Moon conjunct Mars maximum orb 7°30′.
Moon conjunct Mars natal gives an emotionally passionate nature. You have a zest for life, and your infectious energy can rouse the passions of others. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and it is healthier to share how you feel. You may find it difficult not to let your strong emotions out, which has given this aspect a reputation for providing emotional rashness and a hot temper.
This fiery conjunction can also make you impulsive, restless and vindictive. But this is simply a side effect of having such enthusiasm and energy for life. You are a sexy lover and fierce fighter that needs a constructive outlet for your passions. Otherwise, the hot Mars energy would turn in and become destructive. Dramatic emotional displays are a good thing, sometimes.
Excellent examples of expressing this tremendous energy include pocket-sized hot pants dynamo Kylie Minogue (1°13′) and sexy Latino superstar Ricky Martin (1°07′). They have drawn massive followings not just because of their musical ability but, notably, of how they give their abundant energy to the crowds. Listening to them sing and watching them perform leaves you invigorated by the passion of Moon conjunct Mars.
Natalie Cole (1°30′) also shared this energy but shows the negatives that can come about when the energy is not expressed safely and begins to consume the self. “Cole continued to spiral out of control – including one incident where she refused to evacuate a burning building” [Wiki].
Moon Conjunct Mars Transit
Moon conjunct Mars transit gives you the courage, enthusiasm and initiative to act on your most passionate desires. Intimate relations benefit from increased charisma and sex appeal. You can stand up for yourself and your family or fight for a cause you care about.
But impulsiveness and impatience can make your powerful emotions and subconscious reactions challenging to control. You or someone close to you may quickly become irritable, agitated, bossy, mean, rude, or violent. Fast reflexes combined with aggressive instincts bring danger from risk-taking. Accidents, cuts, abrasions and burns are possible if you act rashly.
If you cannot relax, strenuous physical activity like sports, exercise, and sex are healthy ways to use this hot, competitive energy. Expend your energy on someone or something you are emotionally attached to, like a lover, your home or your mother. This could range from cleaning your house to giving a loved one an invigorating massage.
This interpretation for Moon conjunct Mars transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full moon conjunct Mars.
Moon conjunct Mars Celebrities
Mirka Mora 0°02′, Michael Moore 0°11′, Joe Dallesandro 0°21′, Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor 0°22′, Jane Rule 0°26′, William J. Brennan Jr. 0°38′, Sam Altman 0°44′, Cherrie Moraga 0°47′, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki 0°58′, Walter Wenck 1°00′, Ricky Martin 1°06′, Kylie Minogue 1°10′, Simone de Beauvoir 1°23′, George Huntington Williams 1°27′, Billy Graham 1°28′, Natalie Cole 1°29′, Robert Graves 1°29′, Johannes Trimethius 1°40′, Jim Kerr 1°41′, Rufus Wainwright 1°46′, Ringo Starr 1°48′, Lucky Luciano 1°52′, Chriss Pratt 1°58′.
Lunar Occultations of Mars
A lunar occultation of Mars occurs at night when the Moon moves in front of Mars, so Mars is no longer visible from Earth.
Michael Moore and Robert Graves were born during a lunar occultation of Mars.
Robert Graves had an insatiable need for sex. He was bisexual, having intense romantic relationships with both men and women. He was interested in feminists and women with more masculine traits and believed in female superiority.
Michael Moore supports same-sex marriage, abortion, and LGBTQIA rights.
Dates and Times UTC
2021 Dec 31 19:53, Mag +1.5
2022 Jun 22 19:08, Mag +0.5
2022 Jul 21 15:56, Mag +0.2
2022 Dec 08 04:15, Mag -1.9
2023 Jan 03 19:53, Mag -1.3
2023 Jan 31 04:29, Mag -0.4
2023 Feb 28 04:13, Mag +0.3
2023 Sep 16 20:01, Mag +1.6
2023 Oct 15 15:26, Mag +1.5
2024 May 05 02:17, Mag +1.0
2024 Dec 18 09:19, Mag -1.1
2025 Jan 14 03:50, Mag -1.4
2025 Feb 09 19:51, Mag -1.0
2025 Jun 30 01:17, Mag +1.3
2025 Jul 28 18:31, Mag +1.4
2026 Feb 16 18:18, Mag +1.1
2026 Oct 05 06:13, Mag +1.0
2026 Nov 02 13:40, Mag +0.8
2027 Dec 29 11:53, Mag +1.1
2028 Aug 17 18:42, Mag +1.4
2029 Oct 11 16:16, Mag +0.9
2030 Jun 01 02:40, Mag +1.4
Dates and Times UTC
Source: Occultations of Mars by Moon, spider.seds.org