Fixed Star Antares

Antares at 09°46′ Sagittarius has an orb of 2°40′
Scorpius Constellation

Scorpius Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Antares on December 2

Fixed star Antares, Alpha Scorpii, is a variable double star in the Heart of the Scorpion, Scorpius Constellation. It is the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky with a variable apparent visual magnitude of +0.6 down to +1.6 (average 0.91). Spectral type M1.5Iab-Ib.

The traditional name Antares is from the Ancient Greek Άντάρης, which means anti-Ares, or the rival of Mars, because of its similar color to the red planet. In Babylonian from at least 1100 BCE, Antares was called GABA GIR.TAB, “the Breast of the Scorpion.” In MUL.APIN, (1100 and 700 BC), it denotes the breast of the Scorpion goddess Ishhara. In ancient Mesopotamia, it was Urbat, Bilu-sha-ziri (“the Lord of the Seed”), Kak-shisa (“the Creator of Prosperity”), Dar Lugal (“The King”), Masu Sar (“the Hero and the King”), and Kakkab Bir (“the Vermilion Star”). In Persia Antares was known as Satevis, one of the four “royal stars”.

16♐0916♐51Ras Algethi1°50′

Antares Astrology

According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter. Alvidas gives Jupiter sextile Venus, but this is unlikely considering the decidedly martial and malefic nature of the star. It causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, broad-mindedness, evil presages and danger of fatality and makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy. [1]

Anonymous of 379 AD said Antares is like Jupiter and Mars. [6] The spectral type M1.5 indicates a Saturn nature.

α Scorpii. A binary star, red and green, on the Scorpion’s body. “The Rival of Mars.” Spectral class MO.  This star gives the native a keen mentality, courage, sudden happenings, unforeseen events, accidents, liberal tendencies, self-destruction, broad-mindedness, and violence. [7]

Antares in the constellation of Scorpio is, as its name Ant-ares says, of Martian nature, but to this Mars nature, powers of Mercury, Jupiter and also Saturn are added. Antares makes people tough, belligerent and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel and is said to convey mental alertness, strategic ability and courage and to make daredevils, especially if tied up with the Midheaven, Ascendant, Sun or Jupiter.

According to tradition, Antares is of violent character and is credited with being significant for a violent death, either in battle or by the process of law. On the other hand, danger may come about by fire, weapons or machinery.

Antares was conjunction Ascendant in the birth charts of Ghandi, who died by assassination; General Schleicher, murdered by Hitler; and Helen Keller. A conjunction with the MC has been recorded with boxer Ten Hoff and Bormann, a minister under Hitler. A conjunction with the Sun can be found in the charts of British Prime Minister Churchill, Field-Marshall Kesselring, and the former Reichsarschall Goering. Antares was conjunction the Moon of Copernicus and bound up with the lunar Node and Moon of the philosopher Nietzche, who, at age 45, became an imbecile. The Austrian Kulturphilisoph, Rudolf Kassner, was born when the fixed star was conjunction Mars. Because he contracted infantile paralysis, he had to use crutches all his life. [2]

The prime star of Scorpio is Antares, a name meaning ‘Rival to Mars’. In the night sky, it is often more visible than Mars itself. In Babylon, it was Urbat in the asterism Hurrus, Divine Protector. The Babylonian title brings us to this star’s role as one of the four Archangel stars: Fomalhaut – Gabriel, Aldebaran – Michael, Regulus – Raphael, and now Antares – Uriel. The City of Ur, where Abraham was born, is said to have been the first city to be built after the Great Disaster and was given the name of Earth itself: Urs. That city stood close to the site of later Babylon itself, not too far from modern Baghdad. Uriel, the Archangel not mentioned in the sacred texts made available to the public, was the one who held the secret knowledge of the Great Disaster and only revealed it to those judged able to accept it and still believe in the Divine Goodness in all that befalls us. Again, this is so very Scorpio in nature that one cannot miss or deride its ring of truth.

Ptolemy classified Antares as a Mars-Jupiter type, and all astrologers have noted it as an indicator of success in war and high command therein, but not forgetting that one’s opponent may have the support of Aldebaran, the star opposite to this one, and star of Archangel Michael, commander of the Heavenly Host itself! What does tend to show up when these two stars are both engaged on the horoscope is a conflict, either the starting date of the war or the natal charts of the leaders, is that peace rarely ensues before the total and crushing defeat of one side or the other. And it is a war that escalates to huge proportions, even to a world scale, as aggressive Mars is precedence over expansive Jupiter would imply.

But war is not the only outlet for the symbolism of Antares, and it indicates just as often the individual’s great store of energy and optimism to undertake ventures that others could not attempt. According to the planets involved and the house on the horoscope where Antares is found, such ventures can include anything from sports achievements and exploration of Antarctica or the Moon to diplomacy of the most hazardous kind or scientific research at the extremes of human knowledge and ability. [3]

In classical astrology, Antares is the star of war and weaponry, and with expounded meaning, to challenge the established opposing politics (an arena common to the Antares / Aldebaran axis) with tenacious adamancy. This is especially in regard to taking a stand against the established conditions of our personal lives and against the established order or authority directing our lives when those conditions or that authority are no longer in our best interest nor supporting our evolutionary freedom and fulfillment.

However, it is only the less aware whom mistake this power point in the ecliptic to mean fight or destroy what one still perceives as forces outside of self required to combat. Antares marks a point of empowerment in sidereal Scorpio, a point of immanation. Those who have embraced their initiations and claimed their self-empowerment, who have graduated from playing victim in the entrapments common to the claws of the Scorpion, and who have learned to take responsibility for their reality, which occurs at the head of the Scorpion, this is a place of self-empowerment. Here at the Heart of the Scorpion, one claims their immanace, the inseparable nature of life, having reconciled the forces within and without, who knows of their oneness and of the inseparable permeability of the Creation Force—as is exemplified by Ophiuchus, who demonstrably stands over the Scorpion, the exemplar of this wisdom.

Either way, Antares motivates us to take responsibility for our reality, for the lives we create, and to “take a stand” for our truth and live it. Prominent alignments with the Antares-Aldebaran axis often indicate involvement in areas of politics and business. [8]

Antares rules the right side of the third vertebra from the bottom (fifth lumbar). [5]

Agrippa1531 corScorpii.png  Antares is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a man armed with a coat of mail, or a scorpion. It gives understanding and memory, helps against evil spirits, and the power to drive them away and binding them. Rules sardonyx, amethyst, long aristolochy and saffron. [1]

Constellation Scorpius

The Scorpio was the dreaded symbol of darkness in the region of the Euphrates. Comets in this region of the sky were said to portend plagues of “reptiles” (read as locusts or other insects harmful to agriculture). In Classical Scientific Astrology, the fruitful nature of Scorpio was mentioned. This attribute also applies to the constellation. The constellation of the Scorpion has been considered unlucky from earliest antiquity. [2]

Antares Star, Alpha Scorpii

Antares Star, Alpha Scorpii [Wikipedia]

Fixed Star Antares Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Antares: Riches and honor, military honor and preferment, violence, sickness, benefits seldom last. [1]

Mental alertness, strategic ability and courage to make daredevils. Unfortunate for the eyes. [2]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Illustrious generals who subjugate regions and cities and peoples, govern, are inclined to act, are submissive, speak frankly, have a taste for fighting, and carry out their purposes. They are effective, virile, victorious, harm their enemies, are opulent and perhaps very rich, big-minded and ambitious, and they generally do not die a happy death; moreover, lovers of hunting, connoisseurs and owners of horses and quadrupeds. [6]

Jacob Schiff 0°01′ (and Mars), Friedrich Nietzsche 0°36′ (and Moon, N.Node), Matthew Manning 1°56′ (and POF), Pete Hegseth 2°17′, Marguerite de Navarre 2°21′, Mark Ruffalo 2°22′.

Midheaven conjunct Antares: Honor, preferment and good fortune, military honor and preferment. [1]

Mental alertness, strategic ability and courage and to make daredevils. [2]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Illustrious generals, who subjugate regions and cities and peoples, govern, are inclined to act, are submissive, speak frankly, have a taste for fighting, and carry out their purposes. They are effective, virile, victorious, harm their enemies, are opulent and perhaps very rich, big-minded and ambitious, and they generally do not die a happy death; moreover, lovers of hunting, connoisseurs and owners of horses and quadrupeds. [6]

Pablo Escobar 0°12′, Jay Leno 0°15′, Abraham Lincoln 0°20′, Carl Blumenreuter 0°31′ (and POF, North Node), Albert Kesselring 0°42′, Pierre-Auguste Renoir 0°46′, Khloé Kardashian 0°48′ (and Uranus), Yves Saint Laurent 1°19′, Adam Driver 1°25′ (and Mercury, Uranus), Anton LaVey 1°32′, Heinrich Himmler 1°41′ (and Jupiter, Uranus), Meghan Trainor 1°56′, Pablo Neruda 2°12′, Whoopi Goldberg 2°15′ (and Venus). 

Descendant conjunct Antares: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [6]

Jeane Dixon 0°39′, Queen Victoria 1°17′, Will Smith 1°39′, Phil Spector 2°30′, Kristen Stewart 2°33′ (and POF).

Nadir conjunct Antares: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [6]

Part of Fortune conjunct Antares: Poverty. [1]

Jim Bakker 0°04′ net worth in 2020: $800, 000, Matt Dillon 0°04′ net worth in 2020: $35 million, Andreas Baader 0°05′ died poor, H. P. Lovecraft 0°06′ (and Mars) died poor, Arsenio Hall 0°09′ net worth in 2020: $20 million, Paul Simon 0°16′ net worth in 2020: $80 million, Francis Galton 0°17′, Shirley Conran 0°20′ net worth in 2020: $42 million, Lao She 0°22′ (and Uranus) died poor, Carl Blumenreuter 0°31′ (and MC, N.Node), Al Parker 0°34′, Doris Day 0°35′, Adolf Eichmann 0°39′, Matthew Manning 0°39′ (and AC), Esther Ralston 0°40′, Kenneth Williams 0°41′, Sigmund Freud 0°45′ Marguerite Duras 0°46′, David Cameron 0°55′, Carol Channing 0°56′, Billy Corgan 1°02′, Milton Brown 1°36′, Karen Carpenter 1°36′, Richard Gasquet 1°42′, Princess Caroline of Hanover 1°48′ (and Saturn), Willy Brandt 2°04′ (and Mercury), Humphrey Davy 2°12′ (and Moon), Édouard Manet 2°15′, Jane Austin 2°15′ (and Mercury), Vladimir Nabokov 2°21′ (and Uranus), Kristen Stewart 2°29′ (and DC), Gen Paul 2°37′.

Sun conjunct Antares: Pretended religion, insincere, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, military preferment, the danger of treachery, violence committed or suffered, fevers and sickness, injuries to the right eye, violent death. If rising or culminating, great honor through violence attended by difficulties and casualties. If with Mars also, pestilential disease. [1]

Mental alertness, strategic ability and courage to make daredevils. Unfortunate for the eyes. [2]

This is a great ‘caution’ conjunction! Natives can gain high preferment, and suddenly, the rug can be pulled from them – natives from less than desirable environments can have sudden and unexpected violence either thrust upon them or they will be the perpetrators. There may be many honors, but there is the danger of violent situations to or around the native. This conjunction gives to those who deserve it. Generally, this conjunction can produce grandly liberal persons. The native can gain high honors, riches, gain preferment in writing, martial, and politics. Possible legal problems, which could be endless. [7]

Mark Twain 0°06′, Pablo Escobar 0°07′, Zoë Kravitz 0°09′ (and Mercury), Woody Allen 0°10′, Winston Churchill 0°17′, Gianni Versace 0°24′, William Blake 0°29′, Britney Spears 0°32′, Andrew Tate 0°39′ (and Saturn), Marina Abramović 1°02′.

Moon conjunct Antares: Popular, broad-minded, interested in philosophy, science and metaphysics, liable to change religious opinions, influential friends, favorable for business and domestic matters, active in local affairs, great power, honor and wealth but benefits may not prove lasting, the danger of violence, sickness, drowning or assassination. Liable to blindness or eye injuries, especially if at the same time Mars or Saturn are with Regulus. If Saturn is with Aldebaran, there is the danger of a violent death, probably by hanging; but if Mars is with Aldebaran, death by a stab, blow or fall, especially if in angles. [1]

High preferment in occult, martial, sports and matters dealing with public affairs. The native gains influential friends who will come to their assistance. Possible to change religious opinions and affiliations. This conjunction is good for business matters. There is the possibility of chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness with this conjunction. The negative nativities will be more affected by self-destruction and violence. Generally, any benefits the native receives under this conjunction are not of a lasting nature; however, there is the possibility of great power, authority, and wealth. [7]

Unfortunate for the eyes. [2]

A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [6]

Pablo Picasso 0°06′, Zoë Kravitz 0°09′ (and Mercury), Humphrey Davy 0°31′ (and POF), Michael Jordan 0°45′, Alice Cooper 1°17′, Friedrich Nietzsche 1°56′ (and AC, N.Node), Yoko Ono 2°18′

Moon and Ascendant or Midheaven conjunct Antares: Honor and preferment but many dangers and calamities. [1]

Friedrich Nietzsche 1°56′ (and AC, N.Node).

Mercury conjunct Antares: Suspicious, wrongfully accuses friends, unpopular, uses ecclesiastic influence in business, money obtained slowly and with much difficulty, the danger of sickness to the native and his family, and death of a relative at home or away. [1]

The native may develop a suspicious attitude and, if so, can wrongfully make accusations. More advanced natives will make use of humor to offset this negative factor in this conjunction. If the native is religious, they will make use of their religion for business purposes. These natives, of a negative nature, can be plagued with many problems. [7]

Uri Geller 0°15′, Jane Austin 0°24′ (and POF), Adam Driver 1°07′ (and Uranus, MC), Steven Spielberg 1°12′, Marie Curie 1°16′, Vito Genovese 1°48′, Albert Camus 1°48′, Willy Brandt 2°10′

Venus conjunct Antares: Insincere, dishonest, energetic and able but selfish. [1]

Positive nativities are able, selfish and energetic. They gain friends because of their knowledge and capabilities. Negative nativities have the same traits but are subject to impulsiveness, sudden decisions, and possibly self-destruction. Both positive and negative nativities are subject to domestic and romantic problems. This conjunction can bring the native to the brink of self-destruction unless the native is strong enough to avoid and recover from disaster. Generally, they require assistance. [7]

Whoopi Goldberg 0°24′ (and MC), Erwin Rommel 0°36′, Jimi Hendrix 1°21′, Diego Maradona 1°24′, Michael Landon 1°32′, Max Götze 1°50′, Jimmy Page 1°54′, Vespasian 2°13′.

Mars conjunct Antares: Detrimental habits powerfully affecting the life, quarrels with friends and relatives, fairly favorable for gain. If, at the same time, the Moon is with Aldebaran, there is the danger of death by sword or hanging. [1]

The native is subject to being misunderstood by their friends and relatives and is subject to differences, but not of a lasting nature. Self-destruction is possible. Natives should learn not to get involved in senseless controversy. [7]

If associated with Mars, courage is said to become foolhardiness, leading to increased dangers. Natives with this particular configuration have to be prepared at all times for sudden incidents and unforeseen events, and potential accidents. [2]

This brings brutality, and the person is in a rage over many things. This individual can even feel the rage at the bottom of their spine as this energy comes up the spine, causing energized adrenal glands. They are enraged over the philosophies of society, such as the court system, religious disciplines and the government. They are enraged over any limitations, those limiting structures in the home, work, the government, religions and the military. They do not understand what their problem really is. They just know they are angered at everything. They respond to incidents that are trivial to others with chaos and aggression. They are especially destructive to those close to them, for they are the ones who receive the greatest anger. These natives are never in a calm state and will literally beat anyone down who gets in the way. They do not feel any remorse or sorrow after hurting another being; they absolutely lack compassion. [5]

Arthur Koestler 0°02′, Jacob Schiff 0°29′ (and AC), Ilhan Omar 0°47′, Bruce McLaren 1°47′ (and N.Node), Mariah Carey 2°19′, H. P. Lovecraft 2°28′ (and POF)

Jupiter conjunct Antares: Great religious zeal, real or pretended, ecclesiastical preferment, a tendency to hypocrisy, benefits through relatives. [1]

High preferment in martial, politics, religion, finance and all matters dealing with the public. These natives have a tendency to be hypocritical. They can exhibit great zeal, pretended or not. [7]

Mental alertness, strategic ability and courage and to make daredevils. [2]

Heinrich Himmler 0°36′ (and Uranus, MC), Alan Turing 0°37′, Nero 1°51′, Nicolaus Copernicus 2°08′

Saturn conjunct Antares: Materialistic, dishonest through circumstances created by the environment, religious hypocrisy, many disappointments, loss through quarrels and legal affairs, trouble through enemies, many failures, hampered by relatives, unfavorable for domestic matters, much sickness to and sorrow from children. If, at the same time, the Moon is with Aldebaran, the danger of death by sword or hanging. [1]

(1° orb): This planet restricts mobility, and these natives generally end up walking with a cane. Their nerves are usually shortened so that one leg is slightly shorter than the other, causing them to walk with a limp. This is painful, but the cane offers support so that the pain is bearable. They eventually have more pain due to an imbalance of the spine caused by an interrupted blood flow at that point. Taking small amounts of garlic daily would help the nerves through the area and stimulate the energy flow. Deep within themselves, these people do not like to participate in daily activities. They do not like to help others, and there is a subconscious dilemma that brings on this blockage. They like to feel they are too good or too self-righteous and above others to participate in normal day-to-day activities. These persons use their restrictions in mobility to place themselves above others. [5]

Paul Cézanne 0°03′, Hubertus Strughold 0°33′, M. C. Escher 0°39′, Amber Heard 0°49′, Julius Evola 1°26′, Drake 2°03′, Andrew Tate 2°14′ (and Sun), Megan Fox 2°17′, Princess Caroline of Hanover 2°20′ (and POF).

Uranus conjunct Antares: Abnormal and extreme ideas, hypocritical, lies and exaggerates, extremely socialistic, incites to riot, lawlessness and anarchism and in danger of imprisonment on this account, occasional poverty, disharmony with relatives, more than one marriage, unfavorable for children, violent death. [1]

This causes spasms through the sciatic nerve and down through part of the thigh. It is not painful, but it is unstable as the person will shake slightly when they try to put weight on that side. Hops would be of great help and should be taken three times per week in an herb tea such as chamomile, which would relax the muscles. [5]

JD Vance 0°05′, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 0°20′, Otto von Bismarck 0°25′, Adam Driver 0°55′ (and Mercury, MC), Lao She 0°56′ (and POF), Khloé Kardashian 0°59′ (and MC), Vladimir Nabokov 0°59′ (and POF), Heinrich Himmler 1°09′ (and Jupiter, MC), Martin Bormann 1°26′ (and N. Node), Katy Perry 1°52′, Ben Shapiro 2°23′, Kate Bosworth 2°28′.

Neptune conjunct Antares: Shrewd, cunning, unbalanced and mentally unsound, secretive but apparently candid, dishonest, a tendency to theft, economical, untruthful, strange religious ideas, evil environment, gain through hard work, sudden and unexpected death brought about by treachery or through enemies who will escape retribution. [1]

Abraham Lincoln 0°24′, Charles Darwin 0°24′, Sarah Paulson 0°32′ (and N. Node), Leonardo DiCaprio 0°49′, Angelina Jolie 0°54′, Mel B 1°04′, David Beckham 1°46′, Drew Barrymore 2°16′

Pluto conjunct Antares: Hunter Schafer 0°38′, Mikey Madison 0°42′, Nostradamus 0°46′ (DD).

North Node conjunct Antares: Sarah Paulson 0°04′ (and Neptune), Friedrich Nietzsche 0°35′ (and AC, Moon), Leonardo DiCaprio 0°57′, Carl Blumenreuter 1°02′ (and MC, POF), Pablo Picasso 1°17′, Ariana Grande 1°18′, Tom Hanks 1°37′, Bruce McLaren 1°52′ (and Mars), Franklin D. Roosevelt 2°25′, Martin Bormann 2°31′ (and Uranus).

South Node conjunct Antares: David Bowie 0°44′, Jenna Ortega 1°07′, Andy Warhol 1°45′, Che Guevara 1°46′, Leopold II of Belgium 2°10′.

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.136, 234.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.70-71.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.82-84.
  4. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.105-107.
  5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.47.
  6. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.
  7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.168-170.
  8. The Astronomy and Astrology of Quaoar, Nick Anthony Fiorenza (archived).
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.