Gemini Next Week

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Gemini Next Week Horoscope

January 27 to February 2

Monday to Friday brings happiness and optimism with warm and friendly relationships. Good luck could bring financial gains that increase your overall net worth, satisfaction and contentment. But this is also a time of generosity toward others. Opportunities can come for personal, spiritual, and material growth. This is a good time for education, long-distance travel, and legal and business matters.

Saturday and Sunday bring communication skills, a desire for harmony and the ability to compromise. You can effectively share messages and ideas, negotiate, speak in public, chair meetings, convince others, sell products, ask for favors and seek advice. You will be more curious, adaptable, eager to improve your prospects and realistic yet intuitive about your goals. This is the perfect weekend to improve your public image or social media profile.

Gemini Next Week Tarot

The Nine of Swords is often a card about anxiety and fear. Look closely at what you are worried about. Try not to blame people or situations for how you are feeling. Pay attention to your breathing; this helps with a feeling of calmness.  Gemini Next Weekly HoroscopeYou will need to guard against a feeling of anxiety. If you are feeling anxious, look at whether or not any of that is under your power or control (and thus, you could lessen it) or if other things or people in your life contribute to this anxiety. If it is the latter, consider whether something in the relationship can be changed to make it more workable. Something about this time can cause people to feel like their life should be, in some way, “more” or “bigger” than it is. Try to take comfort and joy in ordinary things. That’s where the beauty is.

All Signs for Next Week