JonBenét Ramsey Murder Confession

JonBenét RamseyJonBenét Ramsey was killed on 25 December 1996 when she was only 6 years old. On 10 January 2019 the Daily Mail published confession letters by the convicted pedophile Gary Oliva. There have been false confessions before as well as endless accusation blaming family and friends for her murder. But the astrology of this confession is convincing.

Using bi-wheel charts I compared the following horoscopes:

The only accurately times charts (rated A) are for the birth of JonBenét Ramsey and the publishing of Gary Oliva’s confession letters. So the bi-wheel chart below comparing these two charts is the most useful at showing the credibility of this confession.

JonBenét Birth Versus Gary Oliva Confession

The Vertex Point is very time-sensitive and is used as a timing device when comparing two horoscopes. When the confession letters were first published in the London, the Vertex was between Sun conjunct Pluto, highlighting this as a critical point in the analysis. It is also conjunct JonBenét’s natal Saturn, the traditional ruler of death. Pluto is the modern ruler of death.

JonBenét Ramsey Astrology

JonBenét Ramsey Birth Vs Gary Oliva Confession

The synastry aspects below show just how closely connected these two charts are. I have not listed sextile, trine or minor aspects.

  • Confession North Node conjunct JonBenét Jupiter
  • Confession Pluto conjunct JonBenét Saturn
  • Confession Uranus conjunct JonBenét AntiVertex
  • Confession Saturn conjunct JonBenét Neptune
  • Confession Mars square JonBenét Uranus
  • Confession Venus conjunct JonBenét Part of Fortune
  • Confession Sun conjunct JonBenét Saturn
  • Confession Moon opposite JonBenét Mercury
  • Confession Midheaven conjunct JonBenét Mars
  • Confession Vertex conjunct JonBenét Saturn
  • Confession Part of Fortune opposite JonBenét Uranus


  1. “Gary Howard Oliva, with a date of birth of 01/07/1964” Gary Howard Oliva Arrest Warrent,, 2016,
  2. “JonBenet had come into this world at 1:36 A.M” The Death of Innocence: JonBenét’s Parents Tell Their Story, 2001, p.158.
  3. “investigators believe that she died closer to 10:00 p.m. Christmas Day.” JonBenét Ramsey – Crime Museum
  4. “PUBLISHED: 06:25 AEDT, 11 January 2019” Pedophile Gary Oliva confesses to killing JonBenét Ramsey by accident,