Moon conjunct Neptune maximum orb 7°00′.
Moon conjunct Neptune natal makes you emotionally sensitive, imaginative and impressionable. You are finely tuned to the most subtle vibrations, which makes you psychic but can leave you vulnerable to any disturbance.
How accurate your visions or impressions are and how long it takes to master this gift will depend on other aspects to this conjunction and the influence of fixed stars. But you may pick up thoughts, feelings, suspicions, and slurs from those around you. So, filtering out what is real or imagined is a significant task for you.
You are sensitive to the feelings of others and are significantly affected by the plight of those cast out by society. You are easily upset when someone is mean or nasty to you, and you may cry easily and retreat to your safe place.
Everyone faces some criticism, rejection or abuse. But your sensitivity makes you more susceptible to feeling down, victimized, paranoid and sad. It might be better to have fewer than many friends or remove yourself from unpleasant environments until you are confident about handling negative energy.
You should be very much appreciated for your genuine compassion and empathy. Being of service to others is one way to turn your dreams and ideals into something practical. Finding a valuable outlet for your ethereal talents is essential so you don’t get stuck in a world of delusion, fantasy, and lies. Feeling sorry for yourself can lead to more severe problems such as addiction, anorexia and other issues associated with poor self-image.
Moon Conjunct Neptune Transit
Moon conjunct Neptune transit makes you emotionally sensitive, imaginative, and more impressionable and likely to become confused. You can sense the thoughts and feelings of others, and this can make you feel very uneasy or even ill. You may be picking up the wrong signals, so it is better to be cautious because you are vulnerable to deception and scandal.
Caution is one thing, but delusion is another. Dreams can turn into fantasies with a life of their own, and suspicion can spiral into paranoia, guilt and such self-destructive habits as drug addiction and eating disorders.
This transit is like a double-edged sword. With conscious self-awareness, you can filter out the background noise and use your sensitivity for good. While some psychic impressions may be off the mark, your compassion and empathy are genuine. You can be of great assistance to the victimized and outcast. The emotional comfort you offer has a healing quality.
Apart from charity work, you may be inspired to create a masterpiece in art, fashion or entertainment. Your dreams may be extra vivid but challenging to decipher. Romance is possible, but remember the difference between fantasy and reality to avoid rejection and embarrassment.
You may be exposed to poisons or infectious diseases. Hygiene and cleanliness are important now as your immunity may be low. You could be more susceptible to pathogens and the effects of drugs, alcohol, and anesthetics.
This interpretation for Moon conjunct Neptune transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full moon conjunct Neptune.
Moon Conjunct Neptune Celebrities
Lord Acton 0°09′, Richard Simmons 0°07′, Brenda Frazier 0°07′, Ronald Greenaway 0°07′, Ted Kennedy 0°18′, Charles Dickens 0°24′, Jennifer Gibbons 0°34′, David Essex 0°36,′ June Gibbons 0°37′, Justin Timberlake 0°37′, Dustin Hoffman 0°37′, Greta Scacchi 0°37′, Sting 0°56′, Sean Lennon 1°37′, Francisco Franco 1°51′.