Lunar Eclipse 16 September 2016 Warmonger

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 AstrologyThe lunar eclipse on Friday 16 September 2016 is at 24 degrees Pisces, right in the middle of Pisces decan 3. The lunar eclipse September 2016 astrology is angry and complex but with options to channel your energy toward love and creativity. A willingness to be daring and make changes will help you move past the anger and onto the exciting possibilities.

September 2016 lunar eclipse adds warmongering to the fearmongering of the September 1 solar eclipse. Open mindedness and the desire to love different things can overcome the guilt and fear caused in your personal life by Saturn square Neptune.

Likewise, some minor adjustments like tolerance and empathy can lead to surprisingly fast resolutions to conflicts at the global level. Otherwise, lunar eclipse September 2016 square Mars will see new wars, worsening wars and wars within wars.

Lunar Eclipse Meaning

Like any full moon, a lunar eclipse focuses your attention on relationships of all kinds. The September 16 lunar eclipse itself has a relationship to the previous moon phase, the September 1 solar eclipse. Projects started then can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. However, this is a work in progress and will continue until the next series of eclipses in February 2017. The lunar eclipse can also be seen as an emotional adjustment, or compliment, to the themes of the solar eclipse.

As the Sun opposite Moon qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse so an objective and balanced look at personal relationships is possible. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony. With a lunar eclipse in particular, the blotting out of the Moon represents a resetting of emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months.

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 Astrology

The September 16 lunar eclipse acts as a companion or counterbalance to the September 1 solar eclipse. Together they make up an eclipse phase which lasts into February 2017. Lunar eclipse September 2016 square Mars means you have had enough of the fearmongering, lies and propaganda highlighted by the September 1 solar eclipse. You will feel like it’s time to fight back against a year of worry, guilt and depression caused by Saturn square Neptune.

The combined impact of the Sun square Mars and Moon square Mars brings simmering anger to the surface so care is required to avoid being hurt or causing harm. Both the anger and any potential pain is emotional but may also be felt physically by you or another. Tests of character can come from your competitors or enemies, at home and at work. Courage is needed to face what is making you feel threatened.

You may already be irritable and impatience, and likely to react to any provocation or threats with aggression. This buildup of anger, resentment or sexual frustration needs to be channeled constructively to avoid conflict, accidents, muscle pain or exhaustion. They key to handling this quick anger is to release your frustrations in a controlled manner. Exercise, masturbation or hard work are preferred so long as you don’t push too hard and strain something.

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 Astrology

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 Astrology

Don’t release you lunar eclipse energies through Mars by lashing out against the system. There is another way to react against the solar eclipse theme of fear and guilt. The frustration and anger of Mars can instead be channeled into passionate desires, creativity and fun. In the lunar eclipse September 2016 astrology chart above, follow the blue lines from Mars to Venus opposite Uranus. Although this opposition is another source of stress and tension, the friendly blue aspects bring many opportunities to resolve conflict and turn fear, anger and sadness into fun, love and excitement.

Venus opposite Uranus brings excited anticipation about love but stems from some underlying upset and tension with loved ones. This is closely linked to the anger and resentment arising in relationships due to the lunar eclipse square Mars. This potentially explosive mix can be safely defused by seeking change or excitement in the bedroom, on the Internet or through some type of amusement, entertainment or diversion.

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 Opportunities

Mars trine Uranus allows you to let your hair down and take a few risks. You will be presented with many unique opportunities to experience new activities, feelings and relationships. Your instincts will be strong and accurate, so taking extra risks at this time should pay off.  Your sex drive and physical attractiveness will also enjoy a boost. This will match your increased desire for excitement and sex, so finding a willing partner comes easier than at other times.

Venus sextile Mars is the perfect blend of sexuality and affection makes you look and feel sexy. You can be confident and assertive in chasing your desires without appearing threatening to others. This is an ideal time for dating because of your suave and playful nature. Your are likely to attract someone as sensual and sexy as you feel. Your creative talents are highlighted and your charm and increased popularity make gaining support much easier than at other times.

Sun quincunx Uranus along with Moon quincunx Venus represent subtle changes or alternations, needed at times to keep things from getting out of control. There is a lot of volatile, spontaneous energy in this lunar eclipse so care must be taken not to let your engine overheat. Even if you channel your frustrations and try to follow the harmonious blue aspects, the tension of the squares and oppositions will continue to rise.

After a gradual buildup of energy, a tipping point will be reached. Experimentation, open-mindedness and empathy can lead to a breakthrough or solution and balance will be restored. If not, then a loss of temper will also release the electric energy but result in two steps back instead of one step forward. This step will be much easier if you remain flexible or are a creative person.

If you are bossed around at work or feel constrained or tied down at home, then some adjustments may be needed to make this lunar eclipse work for you. A degree of personal freedom and tolerance from others is needed. This will allow you to express your true self through little changes here and there. By the same token, be aware that other will be looking for some affirmation that you do take notice of them.

Fixed star Markeb at 23°43′ Pisces conjunct the lunar eclipse gives riches and honor but also operations and injuries from cuts, blows, stabs and fire. The key to dealing with this star is self-mastery and being happy with what you have. This is the quiet, unassuming, untroubled true master, compared to the embattled, imprisoned, pathetic pretender to mastery. Markeb square Mars means you should not lust after what others have. If your desires are just and honorable then you may be surprised with true love after all.

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 Visibility

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 VisibilityIf Lunar Eclipse September 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope.

Previous Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse September 1 2016
Next Moon Phase: New Moon September 30 2016

Lunar Eclipse September 2016 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
September 16 – 12:05 pm
September 16 – 3:05 pm
September 16 – 8:05 pm
September 17 – 12:35 am
September 17 – 5:03 am