Lesath at 24°01′ Sagittarius has an orb of 2°00′
The Sun joins Lesath on December 16
Fixed star Lesath, Upsilon Scorpii, is a single star located in the stinger of he Scorpion, Scorpius Constellation. Magnitude 2.70, spectral type B2 IV.
The traditional name Lesath comes from the Arabic word las’a, which means pass (or bite) of a poisonous animal. However. this is a mistranslation by Scaliger for the earlier word Alascha, which came from the Arabic al laţkha, which means the foggy patch, referring to the nearby open cluster M7. With Lambda Scorpii (Shaula), Lesath form an optical pair called the “Cat’s Eyes”.
2000 | 2050 | Name | Orb |
17♐58 | 18♐40 | Sabik | 2°10′ |
22♐27 | 23♐09 | Rasalhague | 2°10′ |
24♐01 | 24♐43 | Lesath | 2°00′ |
25♐48 | 26♐30 | Aculeus | 1°20′ |
27♐58 | 28♐40 | Etamin | 2°10′ |
Lesath Astrology
Fixed star Lesath has the spectral type B2, indicating the planetary nature of Jupiter.
LESATH. ν Scorpii. A small star situated in the sting of the Scorpion. From Al Las’ah, the Sting. Of the nature of Mercury and Mars. It gives danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, and is connected with acid poisons. [1]
LESUTH. ν Scorpii. A quadruple star system surrounded by a remarkable nebulae. Spectral class of the main, small star Lesuth is B3. This star imparts to its natives a keen mentality, unexpected gains, good fortune, good judgement, exaggeration, new discoveries, and negatively exaggeration, desperation, immorality, self destruction, violence. It also imparts to its natives a degree of sociableness and a self driven character. [2]
Note: Although calling this star Lesuth, Rigor labeled it as ν (Nu) Scorpii, a different star in the head of the Scorpion named Jabbah. Nu Scorpii is a quadruple star system surrounded by the remarkable Horsehead nebula. The spectral type of the main star is B3. While υ (Upsilon) Scorpii is a single star in the stinger of the Scorpion named Lesath, spectral type B2, and not surrounded by a nebula.
Lesath, Upsilon Scorpii. Lesath in close conjunction with lambda Scorpii, both in the Tail End of the Scorpio (lesos is Greek for sting), has a Mars nature blended with Mercurian influence. According to tradition, Lesath conjunct Mars, Uranus or Saturn, Midheaven or Ascendant could point to danger from wild animals, either to be ripped up by them, massacred, or torn into pieces. This medieval interpretation is no longer correct in these days. At present, a configuration involving this star points to accidents, catastrophes, or operations. Corresponding to the sign Scorpio, this could work with appendicitis, appendectomy, or removing of hemorrhoids by operation. If associated with a benefic stellar body, and if channeled in the right direction, there is the possibility that the energy associated with the Mars nature can make for marked achievements. [3]
Lesath and Shaula in the sting of the Scorpion are considered unlucky stars. In medieval times these stars were said to be connected with poisons. [4]
Lesath, υ Scorpio, sometimes written as Lesuth, means Sting, derived from the Arabic Al Lathagh or, earlier, Al Las’ah. Another name seen occasionally is Al Fikrah but this has been applied to each of the string of stars marking the vertebrae of the long tail, whereas the one now under discussion truly is the one at the tip, and is thus the sting. Not unexpectedly it gets a Mercury-Mars rating from Ptolemy, what else for deft and swift injector like this? Its qualities in the horoscope are very much those of a probing, sharp intellect and incisive wit, every bit as damaging as a knife to its opponent. It does show them to have an enterprising spirit of keenness of insight. People with this star strong in their charts are noted for doing well in debate, business, sport, and high office in general. If not well aspected, though, they can be inclined to strike first and ask afterward, with an embarrassing loss of face. [5]
Fixed star Lesath rules the middle of the groin. [6]
Constellation Scorpius
Ptolemy makes the following observations: “The bright stars in the front of the body of Scorpio have an effect similar to that produced by the influence of Mars, and partly to that produced by Saturn: the three in the body itself . . . are similar to Mars and moderately to Jupiter: those in the joints of the tail are like Saturn and partly like Venus: those in the sting, like Mercury and Mars.” By the Kabalists Scorpio is associated with the Hebrew letter Oin and the 16th Tarot Trump “The Lightning-Struck Tower.” [1]
Scorpio was the dreaded symbol of darkness in the region of the Euphrates. Comets in this region of the sky were said to portend plagues of “reptiles” (read as locusts or other insects harmful to agriculture). In Classical Scientific Astrology, the fruitful nature of Scorpio was mentioned. This attribute also applies to the constellation. The constellation of the Scorpion has been considered unlucky from earliest antiquity. [4]
Fixed Star Lesath Conjunctions
Ascendant conjunct Lesath: According to tradition, Lesath conjunct Ascendant could point to danger from wild animals, either to be ripped up by them, massacred, or torn into pieces. This medieval interpretation is no longer correct. At present, a configuration involving this fixed star points to accidents, catastrophes, or operations. Corresponding to the sign Scorpio, this could work with appendicitis, appendectomy, or removal of hemorrhoids by operation. [3]
Saba Douglas-Hamilton 0°01′, Tom Waits 0°02′, Donald Rumsfeld 0°03′, Angelica Huston 0°19′, Betty Friedan 0°24′, Joseph Fiennes 0°26′, Alyssa Milano 0°26′, Soko 0°31′, Connie Francis 0°34′, Catherine Zeta-Jones 0°36′, Bob Geldof 0°44′, Richard Ramirez 0°45′, Jonathan Cainer 0°46′, Agatha Christie 1°07′, Sepharial 1°19′, Glenn Singleman 1°21′, Jimi Hendrix 1°28′, Walter E. Alston 1°41′, Nicholas Cage 1°44′, Cheiro 1°57′ (and Venus).
Midheaven conjunct Lesath: According to tradition, Lesath conjunct Midheaven could point to danger from wild animals, either to be ripped up by them, massacred, or torn into pieces. This medieval interpretation is no longer correct. At present, a configuration involving this fixed star points to accidents, catastrophes, or operations. Corresponding to the sign Scorpio, this could work with appendicitis, appendectomy, or removal of hemorrhoids by operation. [3]
Jenna Ortega 1°20′, Phil McGraw 1°22′, Billie Eilish 1°37′, Catherine the Great 1°48′
Descendant conjunct Lesath: Jamison Twins 0°29′, Ed Gein 0°53′, Kamala Harris 0°54′ (and POF, S. Node), Margaret Anstee 1°26′, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 1°54′
Imun Coeli conjunct Lesath: Max Götze 1°00′.Part of Fortune conjunct Lesath: George H. W. Bush 0°28′, Kamala Harris 1°04′ (and DC, S.Node), Jennifer Aniston 1°11′, Robert De Niro 1°22′, Lana Del Rey 1°48′.
Sun conjunct Lesath: High preferment in writings, sports, public affairs. The native may gain in ability to uncover ‘hidden secrets’. This could either bring enlightenment or embarrassment to others. These natives are ‘dauntless’, but may get themselves involved in dangerous situations. Negatively this could bring legal involvement. [2]
Xul Solar 0°04′, George VI of the UK 0°38′, John Milton 0°54′, Edgar Mittelholzer 0°54′, Rudolf Diels 1°11′, Jane Birkin 1°13′, Margaret Mead 1°18′, Noel Coward 1°20′, Michael Owen 1°23′, Gustave Flaubert 1°38′, J. Paul Getty 1°39′, Jon Vincent 1°42′, Artie Mitchell 1°50′.
Moon conjunct Lesath: High preferment in astrology, religion and scientific matters. The native can have good fortune, unexpected gains; negatively, these natives will become exaggerative, subject to self destruction or violence. [2]
Liz Greene 0°07′, Margaret Anstee 0°15′, Maggie Bell 0°17′, Jennifer Aniston 0°18′, John Belushi 0°21′, Georg Olden 0°35′, Ritchie Valens 0°36′, Edward IV of England 0°37′, Natasha Richardson 0°44′, Alan Longmuir 0°47′, Anthony Hopkins 0°55′, Justin Timberlake 0°57′, Princess Beatrice of the UK 1°00′, Cecilia Bartoli 1°06′, Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud 1°08′, Vincent van Gogh 1°13′, Dana Plato 1°13′, Carl Sagan 1°14′, Naomi Watts 1°14′, Tiger Woods 1°17′, Rupert Murdoch 1°17′, Larry King 1°26′, Otto Wagener 1°28′, Dick Smith 1°35′, Montgomery Clift 1°45′, Alexander Fleming 1°50′, Emma Watson 1°59′.
Mercury conjunct Lesath: The native has a keen mentality, the ability to quickly ‘zero’ in on questions, problems. Some psychic preferment which could amount to intuitiveness. The native may be of an argumentative, combative nature. Somewhat abrasive. They can be quite direct in their responses. [2]
These are persons who study other individuals through literature and other methods of communication. This action is similar to the position of Mercury at the fixed star Ras Alhague as the effect of both stars overlap at this point. They do stalk a celebrated or important person at the mental level, gathering all information on the person and their work. This position being slightly stronger than the preceding one, these individuals can drive themselves into a nervous breakdown in their attempts to discover everything they can about the person they are investigating. They can get deeply involved and take up a cause for the person they are stalking if they feel the persons had been treated unjustly. [6]
Meghan Trainor 0°01′ (and Venus), James Croll 0°06′, Emily Dickinson 0°18′, John Fox 0°21′, Tom Waits 0°34′, Sarah Paulson 1°15′, Jamie Lee Curtis 1°35′, Isaac Newton 1°56′.
Venus conjunct Lesath: These natives can have a wide, popular appeal if in public view. Basically they are reliable and steady, but negatively may get themselves involved in intrigues or matters requiring considerable tact. Involvement in intrigues could prove costly to such natives. [2]
Possibility for marked achievements. [3]
Mark Twain 0°00′, Winston Churchill 0°13′, Meghan Trainor 0°47′ (and Mercury), Leopold I of Belgium 0°50′, Augusto Pinochet 1°16′‚ Cheiro 1°39′ (and AC), Emmanuel Macron 1°54′
Mars conjunct Lesath: The native has an active, keen mind, can become a good speaker, however, if Mars is adversely aspected, the native can become exaggerative and argumentive. Natives with this conjunction can be quite determined. Chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or serious illness possible. [2]
According to tradition, Lesath conjunct Mars could point to danger from wild animals, either to be ripped up by them, massacred, or torn into pieces. This medieval interpretation is no longer correct. At present, a configuration involving this fixed star points to accidents, catastrophes, or operations. Corresponding to the sign Scorpio, this could work with appendicitis, appendectomy, or removal of hemorrhoids by operation. [3]
(4° orb): This is a far more difficult point than the fixed star Ras Alhague as Mars at this point draws both fixed stars together. This brings on the stalking trait with violence. This is a person who needs to be guarded against, as this can be the murderer. This person would not care whether their prey is strong or weak. They definitely like the hunt, and for those in areas where game hunting is available, some of their energy can be directed there. However, the majority live in urban areas where hunting for animals is not available. These persons are in a rage for the most part and like to have their animal power put to use. A woman with this position would likely take her rage out on other women. The criminal aspect is still prevalent, even befriending another female, and then ending it with torture or murder. There is a health problem also at this point. This may cause a problem with the blood flow in the groin area. This is an indicator of the criminality in this individual showing up in the system. The problem can be alleviated through a diet of cottage cheese, rice and raspberry leaf tea along with other good, natural foods; however, they would not be likely to accept this advice. If they do, it would tremendously help to modify their disposition. They must eliminate red meats and foods with added chemicals. [6]
Christopher Lee 0°01′, Heinrich von Kleist 0°04′, Princess Alice of the UK 0°43′, Katherine Mansfield 0°31′, Ellen DeGeneres 0°45′ (and Saturn), Jimmy Bryan 1°11′, Emma Cecilia Thursby 1°32′, Rudy Galindo 1°32′, Édouard Manet 1°35′, Janis Joplin 1°35′, Ebenezer Sibly 1°47′, Kenny Everett 1°55′, Olivia Rodrigo 1°59′.
Jupiter conjunct Lesath: This conjunction gives the native preferment in dealings with the public. [2]
Possibility for marked achievements. [3]
Michael Landon 0°15′, Rudolf Diels 0°15′, Sean Penn 0°19′, Clarence Thomas 0°20′, Roy Orbison 1°01′, Valerie Solanas 1°18′, Alice Cooper 1°20′, John Gotch 1°34′.
Saturn conjunct Lesath: Danger from wild animals, either to be ripped up by them, massacred, or torn into pieces. This medieval interpretation is no longer correct. At present, a configuration involving this fixed star points to accidents, catastrophes, or operations. Corresponding to the sign Scorpio, this could work with appendicitis, appendectomy, or removal of hemorrhoids by operation. [3]
(3° orb): This affects the health of the person in the area of the groin. These persons can be misdiagnosed for the reason that the sexual organs can be blamed for the extreme pain involved here. The pain can be so extreme as to cause these individuals to use a cane in order to walk. Help is available for the pain if they would place both hands over the painful area for five minutes before retiring, and to massage the affected area. Chamomile tea would also help reduce the pain, along with a hot pack where the pain is felt. [6]
Henri Matisse 0°12′, Prince 0°34′, Nancy Spungen 1°12′, Ellen DeGeneres 1°16′ (and Mars), Jamie Lee Curtis 1°28′, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 1°37′
Uranus conjunct Lesath: Danger from wild animals, either to be ripped up by them, massacred, or torn into pieces. This medieval interpretation is no longer correct. At present, a configuration involving this fixed star points to accidents, catastrophes, or operations. Corresponding to the sign Scorpio, this could work with appendicitis, appendectomy, or removal of hemorrhoids by operation. [3]
This affects the blood in the groin area, and down to the thigh. The person would experience a numbness as though the entire area was dead. Massaging the area would be very beneficial, along with a cool pack. Drinking chamomile tea is also recommended. It is very upsetting to these individuals as they do not understand the reason for the numbness, Chamomile tea soothes and balances the entire nervous system and should be taken daily. [6]
Lionel Messi 0°32′, Herman Melville 0°38′, Walt Whitman 1°36′, Amber Heard 1°44′, Novak Djokovic 1°51′, Queen Victoria 1°52′, Karl Marx 1°57′, Martin Luther 1°58′
Neptune conjunct Lesath: Britney Spears 0°17′, Justin Timberlake 0°19′, Paris Hilton 0°43′, Ilhan Omar 0°44′, Ronaldinho 1°03′, Eric Harris 1°03′, Priyanka Chopra 1°06′, Nayib Bukele 1°14′, Bezalel Smotrich 1°15′, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 1°26′, Roger Federer 1°29′, Serena Williams 1°30′, Otto von Bismarck 1°31′, Beyoncé 1°40′, Catherine, Princess of Wales 1°42′.
Pluto conjunct Lesath: William Blake 0°32′.
North Node conjunct Lesath: Billy Bob Thornton 0°36′, Pope Francis I 1°08′, Kenneth Copeland 1°13′, Miley Cyrus 1°28′
South Node conjunct Lesath: Humphrey Davy 0°20′, Vincent van Gogh 0°30′, Kamala Harris 0°59′ (and DC, POF), André the Giant 1°07′, Virginia Giuffre 1°36′.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.60-61, 173.
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.176-177.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.69-70.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.47.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.85-86.
- The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.122.
- All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.