Christchurch Earthquake

Christchurch Earthquake AstrologyThere was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand today, September 4 2010, causing widespread damage, the government has declared a state of emergency. Previously we have looked at charts for major earthquakes in relation to the aspects involving trans-Neptunian planets, especially Sedna and Eris.

“Sedna in astrology may be linked to earth changes. It’s orbital period is very long at over 10,000 years and it is approaching it’s prehelion, coming closer to Earth.” – Planet Sedna Astrology

Sedna again looks to be important in this Christchurch earthquake. It is the action point of a Yod aspect pattern to Mars sextile Ceres. Ceres does seem to have some influence over environment issues. Mars opposite Eris ties this other trans- Neptunian into the configuration.

Eclipse Path

This map from NASA shows the path of the July 2010 Solar Eclipse just touching New Zealand.

That eclipse was at 19.24 Cancer, and the Ascendant for the Earthquake is 19.24 Cancer! The Ascendant is most important in astrology, it is the star rising on the eastern horizon for that time and place.

Eclipse map courtesy of Fred Espenak – NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

* “Effection self-government in New Zealand began with the coming into effect of the Constitution Act on 17 January 1853, probably at 00:00 hrs.” The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition), Nicholas Campion, p.265.

UPDATE February 22 2011 – Christchurch NZ was hit by another major earthquake today, 12:51 pm, magnitude 6.3. A quick look at the chart shows a stellium of planets in late Aquarius, early Pisces. Venus is on the DC of the 2010 quake. Jupiter is square Pluto. Uranus is square the Lunar Nodes, and square the December 2010 lunar eclipse degree.

Horoscope for New Zealand is based on the signing of the constitution in 1853*.

For the September quake, the lunar eclipse was conjunct the NZ Mercury and Saturn was square Mercury. Today, Jupiter is square the NZ Mercury.

For todays quake, the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse was conjunct North Node, opposite Venus. This means that today, the lunar eclipse and the North Node are conjunct the New Zealand North Node. In fact the exact return of the North Node is today 1:03 pm (precessed). Uranus is also square the North Node (exact on March 4). Back in September, Jupiter was square the NZ North Node.


UPDATE December 23 2011 – Yet another earthquake in Christchurch today. “Christchurch has just been hit by a major aftershock, after a “vicious” 5.8 quake hit the city at 1.58pm this afternoon.” Major aftershock hits Christchurch.