Mercury opposite Saturn maximum orb 6°30′.
Mercury opposite Saturn natal brings frustration and sadness from an inability to connect to others. This can be caused by poor communication skills, pessimism, shyness, hearing problems or a poor attention span.
This aspect is also associated with sadness, slow thinking, poor judgement, mistakes, misinterpretation, disappointment and arguments. You may think others always disagree with or nag you, but the problem usually starts with you.
However, with patience, hard work and persistence, you can develop mental toughness. With maturity comes intelligence, wisdom, more thorough preparation and decision-making, and a subtle, studious, keen, profound mind and interest in occult or deep subjects.
Loneliness and social awkwardness can also result from an inability to share your knowledge understandably. Your speech may seem dull, too negative, or technical. But there is hope because Saturn is a late bloomer. The constant struggle to be heard and taken seriously can result in a mastery of communication, more often with the written word but sometimes with the spoken word.
The Internet offers an excellent chance to communicate more effectively, where extra time can be taken to fully understand and reply to messages. You also have a talent for understanding symbols and the deeper meaning of images.
In general, negative thinking can lead to sadness and depression. Growing up, you may be subject to demeaning or harsh words from a parent, usually your father, teachers, and other authority figures. Such negative conditioning can cause you to assume people are criticizing you later in life, even when, in reality, they are not.
A conscious effort is required to rewire your brain with positive affirmations. This does require continual hard work, as does practicing communicating clearly. Otherwise, depression and improper handling of matters will continue to cause frustration and a lack of opportunity. Others will then continue seeing you as lonely, sad, abrupt or mean, with a rigid attitude and narrow ideas.
Mercury Opposite Saturn Transit
Mercury opposite Saturn transit brings serious thinking, conversation, negativity, and sadness. Poor self-esteem can lead to communication difficulties and isolation. Being alone studying or on the computer would feel more comfortable than being in social situations, and in-depth research offers a way to keep your mind busy.
There is the possibility of some bad news or very challenging situations arising, especially if you have been neglectful in some way earlier. However, you will likely be seeing the worst in every case. Take extra care when making important decisions, especially about relationships. Also, avoid signing contracts or making significant investments. You may have a critical eye but could also make mistakes.
Mercury Opposite Saturn Celebrities
Henry VIII 0°05′, Hans Christian Andersen 0°18′, Miles Davis 0°26′, Van Jones 0°28′, Billie Lourd 0°31′, Steven Seagal 0°38′, Matthew McConaughey 0°39′, Robert E. Zoller 0°46′, Carl Blumenreuter 0°46′, Sarah Ryan 0°51′, Sean Combs 0°54′, Novak Djokovic 0°55′, Ricki Lake 0°55′, Hubertus Strughold 0°59′, Della Reese 1°08′, John G. Bennett 1°18′, Wilt Chamberlain 1°51′, Björn Borg 1°58′, Joan Miró 1°59′.
Mercury Opposite Saturn Dates
August 1, 2023
September 18, 2024
September 17, 2025
September 18, 2026
September 23, 2027
October 21, 2027
November 4, 2027
November 6, 2028
November 8, 2029
November 11, 2030