Kamala Harris Astrology Chart

Kamala Harris Astrology Chart

Kamala Harris has a positive astrology chart. She was born only 17 minutes before a full moon, which makes her highly competitive. Saturn balances the polarity of the Sun opposite the Moon, making her a responsible, trustworthy, dependable leader who provides stability, security and unity.

Kamala Harris Horoscope

Kamala Harris Horoscope

Kamala Harris Horoscope

Kamala Harris Astrology

Kamala Harris was born at 9:28 pm on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California [Astro Databank].


The Ascendant (AC) is the physical manifestation of the soul. It rules physical appearance, overall health and first impressions. But it can also be a shield or mask to guard the inner, authentic nature.

Kamala Harris’s Ascendant is in the Sign of Gemini, but because of the precession of the equinoxes, it is in the Constellation of Taurus. I use the Fixed Stars and Constellations like the ancient astrologers, not the Signs and Houses of modern astrology.

Ascendant in Taurus Constellation gives great determination and fixity of purpose, so it is challenging to make changes once a course of action has been decided upon. Yet can sometimes lack continuity and make significant changes. Responds quickly to kindness and appeals to the finer side of nature. A love of pleasure, beauty, music and art. Success comes from observing moderation and avoiding being drawn into affairs that better judgment cautions against.

Keywords: Dominant, independent, courageous, pioneering, orderly, harmonious, active, leader, ambitious, determined, enterprising, mental.

Ascendant conjunct fixed star Al Hecka (0°08′): This star gives a fondness for power, leadership ability, kingly preferment, high honors, wealth, and renown.


The Moon represents emotions, unconscious habits, memories, moods, reactions, the mother, nurturing, home, the need for security, and the past.

Moon in Pisces Constellation gives originality, creativeness, great empathy, fertile expression, and a hospitable, adaptable, and companionable nature. It makes Kamala sensitive, quite fluent, imaginative, and a seeker of personal knowledge.

Moon conjunct fixed star Vertex (0°17′): An inner drive for success, money, authority and recognition. Friends and acquaintances seem to ‘come and go,’ but this is not necessarily due to disagreements. May develop ‘secret’ bad habits or health problems that lead to self-destruction.

Vertex generally gives the drive to excel or succeed, passion, changeability, violence, sickness, ear and eye problems, eye injuries, blindness and violent death.

Moon conjunct fixed star Alpherg (1°19′): Great determination and drive to succeed, obstinancy and leadership ability, final success is assured.

Alpherg generally gives obstinacy and a constant struggle with many difficulties, as well as piety, preparedness, steadiness, determination and final success with honors and preferment.


The Sun is the life force, the will to live, conscious ego, self-expression, personal power, pride and authority, self-respect, leadership qualities, the father, health, and vitality.

Sun in Virgo Constellation gives order, harmony, a serving disposition, and steadiness that inspires admiration and respect. The Virgin makes Kamala practical, industrious, discriminating, conscientious, humane, meticulous, constructive, critical, accurate, tidy, ingenious and versatile in expression, with keen mental powers and an analytical mind.


Mercury represents communication, thinking patterns, rationality, reasoning, curiosity, early education, neighborhood, siblings, cousins, short-distance transport, news, and information.

Mercury in Virgo Constellation gives a clear, penetrating, scientific, questionable and studied but utilitarian mind. A ‘mental’ worker whose conclusions are well thought out, practical, adaptable, versatile, discriminating, conscientious, industrious, dextrous, analytical, tenacious and somewhat skeptical.

Mercury conjunct fixed star Princeps (1°11′): A penetrating mind, favorable for gain, but discontentment and legal problems are possible.

Princeps generally gives a keen mentality, a studious and profound mind with the ability for research and a conservative, resourceful and somewhat fearful nature.

Sun opposite Moon (0°09′): The tightest aspect in the Kamala Harris astrology chart gives a competitive, sometimes confrontational nature. Constant questioning and battles against adversaries cause much tension. However, gaining knowledge of the facts creates new perspectives and leads to self-understanding. Refining intuition and instincts brings inner balance, and compromise and negotiation will be mastered.

Sun trine Saturn (0°39′): Serious, reserved and quietly confident. A conscientious and hard worker who takes responsibility and gets the job done. Does not create a big fuss and does not seek the limelight. However, will stand out to superiors and elders and gain their support and respect.

Willing to sacrifice immediate gratification to meet long-term goals, more of a marathon runner than a sprinter, sets goals that are realistic and achievable with practical results. Very patient, persistent, and determined. Achievements earn recognition and reaffirm self-belief; dependable and loyal in relationships; conscientious, and always there to give advice and guidance.

Moon sextile Saturn (0°48′): Emotional maturity and stability, common sense, reliable intuition, self-reliant, practical, persistent, and organized. The responsible, trustworthy, and dependable one others turn to in times of crisis. May appear dull or reserved in social situations.

Rarely displays emotions, but still emotional; people have to dig deeper to see this truth; feelings are shown in more practical ways by providing food, shelter, and warmth to make people feel safe and secure.

Mercury trine Saturn (2°59′): A rational, structured and stable mind, common sense, and persistence and perseverance lead to lasting success. Mistakes are rarely made because of good concentration, a systematic approach and perfectionism.

Loyalty, dependability, reliability, and punctuality earn respect and praise. A good memory, interest in history and ancestry, guidance from mentors, a mentor for others, and responsibility for younger people. Success in speaking, writing, publishing, politics, administration, finance and big business.

Sun trine Ascendant (3°22′): A successful and happy life, self-confidence, self-esteem, independence, and authority. Make a good first impression by expressing true nature with honesty, sincerity, and openness. Charming, positive, very attractive, well-liked, and popular.

Confident self-expression makes ideas and opinions easily understood, enjoys performing in front of others and generally likes being in the public eye. Confidence and optimism give a talent for inspiring, teaching, and entertaining others.

Harmonious and successful partnerships in private and professional lives, abundant creative energy, vitality, good health, many opportunities in life, competitive, ambitious, not brought down by negativity or criticism.

Moon sextile Ascendant (3°13′): Affectionate, caring, kind, friendly and pleasant. A strong subconscious need to connect to others emotionally, intuitive understanding of other people’s feelings, sensitivity to others’ needs and mood changes. Openly shares feelings, excellent social skills, well-liked and popular. Would make a good salesperson, psychologist, or astrologer.

A desire for peace and willingness to adapt and compromise gives good negotiating diplomatic skills. A dislike or fear of conflict can lead to giving up too much, but acute instincts and perceptive skills help avert confrontation.

Can gauge the mood of groups and the general public. Supporting public and social causes and acting as a representative for others opens up public relations and political opportunities. Provides support and guidance that others rely on.

Good health, maternal, domestic, progressive and relatively liberal ideas, a vivid imagination and an interest in mysticism, philosophy, and religion.

Saturn trine Ascendant (4°01′): Serious, sincere, determined, loyal and dependable. Learned responsibility and became independent early, and copes well in challenging situations. Lifelong friendships, close karmic bonds, and good relations with parents, teachers, superiors and authorities. Relationships may involve shared ambition, responsibility, routine, sorrow or guilt.

Keeps agreements, meets obligations, earns respect and works well within formal groups and organizations with a structured hierarchy. Practicality, directness, depth of understanding and air of authority make for a good leader, teacher, mentor and parent.

Sun trine Midheaven (4°36′): Exuberant, charismatic and flamboyant personality. Easy confidence and self-assurance give a commanding presence. Good nature, pleasant appearance and warm amiability have a charming effect. A lucky person who wants to experience life to the fullest.

Self-disciplined, responsible, reliable, a strong sense of right and wrong, visionary, strives to achieve something significant, strong self-belief, conviction and ambition. Sets priorities, goals and directions. Communicates, writes, shares, convinces, educates, teaches and mentors. Brings well-researched and important basic information to a mass audience.

A successful and prominent career as a leader, representative, spokesperson, promotor and organizer. Well-respected by peers and the public, quickly gains support and popularity, unites people for a common cause and builds large networks.

Moon sextile Midheaven (4°45′): People, events and the world, in general, are interpreted through intense feelings, intuition and instincts. Harmony, emotional support and comfort from home and family provide a foundation for success in the outer world.

Good people management skills, psychological understanding and a sense of the public mood give a talent for dealing with others and the public. A calming influence, smooth and friendly public image, respected, well-known or famous.

Mercury trine Midheaven (0°57′): Intelligent, free-thinking, curious, eager to learn. Prodigious mental, musical, or sporting ability. Excellent student, mentor and educator. Travel for education and career, assistance from important and influential people.

Thoughtful, experimental, excellent communication and improvisational skills, good coordination and agility with mind and hands. A talent for languages, negotiation, writing, journalism, drawing, comedy, teaching or politics.

Neat appearance, presents well in public, respect from peers, a good reputation, and a love of elegant clothing and accessories. Can absorb and adapt the best from elsewhere but develops a unique style and leaves a positive impression on many people. Has a message to share, whether a courier or the president.

Saturn conjunct Midheaven (3°56′): Serious, hardworking, ambitious, responsible, determined and a strong sense of duty. Well-aspected, it brings persistence, preparedness, patience, guidance from mentors, rewards from hard work, significant achievements and career success.

Focused on practical and consistent results, well-organized, achieves goals systematically, good leadership and managerial abilities, can impose and consolidate dominance, hold off rivals and defend weaknesses.

A calm demeanor, self-control, and versatility give an advantage over less controlled opponents. Maturity, confidence, honesty, reliability, stability, security, a position of authority, success in business and government, and fame. Earns respect and recognition, shares knowledge, teaches, guides and mentors.


The Midheaven represents the career or calling, ambitions, goals, achievements, reputation, social status, public profile, authority and recognition.

Midheaven conjunct fixed star Sadalmelik (0°27′): This star brings honors, preferment, and an acquisitive and conservative nature. It indicates the most brilliant success and favor for those in authority. If well-aspected, this will be put to good use.

Midheaven conjunct fixed star Fomalhaut (0°57′): A splendid and illustrious life, a glorious, mighty and commanding nature, prosperity from youth and in own city, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, fame, well-known or feared in cities and regions, great and lasting honors.

Fomalhaut generally gives an ideological, spiritual, gentle nature, keen mind, and immortal name. It transforms material expression into a spiritual form. Fomalhaut has a very powerful and quite variable effect. Depending on the overall horoscope, it can be very good or very bad.

Fomalhaut is incredibly well-aspected in Kamala Harris’s astrology chart, conjunct Midheaven, sextile Moon, and trine the Sun and Mercury.

Kamala Harris Astrology Compared to Donald Trump

Kamala Harris Astrology

Kamala Harris / Donald Trump

Sun opposite Moon (0°09′) for Harris. Sun opposite Moon (1°43′) for Trump. The orb is tighter for Harris but Trump was born on a total lunar eclipse compared to a regular full moon for Harris.

Ascendant conjunct Al Hecka (0°08′) for Harris. Sun conjunct Al Hecka (1°06′) for Trump.

Sun trine Saturn (0°39′) for Harris. Sun trine Jupiter (5°28′) for Trump.

Moon trine Mars (6°21′) for Harris. Moon trine Mars (5°34′) for Trump.

Jupiter conjunct Algol (1°40′) for Harris. Midheaven conjunct Algol (1°03′) for Trump.

Saturn conjunct Midheaven (3°56′) for Harris. Saturn sextile Midheaven (0°32′) for Trump.

North Node conjunct Ascendant (0°05′) for Harris. South Node conjunct Moon (0°23′) for Trump.

In summary, the Sun opposite the Moon makes the astrology charts of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both positive and very competitive. The numerous similarities suggest the 2024 US election contest is evenly balanced.