, the same degree as the September 14 New Moon. And just like the New Moon, Mercury was trine Uranus. So, this New Moon is ideal for implementing any bright ideas formed when Mercury was stationed retrograde.

More Retrograde Planets

Five retrogrades happen only 4% of the time. Six retrogrades occur only 0.7% of the time. Six planets are retrograde until Mercury stations direct one day after the September 14 New Moon. Then five planets remain in retrograde motion until Pluto stations direct on October 10.

The world appears to slow down when five or more planets are retrograde simultaneously. You may attract energy at some invisible level, and it can feel like you are living in another dimension. It can feel like you’re from another planet or reality, so there is less inner certainty. You may experience feelings of isolation or of being different.

More than four planets in retrograde motion also make it more difficult for people to understand each other. It seems like more bad things are happening in the world: more violence, psychological abuse, accidents, suicides, and death. Understanding and compassion seem to be lacking. With the world slowing down, material events can act as blockages that allow you to develop internally and mature. This helps you find reassurance within yourself.

The Constellations

The September 2023 New Moon is in the Sign of Virgo. But as the image below shows, it is in the Constellation of Leo. The Signs and the Constellations do not match up. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The ecliptic line in the image below matches the degrees in the horoscope above. Like the original astrologers, I use the Constellations and fixed stars for interpretation, not the Signs.

New Moon September 2023 Meaning

New Moon September 2023 Meaning

The Tail of the Lion

The September 14 New Moon at 21°58′ Virgo aligns almost precisely with Beta Leonis, Denebola at 21°57′ Virgo in the Tail of the Lion.

Fixed star Denebola gives swift judgment, despair, regrets, public disgrace, misfortune from the elements of nature, and happiness turned to anger. It makes its natives noble, daring, self-controlled, generous and busy with other people’s affairs. [2]

These natives are ‘single-minded and tenacious.’ [1]

In classical and medieval times, a man’s misfortune and disgrace were generally attributed to a woman. This perhaps explains the bad reputation of so many Venusian stars, such as Denebola. However, in this instance, the indications are for a noble and generous individual, and the misfortune is apt to stem from this nobility of character. [3]

Denebola in the Tail of the Lion has a Uranian nature, and it is supposed that in mundane horoscopes, major catastrophes are triggered by it. Depending on the position and aspects to other stellar bodies in a personal cosmogram, either preferment or fall is credited to this star. Fine aspects, however, will further work connected with matters of reform and progress. [4]

This star symbolizes strength from the Lion, along with both the ability and the need to use it wisely and constructively. There should also be the note of looking forward while at the same time being able to draw upon past experience, gained at the head end of the animal, so to say, since this Lion faces back down the Zodiac. [5]

With Sun: Honor and preferment with danger, public disgrace, and finally ruin, disease, fevers and acute ailments. [2]

Natives with this conjunction can develop their talents to gain high honors in their chosen careers. Wealth and good fortune are a possibility. Any anxieties will be due to the natives’ folly; unless well controlled, benefits seldom last. [1]

With Moon: A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [6]

Honor and preferment among the vulgar but final disgrace and ruin, violent disease of a vital organ, blindness and injuries to the eyes, accidents, losses through servants, domestic quarrels, temporary separation from marriage partner. [2]

High honors and preferment in association with public affairs. The native should avoid getting involved with questionable associates and avoid controversial issues. This could be politically, socially, or with members of the native’s family, which could create unpleasant situations that are not easily or readily resolved. Some natives with this conjunction could develop the tendency to gravitate towards undesirables or undesirable associates. Natives must learn to keep their counsel. Violence is possible. [1]

New Moon September 2023 Meaning

The September 2023 New Moon is a positive moon phase, and the trine to Uranus brings progressive change. It is perfect for making positive changes in your life and implanting new ideas.

Fixed star Denebola is generally considered a negative influence that brings disgrace and misfortune. But the positive nature of the New Moon in September 2023 astrology reduces its negative impact and brings the possible of good fortune, wealth and career advancement.

The influence of the September 14 New Moon lasts for four weeks up to the October 14 Solar Eclipse. The best time for starting new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from September 14 to the September 29 Full Moon.

This is the final New Moon of the current eclipse phase, which began with the April 20 Solar Eclipse and the May 5 Lunar Eclipse. It is time to reflect on how those eclipses affected you and resolve any outstanding issues.

If the New Moon September 2023 astrology directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.

New Moon September 2023 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – September 14, 6:39 pm
  • New York – September 14, 9:39 pm
  • London – September 15, 2:39 am
  • Delhi – September 15, 7:09 am
  • Sydney – September 15, 11:39 am
  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.32, 129.
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.160-161.
  3. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.43.
  4. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.50-51.
  5. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.58.
  6. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.