Moon sextile Saturn maximum orb 4°00′.
Moon sextile Saturn natal gives emotional maturity and stability in your personal life. It provides common sense and a reliable intuition and makes you self-reliant, practical, persistent and organized. You are the responsible, trustworthy, and dependable one others turn to in times of crisis.
There is a price to pay for this emotional toughness, self-discipline and dependability. Others may think you are too dull or reserved in social situations. Although you keep it together and rarely display your emotions, you are very emotional. People have to dig deeper to see this truth.
You show your feelings in more practical ways. Providing food, shelter, and warmth makes people feel safe and secure. This primal emotional nourishment gives you inner satisfaction. Your close loved ones will appreciate this responsible Moon sextile Saturn trait.
However, it is essential not to miss opportunities because of your emotional reserve or serious nature. It may be hard for you to break the ice or maintain relationships, and strangers or new friends might find it challenging to connect to you at the emotional level.
You know yourself well and care about how other people feel about you. Family is essential to you. As a child, you needed the stability and structure of a family, especially the nourishment provided by your mother. You will recall fond memories of early childhood as you raise your children. This aspect also gives a good memory and recall of dreams.
You need to see a certain level of commitment or loyalty before you open up and share your inner feelings. Your controlled emotional responses are not to be confused with other intimate sharing. Venus, not the Moon, rules love. A strongly placed Venus or Mars can mask the emotional reserve of Moon sextile Saturn.
Moon Sextile Saturn Transit
Moon sextile Saturn transit brings stability and security to your personal and home life. It makes you self-reliant, practical, persistent and organized. Emotional toughness prepares you to handle complex or challenging issues with emotional maturity, self-discipline, care and patience.
In times of crisis, you can be the responsible, reliable, and dependable one that others turn to and rely on. This transit also provides common sense, more reliable intuition, good memory and dream recall.
Socializing may not seem important now because of your more reserved emotional nature. But this is a good time for sharing deeper, more serious emotions with loved ones. Commitment, loyalty or the family home may be topics of interest now. You can also attend to shared responsibilities.
You will likely feel protective of your partner, family, community, or nation. You will show how much you care for them in practical ways, not through public displays of emotion. Respect for tradition and ancestors may lead to a nursing home or cemetery visit. Organizing photos in an album would be emotionally satisfying.
This interpretation for Moon sextile Saturn transit can be read for a lunar eclipse or full Moon sextile Saturn.
Moon Sextile Saturn Celebrities
Marie Duplessis 0°01′, Natasha Richardson 0°04′, Sam Cooke 0°05′, J. P. Morgan 0°06′, Franklin D. Roosevelt 0°09′, Carl Sagan 0°11′, Colin Friels 0°18′, Yves Saint Laurent 0°23′, Parker Posey 0°23′, Machine Gun Kelly 0°25′, Kate Bosworth 0°33′, Oscar Wilde 0°32′, Leopold II of Belgium 0°37′, Paul Menhart 0°37′, Yukio Mishima 0°40′, Ginger Rogers 0°43′, Lari Pittman 0°44′, Princess Victoria of the UK 0°45′, Paris Hilton 0°46′, Kamala Harris 0°48′, RuPaul 0°48′, John W. Donaldson 0°48′, Mel Gibson 0°50′, Ricky Martin 0°55′, Kirk Cameron 0°58′, Sara Gilbert 1°00′, Dolores O’Riordan 1°03′, Antonio Vivaldi 1°10′, Joan Rivers 1°16′, Johnny Carson 1°19′, Yoko Ono 1°23′, Gloria Star 1°26′, Angelica Raven 1°26′, Amy Winehouse 1°30′.