Capricorn December 2023 Horoscope

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Capricorn December 2023 Horoscope

Capricorn December 2023 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Capricorn Decan 1, December 22 to 31
   Capricorn Decan 2, January 1 to 10
   Capricorn Decan 3, January 11 to 19

Capricorn Decan 1 – December 2023 Horoscope

November 27 to December 12 – Full Moon November 2023 quincunx your decan can cause mood swings and an inability to relax and find natural harmony in relationships. Rising stress and tension can make you feel anxious, insecure and uncertain. Learning to adjust, compromise, and adapt your behavior will restore emotional balance and help avoid a crisis.

November 30 to December 23 – Mercury in your decan brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Mercury retrograde from December 13 can feel like déjà vu and bring unexpected meetings with people from your past. However, it can also bring challenging news, communication problems and travel disruptions. Business negotiations may be in flux, and some crucial details may not be available. It also means you will have this same transit again in January 2024.

March 2023 to March 2024 – Saturn sextile your decan gives patience, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. These attributes, a sense of duty, and a committed attitude make this an excellent time to meet your goals. Opportunities for advancement and recognition are possible.

November 30 to December 4 – Mercury sextile Saturn on December 4 brings clear thinking, self-discipline, good judgment and concentration. Business negotiations are favored, especially long-term investments and real estate. Discussions will be serious and productive. The people you interact with may be much older or younger than you. You will come across as knowledgeable and respected.

December 3 to 13 – Venus sextile your decan brings new opportunities with love and money. You should be more eager to show your love and affection for someone special. Excellent social skills make this a good time for dating and making friends. Compliments, gifts, and favors are possible.

December 3 to 7 – Venus trine Saturn on the 5th is excellent for achieving stability in your love life. There will be no illusions, and you will have realistic expectations. A significant new relationship may begin. It could be with a much younger or older person and have a strongly fated quality. This is also a good time for business and professional relationships because of mutual trust and understanding.

November 2023 to February 2024 – Jupiter trine your decan brings personal growth, good luck and happiness. Feeling very optimistic, you will be keen to experience all you can. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons.

December 5 to 20 – Mercury trine Jupiter on the 7th (direct) and the 18th (retrograde) brings optimism, generosity, tolerance, good luck, and good news. Quick thinking, cheerfulness, good instincts and open-mindedness are excellent for socializing, researching, traveling and studying. Making friends comes easy, and mutually beneficial partnerships can prove profitable.

December 8 to 13 – Mercury sextile Venus on the 11th brings harmony to your relationships and is excellent for socializing, making friends and dating. This is a good time to negotiate and bargain, but you can also talk with loved ones about sensitive issues without causing embarrassment or defensive reactions. Creative skills are enhanced, especially with your hands and your voice.

December 19 to 22 – Mercury sextile Saturn again on the 21st brings self-discipline, serious thinking, and excellent concentration and organizing skills. With a focused mind, you can see large-scale plans come to fruition. Increased mental toughness helps you deal with complex issues caused by Mercury retrograde.

December 20 to January 1 – Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself. Your birthday focuses on you and your goals for the year ahead. So, draw a line under the previous year and start fresh. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want and your goals and get started.

December 21 to 23 – Sun conjunct Mercury on the 22nd brings quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect more personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, schools, and the internet. This alignment has a generally positive influence on your thinking and communications. But with Mercury still retrograde, remember to check all the details before making critical decisions or signing contracts.

December 22 to 26 – Sun sextile Saturn on the 24th provides self-discipline, patience, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. You can reach your long-term goals and complete complex and demanding tasks. Professional advancement, respect and recognition are possible. Younger people may seek out your wisdom, and this is also a good time to ask for advice from professionals and your elders.

December 25 to 29 – Sun trine Jupiter on the 27th is the best time of the month for starting new things and trying to get ahead. It makes you confident, happy, optimistic, generous and lucky. Opportunities for wealth, success and spiritual growth are possible through education, long-distance travel, business deals and legal matters.

December 26 to January 11 – Full Moon December 2023 opposite your decan increases your desire to accomplish great things and succeed. But different areas of your life may work in different directions, and you may become emotionally sensitive. The key to success is compromise and cooperation.

Capricorn Decan 2 – December 2023 Horoscope

November 13 to December 12 – New Moon November 2023 sextile your decan increases your power and influence, which helps in self-promotion and achieving goals. Any problems should be easier to solve, and previous resistance should fade. This is a good time for starting new relationships and asking for favors.

November 2023 to March 2024 – Uranus trine your decan allows you to make essential changes in your life without the usual disruption that significant changes often bring. Stimulating change and inner excitement means you can express a more bubbly side of your personality. There will be opportunities to meet new people from varied backgrounds. Because of Uranus retrograde, this is just the tail end of the same transit you had from April 2021 to June 2023. It will mainly affect those born on January 9 and 10.

December 10 to 13 – Sun quincunx Uranus on the 12th gives a yearning for something new or exciting. You can harness your imaginative ability, insight and higher awareness to make things happen. Positive change and exciting opportunities are possible. Being flexible and open-minded will bring better results than being too daring, impulsive or rebellious.

December 12 to January 11 – New Moon December 2023 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. You will objectively gather new information until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get there. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances.

December 12 to 22 – Venus sextile your decan brings new opportunities with love and money. You should be more eager to show your love and affection for someone special. Excellent social skills make this a good time for dating and making friends. Compliments, gifts, and favors are possible.

December 19 to 22 – Venus opposite Uranus on the 21st can give a need for change, excitement and freedom. This is a good time to socialize and make new friends. An electric or kinky attractiveness could lead to love at first sight and a thrilling new romance. However, risky, rebellious or erratic behavior should be avoided. Experimentation can lead to creative breakthroughs and trend-setting fashion styles.

December 30 to January 11 – Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself. Your birthday focuses on you and your goals for the year ahead. So, draw a line under the previous year and start fresh. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want and your goals and get started.

Capricorn Decan 3 – December 2023 Horoscope

November 13 to December 12 – New Moon November 2023 sextile your decan increases your power and influence, which helps in self-promotion and achieving goals. Any problems should be easier to solve, and previous resistance should fade. This is a good time for starting new relationships and asking for favors.

November 25 to December 5 – Venus square your decan increases your need for love and affection but can also create friction in relationships. Extra effort and understanding are needed to maintain harmony. Inner tension can be channeled constructively into creative work, or it could force you out of your comfort zone to seek new experiences.

June 2023 to January 2024 – Pluto in your decan heralds significant life-changing experiences. Events that result in loss or separation are possible, but only if those things stand in the way of being true to yourself. Although intense and full of change, this period brings significant personal and professional advancement. Because of Pluto retrograde, this is the tail end of the transit, which began in 2018, and it should only affect those born from January 17 to 19.

December 1 to 5 – Venus square Pluto on the 3rd could see power struggles in love relationships as simmering tensions surface. An unhealthy relationship may suffer, but a well-based relationship will withstand the intensity. Instant attraction is possible that could lead to an intense new romance. But it would be best to remain alert to the risk of manipulation, stalking, secrecy, jealousy, and possessiveness.

December 12 to January 11 – New Moon December 2023 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. You will objectively gather new information until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get there. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances.

December 20 to 30 – Venus sextile your decan brings new opportunities with love and money. You should be more eager to show your love and affection for someone special. Excellent social skills make this a good time for dating and making friends. Compliments, gifts, and favors are possible.

2021 to 2025 – Neptune sextile your decan heightens your sensitivity and ability to read people and situations. A strong intuition, psychic ability, and vivid dreams will bring inspiring insights leading to greater self-understanding and contentment. Your relationships will benefit from greater empathy and a shared understanding.

December 23 to 27 – Venus trine Neptune on the 25th is perfect for relaxing and daydreaming. Your love life will benefit from increased tenderness, romance and spirituality. A strong sense of compassion and desire to serve are ideal for helping people in need. This is also a good time for art, music, watching movies, entertaining visitors and beautifying your surroundings.

December 27 to 30 – Venus sextile Pluto on the 29th makes companionship more important. If single, you may become more determined to meet someone. A new romance would be intense and life-transforming. An existing relationship can become more passionate, intense or profound through sexual exploration or sharing secrets. You can also dynamically express your hidden creative talents.

May 2023 to May 2026 – Uranus trine your decan, which allows you to make essential changes in your life without the usual disruption that significant changes often bring. Stimulating change and inner excitement means you can express a more bubbly side of your personality. There will be opportunities to meet new people from varied backgrounds.

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