Moon opposite Saturn maximum orb 7°30′.
Moon opposite Saturn natal is one of the most challenging aspects because it can make you sad and lonely. Most importantly, you want the emotional nourishment of a supportive, intimate relationship. However, there are many obstacles to experiencing that feeling of being loved and valued.
As with all Moon aspects, your relationship with your mother is critical in determining the success of your adult relationship. She may have been too strict, emotionally cold, suffered an illness or not been there for you. The more emotional support you receive when growing up then, the easier time you will have in forming healthy emotional relationships as an adult.
You likely have difficulty sharing your emotions; others may think you are emotionally distant, dull, or don’t care. Lack of attention and love from others can make you feel isolated and lonely. This can lead to shyness, guilt, difficulty finding, letting go, and having fun. If bad moods turn into depression, then medical help should be sought.
Without other more outgoing or happy influences in your chart, you may have a grave nature and concern yourself only with practical matters. Much hard work is needed to be comfortable showing your emotions; conscious realization and admitting this problem is the first step.
You may need to overcome the fear of getting close to people, and it might be easier to make friends with much older or younger people. You have feelings like everyone else but must overcome barriers and restrictions to expose them. Hard work, practice, and patience will help you loosen up and experience more enduring close relationships as you age.
Moon Opposite Saturn Transit
Moon opposite Saturn transit can make you feel sad, bored or lonely. Difficulty in sharing your emotions can lead to distance in relationships. Conscious awareness of this depressing influence will help you avoid severe, longer-term consequences such as separation simply because of a bad mood.
This is not a good time for socializing as people may find you cold or distant. A morbid outlook on life is possible, and you will likely see the worst in other people and situations. While a Moon transit lasts only a few hours, moon phases pose a more severe problem, and you will need to work hard to avoid your negative feelings manifesting as depression, loss or disappointment.
Relationships, especially with women, are most often affected. You could feel burdened or guilty about responsibilities for someone much older or younger than you, like a child or grandchild, parent or grandparent.
You will probably feel sorry for yourself, but the worst thing to do right now is to bring others down by guilt-tripping or moping around them. You are not that fun to be around, so it may be better to stay in your room and accept that periodic melancholia is a natural part of life.
This interpretation for Moon opposite Saturn transit can be read for a lunar eclipse or full moon opposite Saturn.
Moon Opposite Saturn Celebrities
Sam Altman 0°01′, Victor Bonney 0°04′, Nancy Mitford 0°07′, Willian Hague 0°09′, Gordon Ramsay 0°12′, Buddy Rose 0°15′, Mary Cassatt 0°15′, Derek Jacobi 0°16′, Heinrich Caro 0°22′, Angel Resendiz 0°27′, Bob Woodward 0°28′, Roger Moore 0°36′, Jack Nicholson 0°39′, Stanislas de Guata 0°41′, Philippe Petain 0°46′, Robert Wagner 0°53′, Barbara Walters 0°58′, Barry Manilow 1°13′, Matthew Perry 1°16′, Yehudi Menuhin 1°32′, Robert Redford 1°38′, Lauren Bacall 1°38′, Vespasian 1°41′.