Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023 – Testing the Limits

Full Moon October 2023 Astrology

The Full Moon in October 2023 is powerful because it is a Lunar Eclipse. It is also intense because it aligns with Mercury and Mars, opposite Jupiter. So, the meaning of the Full Moon October 2023 astrology is pushing the limits and testing the boundaries of societal, philosophical and religious standards and beliefs.

The October 2023 Lunar Eclipse may amplify religious extremism, intolerance, persecution and violence. But it also provides perseverance and stoic resilience in the face of hardship, sacrifice and suffering.

Full Moon October 2023 Horoscope

The Full Moon on October 28, 2023, is at 05°09′ Taurus. The striking red lines in the chart below are due to the proximity of Mercury and Mars opposite Jupiter. This planetary alignment has an intense astrological influence because the three aspects (one conjunction and two oppositions) occur within 22 hours.

The Full Moon also occurs within this 22-hour window, only six degrees away. So, the closeness of the Full Moon in both time and space dramatically amplifies the already potent influence of Mercury and Mars opposite Jupiter. And this Full Moon being a Lunar Eclipse adds yet more power.

Full Moon October 2023 Horoscope

Full Moon October 2023 Horoscope

Lunar Eclipse October 2023 Astrology

Like a regular Full Moon, only stronger, the Sun opposite Moon of a Lunar Eclipse brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts will climax during the October 2023 Lunar Eclipse. So, use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an honest and balanced look at your relationships. You will see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

The Constellations

Full Moon October 2023 is in the Sign of Taurus. But as the star map below shows, it is located in the Constellation Aries. The Signs and the Constellations do not match up. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The ecliptic line in the image below matches the degrees in the Full Moon horoscope above. Like the original astrologers, I use the Constellations and fixed stars for interpretation, not the Signs.

Lunar Eclipse October 2023 Astrology

Lunar Eclipse October 2023

  • 04♉18 – Beta Arietis, Sheratan
  • 05♉09 – Lunar Eclipse October 28
  • 05♉34 – Jupiter direct December 30

Constellation Aries the Ram gives an active, independent, enterprising, orderly, dominating and pioneering nature, ambition, determination, courage, good reasoning powers, and the ability to teach, manage and lead others. Challenging aspects make people restless, impatient, impulsive, stubborn, temperamental, rude, inconsiderate, rash, tactless and indiscreet.

With Moon: Self-confident, self-reliant, practical, persistent, mentally quick and not easily defeated. Challenging aspects cause over-sensitivity, obstinance, ill-discipline, temper tantrums, bullying, changeability, unconventional behavior, accidents and many small troubles. [1]

Fixed star Sheratan can bring honors, unexpected gains, good fortune, wealth and leadership ability, but also a mean, immoral, cruel, ruthless and violent nature. [1]

It gives the boldness to be a daredevil, but danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion. [2] Accidents, bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake are possible. [3]

With Moon: An outstanding personality, public preferment, a tendency to dominate, activities attract attention for good or bad, can push their way or bluff their way through any situation, violence is possible. [1]

Mercury and Mars

Mercury conjunct Mars brings quick thinking, decisiveness and agility. It encourages enthusiastic and direct communication and gives the courage to argue your case and defend against harassment or provocation.

The opposition to Jupiter could bring irritability, rash decisions, jumping to conclusions, arguing, fault finding, losing your temper, acting before thinking and hurtful words. Building anger could be channeled into physical exercise, demanding mental work or solving puzzles. Choose your battles carefully.

Fixed star Acrux at 12°11′ Scorpio is conjunct Mercury (1°29′) and Mars (0°48′). It gives perseverance and stoic resilience in the face of hardship and suffering, a deeply religious or spiritual nature, and a love of justice, education, travel, ceremony, the occult, magic and mystery.

But with Mercury and Mars opposite Jupiter, Acrux can cause intrigues, conspiracies, mysteries, serious legal entanglements and the caustic expression of opinions. It could make people miserly, rebellious, radical, ruthless and violent, and give immunity to suffering or a love of seeing or inflicting suffering. Religious hypocrisy, zealotry, elitism, extremism, intolerance, persecution, violence and war are possible.

Mercury and Mars Opposite Jupiter

Mercury opposite Jupiter is good for questioning your plans, ideas, and beliefs. It brings debate and different opinions that push the boundaries of societal, moral, philosophical, legal and religious standards and beliefs.

However, a tendency toward overly optimistic, illogical and intolerant thinking can cause controversy and scandal. There is also the potential for overconfidence, exaggeration, greed, selfishness, immorality, or indiscretion leading to loss or embarrassment.

Mars opposite Jupiter brings the enthusiasm, confidence, desire and courage to compete and win. Success in business, romance, politics, sports and war is possible. But too much bravado and not enough strategy will more likely bring defeat.

Self-control, humility, and patience must be employed. While over-confidence, arrogance, aggression, gambling, greed, boastfulness and extravagance should be avoided.

Jupiter retrograde encourages philosophical and spiritual introspection and reflection. Soul searching may uncover negative behavior impeding growth, such as selfishness, greed, ignorance, intolerance, laziness, excess or addiction.

Jupiter stations direct on December 30, 2023, at 05°34′ Taurus. This is only 25′ from the position of the October 2023 Lunar Eclipse and occurs within this eclipse phase. So again, this closeness in both time and space dramatically amplifies the already potent influence of Mercury and Mars opposite Jupiter.

Full Moon October 2023 Meaning

The Full Moon October 2023 astrology is dominated by opposition aspects. They produce polarities and contradictions that create pressure, tension, repression, blockages and hardship. But oppositions also give inner strength and endurance with some protection and defense. They indicate a waiting stage and preparing for a new cycle, so patience is essential.

The particular polarities and contradictions created by Mercury and Mars opposite Jupiter relate to the truth, the first casualty of war. A polarizing debate, war of words, religious war, the limits of humanitarianism, democracy and laws. Testing the limits and pushing the boundaries of publishing, propaganda, censorship, morality, sexuality, equality, and gender terminology.

The Lunar Eclipse conjunct fixed star Sheratan in the Ram brings impulsiveness, stubbornness, bullying, violence and destruction. At the same time, Mercury and Mars conjunct fixed star Acrux indicates religious hypocrisy, zealotry, elitism, extremism, intolerance, persecution, violence and war. But also perseverance and stoic resilience in the face of hardship, sacrifice and suffering.

Eclipse Phases

Astrologically, a full moon is influenced by the preceding new moon. The October 14 Solar Eclipse quincunx Uranus can bring progressive change and freedom or forced change and chaos. Problems can be solved by using imagination and open-mindedness to overcome polarized thinking.

The influence of the October 14 Solar Eclipse combines with that of the October 28 Lunar Eclipse. They form an eclipse phase that lasts about six months up to the Lunar Eclipse on March 25, 2024.

If the Full Moon October 2023 astrology directly impacts your horoscope decan, you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon October 2023 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – October 28, 1:24 pm
  • New York – October 28, 4:24 pm
  • London – October 28, 9:24 pm
  • Delhi – October 29, 1:54 am
  • Sydney – October 29, 7:24 am

Lunar Eclipse October 2023 Map

The Lunar Eclipse in October 2023 will be completely visible over Europe and most of Asia and Africa, rising over the eastern Americas and setting over Australia.

Lunar Eclipse October 2023 Map

Lunar Eclipse October 2023 Map []

  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.61-63, 320-321.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.6.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.48, 101.