Moon conjunct Pluto maximum orb 7°00′.
Moon conjunct Pluto natal gives an intense and dramatic emotional life. You feel things so deeply that controlling how you react to people and situations is sometimes challenging. You also experience extremes in moods and a tendency toward extreme and sometimes dark moods.
Your emotions and reactions are also strongly influenced by your powerful intuition. Dreams, visions, or psychic impressions are often extremely vivid and profound. By nature, you have little control over your subconscious, but your feelings and intuition can take control over your conscious intentions and actions.
In a dark mood, you may become overwhelmed by fear and paranoia. You may believe that others are trying to control you. Such behaviors as manipulation, lying, and intimidation may follow.
Emotional manipulation is most likely to occur at home when you are growing up and in intimate relationships, particularly with women. If your mother were prying, manipulative or overbearing, you would have learned such controlling behavior. If so, undoing this subconscious brainwashing is a major priority and a necessary task before you can enjoy healthy relationships.
Thankfully, your powerful subconscious has tremendous powers of regeneration and transformation. You can quickly learn psychological self-analysis and other techniques for accessing deeply buried memories and feelings.
Meditation, astrology, dreamwork, and past life regression are natural ways to transform sinister emotions or destructive behaviors positively. Your powerful subconscious is capable of amazing things.
Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit
Moon conjunct Pluto transit brings such deep feelings that they can overwhelm you. A personal interaction or event may trigger a memory or emotion buried deeply in your subconscious. You can even become obsessed with your feelings and have trouble focusing on anything else.
Dreams, visions, psychic impressions, or intuitive insights may profoundly influence your mood. This would be an excellent time to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist or even have a deep and meaningful talk with someone very close. Interactions with women will be particularly intense and revealing, and you can access your true feelings and discover someone else’s true feelings about you.
Take care not to react too strongly to overpowering feelings. Your intuition may be correct, but it could obscure your rational thought processes and conscious judgment skills. Also, take extra care with any obsessive or addictive behaviors you already have. Once you get started on something you find emotionally fulfilling, you may have trouble stopping.
In relationships, you may encounter controlling and manipulative behaviors like jealousy, guilt-tripping, threats, intimidation, violence, or self-harm. Remove yourself from such harmful and destructive people and environments. You can transcend your challenging emotions and behaviors through meditation, self-analysis, or other techniques to understand your feelings.
This interpretation for Moon conjunct Pluto transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full moon conjunct Pluto.
Moon Conjunct Pluto Celebrities
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 0°01′, The Weeknd 0°21′, Danilo Kis 0°27′, Heinrich Caro 0°34′, Mary Tyler Moore 0°39′, Brian Eno 0°41′, Emile Zola 0°45′, Rollie Fingers 0°59′, Ross Perot 1°00′, Jackie Weaver 1°06′, Roman Polanski 1°23′, Algernon Swinburne 1°23′, Karen Carpenter 1°59′, Ringo Starr 2°06′, Amelia Earhart 2°24′.