Mercury opposite Mars maximum orb 6°30′.
Mercury opposite Mars natal gives a sharp mind and tongue. You are a warrior on the mental plane and can be an aggressive debater. A strong tendency to challenge the words and ideas of others can lead to problems, mainly because of the speed at which you react.
The number one skill to learn with this aspect is patience. A well-placed Saturn in your chart will help immensely, but most of you will have to learn patience through competition, and some embarrassing losses will be part of your learning experience.
One-to-one relationships will be the main arena of competition. Listening carefully is the first step; listening before talking must be consciously learned. You may also tend to react with hostility to the words of others, even when they are not threatening at all. Others may find your comments and hand gestures threatening even when they are not.
Until you consciously pace yourself while interacting with others, arguments and conflict will hamper your progress in many areas of life, especially in relationships. Public speaking and debating are good ways to hone your critical mental skills. With practice, communication will become a strong point.
Temper tantrums are a great way to release built-up anger but, of course, are self-defeating. Mercury opposite Mars does create a lot of nervous tension, which can turn to anger or resentment at anything you believe is the source of the stress. Burning up your incredible mental energy through reading or puzzles will help, but also through creative or artistic work that requires the skill of your hands and fingers.
Relaxation methods like meditation or yoga help channel your raw, aggressive Mars energy. It is vital to either release your anger safely or channel it into productive outlets. Otherwise, there will be an increased risk of disagreements and conflict. Excessive risk-taking and impulsive actions could lead or injury, especially to your limbs, such as cuts and burns.
As Mercury rules transport, you should also avoid impatience when driving or operating dangerous machinery. These things will become less of a problem as you develop your skills and learn patience.
Mercury Opposite Mars Transit
Mercury opposite Mars transit is a sign of impending arguments and conflict as internalized anger and resentment escape through your words and thoughts. The obvious manifestation is being overly direct in speech, thus provoking hostile reactions.
Less obvious is thought projection. Thoughts are things like words that have energy and cause things to happen. This subconscious level of communication will result in provocative and aggressive words from others. You may think you are innocent, but they may have picked up your angry thoughts about them or something they believe in.
Patience and relaxation are crucial to dealing with this transit. Try not to be so defensive and spontaneous in your reactions. Think twice before making bold statements, and do your best to avoid arguments.
Nervous tension may rise as this transit approaches, so remaining calm is essential. Yoga, exercise, or meditation reduce the risk of temper tantrums. Your aggressive energy can also be released safely by applying your mind to puzzles or hobbies requiring mental skill and dexterity with hands and fingers.
If you rush into this transit without consciously remembering patience, arguments may turn to fights and increase the risk of accidents or injury. Patience is especially needed when driving or using dangerous machines like chainsaws. This planetary combination has the potential to cause cuts and burns, especially to your hands, arms and legs.
Mercury Opposite Mars Celebrities
Alice Cooper 0°21′, Kamisese Mara 0°33′, Nina Simone 0°39′, Roberta Taylor 0°39′, Bernadette Peters 1°08′, Barbara Hershey 1°34′, Steffi Graf 1°40′, Richard Gasquet 1°58′, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec 1°58′.
Mercury Opposite Mars Dates
November 29, 2022
January 23, 2025
February 7, 2027
February 16, 2027
March 11, 2027
March 25, 2029
May 19, 2031
June 8, 2033
August 24, 2035