The lunar eclipse on 4 April 2015 at 14 degrees Libra will have dramatic effects on both personal relationships and the world in general. The lunar eclipse receives challenging influences from a nasty fixed star and Uranus. However, a positive aspect to Jupiter allows us to focus on the positive self-awareness from Uranus, rather the negative emotions of the Moon. I am not so optimistic about the influence of this eclipse on the world in general. The April 2015 lunar eclipse should result in an explosion if instability in the Middle East with unseen consequences.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Meaning
Like any full moon, a lunar eclipse focuses our attention on relationships of all kind. A Full moon itself has a relationship to the previous new moon or solar eclipse. Projects that you started at the previous moon phase two weeks ago can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at our personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationships imbalances causing disharmony. With a lunar eclipse in particular, the blotting out of the Moon represents a resetting of emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months.
The horoscope for a full moon or lunar eclipse is like a snap shot in time, but like old style photography, it takes time to develop. This April 2015 lunar eclipse will remain active until September 2015. As the eclipse cycle progresses, planetary aspects to the eclipse degree will mark more active times when events relating to the eclipse will likely unfold. There are no planetary conjunctions to the eclipse degree of 14°24′ Libra in this eclipse phase. However, we can expect peak in emotional growth and happiness with Jupiter sextile the lunar eclipse degree on the 13th of May 2015. A peak in intensity should coincide with transiting Pluto square the lunar eclipse on 30 June 2015. Another important and stressful time will be when a conjunction of Mercury and Mars makes an exact square aspect to the lunar eclipse, on 15 July 2015.
April 2015 Lunar Eclipse Astrology
The most obvious feature in the chart below is the lunar eclipse opposite Uranus. I will talk about this plus the other important aspects to Jupiter and Pluto. The fixed stars take on great importance because of their opposite effects. The lunar eclipse falls on a very difficult star, while the Sun Uranus conjunction falls on a most favorable star. So while the urge will be to follow our emotional instincts given the peak in lunar energies, I will show how to reduce the negative influence of the challenging stellar energy by focusing on the conscious self-awareness of the Sun with Uranus.
Less than one degree from the lunar eclipse at 13°40′ Libra, is a star in the Crow called Algorab. This star has a particularly nasty effect on the Moon, causing malice, lying, theft and aggression. The influence on our instincts is not a good one, leading to bad decisions when acting on impulse. When faced with a challenge, the wrong course is more often taken because of the overwhelming urge to act instinctively. The Crow does impart the gift of prophesy. However, when the background emotions involve retaliation or subversion, the intent backfires leading to bad choices and further trouble.
The Moon on Algorab is reason enough to switch our focus to the conscious Sun rather than the subconscious Moon. The fortunate fixed star Alpheratz at 13°30′ Aries suggest more positive outcomes when acting rationally. Just like the Sun conjunct Uranus, this star gives independence, freedom, a keen intellect, and “considerable psychic power if female.” The star also promotes love and honor, wealth and favors.
Sun conjunct Uranus brings heightened self-awareness and awareness of how others see us. This is exactly the same as the influence of a lunar eclipse on relationships. So this is where we want to be, excited and optimistic with the Sun, not mean and depressed with the Moon. We can still use occult abilities which are heightened during a lunar eclipse. But we must concentrate on the conscious side of these abilities, not the subliminal, subconscious side. This translates as flashes on insight, when awake. Not basic dreaming but perhaps lucid dreaming. If our instincts are strong on a particular matter, then reason and intellect should be used to filter out the background noise. When making a decision, emotion and prejudice need to be taken out of the equation.
Sun trine Jupiter does make this lunar eclipse more appealing than recent moon phases. While it may exaggerate or exacerbate any difficulties, it will increase the chance of happiness and success from good choices. This positive link bridges the gap from the Moon to the Sun, allowing us to use generosity and hopefulness as a means to access the higher self-awareness of the Sun Uranus conjunction.
Another path to the more positive side of this eclipse is via Uranus square Pluto. In this case, dramatic events or unwelcome changes can be seen as good reasons to think positively. They will present opportunities to break free from limiting conditions, so long as the Algorab Moon grasp on depression and retaliation is broken.

Lunar Eclipse Mundane Astrology
My outlook on the world stage due to this eclipse is not so optimistic. This eclipse comes on top of the previous solar eclipse which foretold extreme misfortune and catastrophic events. The highlighting of the final Uranus Pluto square by this lunar eclipse emphasizes the social and political upheaval we have witnessed over recent years. Beginning with the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Uranus square Pluto has transformed the positive Arab Spring in Tunisia, to the carnage of ISIS terrorism, gone full circle back to Tunisia. The focus of the carnage is on the middle East but all parts of the globe are effected, whether through acts of terror or the recruitment of our youth to join the fight.
I have never used astrology to predict war but I do now. The lunar eclipse on Algorab is the main reason. I have researched this star for years and found a definite link to terrorism, or military assaults in general. There is a specific link to the current conflicts in the Islamic world. The lunar eclipse opposite Uranus will exacerbate the revolutionary and explosive nature of Algorab, and should lead to full-scale war in the Middle East.