GEMINI: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
March 3 to 9, 2025
Monday to Friday brings intense thinking and conversations. The intuitive and penetrating nature of your mind can uncover secrets and plots. Your powerful mind and self-expression make you persuasive when talking to others. You can sell a message and convince others of ideas that others usually fear or are wary of. This week is also good for studies and exams.
Saturday and Sunday, you will subconsciously seek emotional nourishment from familiar people. So, this is a good time for hanging out with friends, having family gatherings and reunions, and sharing memories. Increased intuition and sensitivity to other people’s moods give you good counseling and sales skills. This ability to fit in and be among the crowd is perfect for public relations and politics.
Gemini Tarot
The Knight of Pentacles points to messages, often about money and finance. You are likely to receive news that you’ve waited on finally, and this news is likely to be good. This Knight is a practical card. The news in question is unlikely that you’ve won the lottery. The Knight tells us to pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of our lives. A wise man once said, “Take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place.” The Knight of Pentacles asks you to look at how you handle your affairs and is a grounding influence.