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Last Week: March 3 to 9, 2025
Last Weeks Astrology
The times below are for New York.
Monday, March 3
04:03 am – Mercury enters Aries.
05:36 am – Moon enters Taurus.
Wednesday, March 5
07:29 am – Moon enters Gemini.
08:12 am – Mercury sextile Pluto from March 4 to 6 brings deep, focused thinking and more powerful intuition that helps you understand complex ideas, uncover secrets and solve mysteries. It is perfect for deep and meaningful conversations, research, exams, psychology, astrology, and other spiritual subjects. You can also rely on excellent planning and organizational skills.
Thursday, March 6
11:31 am – 1st Quarter Moon at 16♊21 aligns with the fixed star Rigel at 15♊37. This fortunate star gives benevolence, high honors, wealth, splendor, happiness, glory, renown, inventive or mechanical ability, great ambition, a broad outlook, church or martial preferment, good luck in business affairs, self-reliance and success that brings riches and eminence. It is favorable for government officials, military people, politicians, leaders of political parties, barristers, and priests.
Friday, March 7
11:28 am – Moon enters Cancer.
Saturday, March 8
00:12 am – Sun trine Mars from March 5 to 10 brings the self-confidence and enthusiasm to start daring new projects. With strength, courage and initiative, you can get the ball rolling and tackle demanding tasks. This is an excellent time to impress someone, especially a superior at work or someone special in your private life. Increased sex drive is matched by increased charisma and magnetic charm.
Sunday, March 9
06:58 pm – Moon enters Leo.