Moon square Ascendant maximum orb 6°00′.
Moon square Ascendant natal can make you appear overly sensitive and moody. You have some difficulty understanding the emotions of others, and you can easily misinterpret how other people feel toward you or misjudge their body language. It is also possible that you give the wrong impression to others.
Your feelings toward others are also likely to be changeable, often due to your changeable mood. This can be confusing and upsetting for you, your partner, close friends, and family members.
In addition, hiding your true feelings for another person can be difficult and can result in embarrassing or awkward situations. It is easy to become overwhelmed by your conflicted emotions.
You may try hiding your true feelings from others to avoid relationship problems. But this would only increase your inner tension and result in emotional displays you cannot control or emotional withdrawal and isolation.
Finding a safe place to feel emotionally secure will make you feel better in the short term. But you need to develop a strong sense of emotional security independent of your mother or any other person. Understanding your emotional reactions will lead to more harmonious relationships.
Natal Moon square Ascendant seems to be common to family members or close groups of people: From my research of famous people with this aspect under 2°30′ orb, I found three original ACDC members, two of them brothers (Bon Scott, Angus Young and Malcolm Young); two Jenners (Brody and Caitlyn); and three British kings (Edward IV, Edward VII and George IV).
Moon Square Ascendant Transit
Moon square Ascendant transit makes you more sensitive toward other people but can also make you moody. You can expect more personal interaction and more intimacy. Feelings will run high, especially between you, your family, and your partner. You should notice that everyone in your home displays stronger emotions.
Unfortunately, with this transit, there is a tendency to become overwhelmed by your own emotions and be highly subjective. Under these conditions, you are less likely to be concerned about your loved ones and often fall into destructive subconscious behavior patterns.
Reacting without thinking is likely to occur and damage your close relationships. The key to avoiding this and other negative behaviors like addiction is not to take your moods too seriously. Remember, you only see or feel things based on immediate impressions tainted by preconceived ideas and prejudices.
This is not a good time for anything that needs a clear mind and objectivity. For these reasons, avoiding making important decisions, especially about relationships, would be better.
This interpretation for Moon square Ascendant transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full moon square Ascendant.
Moon Square Ascendant Celebrities
Mary Decker 0°00′, Zendaya 0°01′, Josef Mengele 0°06′, Bon Scott 0°06′, Robin Gibb 0°12′, Dennis Nilsen 0°15′, Jimmy Hoffa 0°20′, Michelle Pfeiffer 0°21′, Matthew McConaughey 0°27′, Bobby Womack 0°28′, F. Scott Fitzgerald 0°30′, Richard Gasquet 0°37′, Brody Jenner 0°40′, Ricky Nelson 0°43′, Tori Spelling 0°44′, Gordon Ramsay 0°44′, Mary MacArthur 0°56′, Caitlyn Jenner 0°57′, Emma Watson 1°07′, Angus Young 1°10′, Charles Manson 1°13′, April Ashley 1°16′, Brooke Shields 1°16′, Edward IV 1°19′, Doris Day 1°29′, Nicolaus Copernicus 1°29′, Bobby Fischer 1°30′, Tatum O’Neal 1°43′, Edward VII 1°49′.